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学年高中英语译林版选修7学案Unit 4 Section ⅣWord文件下载.docx

1、5pedestrian6.aggressive7.fine8.drunk9.violate10.load11.cyclist12.reservation13.turning看单词学构词ive作后缀表示“所属的,有关的”例如:productive生产性的,多产的;exclusive排他的;demonstrative证明的,论证的根据提示补全下列短语1speed _ (使)加速2wash_ 冲走3_ repair 在修理中4be aware _ 意识到5be true _ 符合;对适用6in connection _ 和有关7result _ 导致8watch out _ 密切注意9_ parti

2、cular 尤其;特别10_ good condition 状况良好【答案】1.up2.away3.under4.of5.of 6.with7.in8.for9.in10.in根据提示补全下列教材原句1Part of the road is still _.部分道路仍在修理中。2_ the frequent rapid ferries to ports in Weihai and Yantai,there are also slower ferries to Shanghai and Qinhuangdao.除了到威海港和烟台港的很多的快速渡轮外,还有去往上海和秦皇岛的慢速渡轮。3Some c

3、yclists make the assumption _, but this is not true.有些骑自行车的人认为交通规则不适用于他们,但是这是不对的。4_, cyclists should walk next to their bicycles to avoid causing any accidents.当在人行道上时,骑自行车的人应推着自行车走,以避免事故的发生。5_ that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.要确保道路安全、避免事故,一切都取决于道路使用者。【答案】1.under repair2.In

4、 addition to3.that traffic laws do not apply to them4.When on the pavement5.It is up to all of us road users to make sure阅读P62P63课文,并从四个选项中选择最佳答案1How can a cyclist prevent a traffic accident?ARiding too close to vehicles.BSignalling when turning onto the correct side of the road.CRiding along the pa

5、vement.DRiding with overloads.2What shouldnt a pedestrian do when he crosses the road?ALooking both ways.BListening for cars.CRunning across the road.DWaiting for green lights.3Why can speaking on the phone while driving cause accidents?APhones have a bad effect on engines.BDrivers cant see the poli

6、ce.CDrivers like to do two things at the same time.DDrivers cant devote themselves to two things at the same time.4Which of the following statements is NOT true?ACyclists should always signal when they ride bikes.BWhen on the pavement, cyclists should walk next to their bikes.COne cyclist should oft

7、en check and repair his bike.DAll of the road users should pay attention to road safety.5The purpose of this passage is mainly to_.Amake people aware of traffic problems and give advice on how to solve themBconclude the solutions to traffic problemsCanalyze the causes of traffic problemsDblame the t

8、raffic problems on vehicle drivers【答案】1.B2.C3.D4.A5.A阅读P62P63课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式The number of road accidents and the deaths caused by them 1._(increase) over the past year.So 2._ is necessary for us all to be aware 3._ the importance of obeying traffic rules because accidents affect driv

9、ers of vehicles as well as 4._ (cycle) and pedestrians.On the one hand, when drivers drive cars, they must pay attention to 5._(surround) traffic and be patient if held up by a traffic jam.They mustnt speak on phones when 6._(drive) and mustnt drink any alcohol before driving.And theyd better drive

10、7._ a proper speed.On the other hand, some accidents 8._(relate) to cyclists and pedestrians.They 9._(usual) think traffic rules have nothing to do with them,which is of course wrong.It is up to all of us to prevent accidents to make people 10._(safely)【答案】1.has increased2.it3.of4.cyclists5.surround

11、ing6.driving7.at8.are related reservation n预订,预约;(教材P59)There are many flights to Dalian, and the city has good air connections with most large cities in China, but you need to make reservations in advance.有很多航班飞往大连,大连与中国大多数大城市之间都有航线,但你得提前订票。(1)make a reservation 预订have/express reser

12、vations about. 对表示疑问,对保留意见without reservation 毫无保留地(2)reserve v. 预订;保留n. 储备(量);自然保护区;替补队员be reserved for 为保留/留出,留给用in reserve 备用I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这份工作。Ive made a reservation for you on the morning flight.我为你预订了早上的航班。Im sorry to tell you this sea

13、t is_reserved(reserve) for the old woman.抱歉地告诉你这个座位是留给那位老妇人的。 speed up(使)加速(教材P59)A new service has just opened between Beijing and Dalian and this has speeded up travel between the two cities.北京与大连之间刚刚开通了一条新的(火车)交通线,这样就大大提高了两市间的旅行速度。speed v 快速前行;加速;促进n. 速度at high/low/full speed 以高/低/全速at a speed of

14、. 以速度with all speed 全速pick up/reduce speed 加/减速Extreme care is always needed when flying at high speed.高速飞行时总是需要非常小心。The train began to pick up speed.火车开始加速。 【导学号:25000024】 departure n离开,出发;(教材P59)Check timetables for departure and arrival times.核对(列车运行)时刻表来获取(列车)离开和到达的时间。(1)take ones departure 离开;启

15、程(2)depart v. 离开;depart from 从离开;depart for 动身去The basketball team will depart for Qinghai tomorrow.篮球队明天将动身去青海。In his speech, the President departed from his text only once.总统演讲时,只有一次脱开了演讲稿。 arise vi.出现,产生(教材P62)The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased

