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4、中心,坚持改革开放,推进中国的现代化, 不断改善13亿中国人民的生活。中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,始终不渝地维护世界和平,促进共同发展。事实已经、并将继续证明,中国的发展给中国人民带来的是富裕和安宁,给世界各国人民带来的是和平与进步。中国将一如既往地与世界各国和平相处,互利合作,共同发展,继续为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出更大贡献。女士们先生们,朋友们,中美关系的发展正处于一个新的历史关头,中国唐代诗人杜甫在题为望岳的著名诗篇中写道:会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。我相信,只要我们双方坚持从战略高度和长远角度审视和处理中美关系,牢牢把握两国共同的战略利益,加强对话、互信、合作,照顾彼此的关切,妥善处

5、理分歧,就能够不断推动中美关系健康稳定地向前发展,更好地造福中美两国人民和世界人民。现在我提议,为布什总统和夫人的健康,为在座的各位朋友的健康,为中美两国人民的友谊,为中美美好关系的未来,干杯!参考译文:Mr. President, and Mrs. Bush, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends: First of all, I wish to express on behalf of my wife and my colleagues and in my own