16、over the past year.在过去的一年里,道路事故及由此造成的死亡人数均有所增长。Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.身体上的问题可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。明辨异同arise/rise/raisearise(arose;arisen)vi.表示问题、困难等“出现,产生”;表示“起床,起身”时较正式。rise(rose;risen)vi.表示“升起;增高”,说明主语自身移向较高位置,通常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、河水、温度、物价、职位等。raise(raised;raised)vt.表示“举起;提出

17、;抚养;筹集”。(arise,rise,raise)The companys losses this year _ almost entirely from the poor management.Lets _ glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.As the sun _ in the sky the temperature climbed.【答案】ariseraiserose名师点津arise的主语多为以下抽象名词:argument/problem/ question/quarrel/movement。 violate vt.违

18、犯,违反;(教材P62)If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks or are drunk, you are violating the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others.如果你酒后或醉酒开车,那么你是在犯法并且危及自己和他人的生命。(1)violate human rights 违反人权(2)violation n. 违反;违背in violation of 违反(3)violator n. 违背者;违反者It was reported t

19、hat the book violated human rights.据报道这本书的内容违反了人权。They were in open violation(violate) of the treaty.他们公然违反条约。 load n负荷,负载;大量,许多vt.装载,装上,装入(教材P63)Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control.用自行车带上重物使得车子难以控制。a load ofloads of 许多(后接可数/不可数名词)take a load off ones m

20、ind 消除某人的精神负担,使某人如释重负load (up) .with sth. 把某物装上load sth.into/onto. 把某物装入/到里be loaded with. 装满了The good news has taken a load off my mind.这个好消息消除了我的精神负担。The band got a load of/loads of complaints about the loud music at night.因为夜间吵闹的音乐声,这支乐队遭受了很多埋怨。They loaded her with many gifts.他们送了她很多礼物。.语境填词1It i

21、s suggested that any company that _ environmental laws should be closed for their clear _.(violate)2I forgot to tell you I have made a _ because it is a good idea to _ a table in advance at this time of a year.Then we can have a _ table when we get there.(reserve)3His flight _ at noon and his parent

22、s felt lonely because of his _ .(depart)4I told him to take the first _ on the right,but he _ left!(turn)5What we _ would expect our _ path to be like?(cycle)【答案】1.violates;violation2.reservation;reserve;reserved3.departed;departure4turning;turned5.cyclists;cycling.选词填空arise from,be aimed at,be awar

23、e of,speed up,wash away,under repair,watch out,be true of1We felt his sympathy _ a kind heart.2It _ stopping the black market.3The same _ all other cases.4_ you _ these complaints?5_ for the dog because it often bites little children. 【导学号:25000025】【答案】1.arising aimed true of4Are;awa

24、re of5.Watch out(教材P63)Some cyclists make the assumption that_traffic_laws_do_not _apply_to_them,_but this is not true.【要点提炼】这是一个复合句,其中that traffic laws do not apply to them为that引导的同位语从句,说明assumption的具体内容。(1)后跟同位语从句的名词有:news,fact,thought,idea,possibility,chance,evidence等;(2)同位语从句的引导词有:that,what,whic

25、h,who,when,where,why,how,whether等;(3)that引导同位语从句时,仅仅起连接作用,在从句中不充当任何成分,也没有意义。而其他连接代词或连接副词引导同位语从句时,起引导从句和充当句子成分的双重作用;(4)whether可引导同位语从句,有词义,但在从句中不充当句子成分,if不能引导同位语从句。The question what is the most important thing for us now remains to be discussed.当前对我们来说最重要的是什么这一问题尚待讨论。名师点津that引导同位语从句和定语从句的区别:that引导同位语

26、从句时,在从句中不充当句子成分,往往不能省略;that引导定语从句时,在从句中充当主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略。完成句子1没有人能够解释他突然消失这个谜。Nobody can explain the mystery _.2他从格林先生那儿得到消息,经理今天不能见他。He got a message from Mr.Green _.【答案】1.that he suddenly disappeared2.that the manager couldnt see him today如何写电子邮件一、电子邮件的写法电子邮件即email,是人们在因特网上沟通的一种常见形式,其写法跟书信基本一致,它的显著

27、特点就是简单明了。一般来说,电子邮件可分为以下几部分:1收件人地址:在标题栏的“收件人(To)”框中输入收信人的email地址如Li Ping等,顶格写在邮件的第一行。2主题:“主题(Subject)”框的内容应简明地概括信的内容。3称呼:email一般使用非正式的文体,因此正文前的称呼通常无需使用诸如Dear Mr.John之类的表达。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,如Hi,Tom,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔并使用姓。4正文:写email和写英文书信相差不多。5信尾客套法:信尾客套话通常也很简明。常常只需一个词,如:Thanks,Best,Cheers等;不需要用一般信函中的Sincerely yours,Best regards等。6签名:其写法和书信的签名一样,指发件人的姓名,写在客套结束语的下面一行(或两行)。二、信息告知类电子邮件一般包括三部分1开头要表明写作目的,即明确要告知的信息。2主体部分应详细告知相关问题的细节,以便接收者能明白所告知信息的相关内容。3最后通常表达期盼和祝愿。亮点句式1邮件开头常见用语:I am de

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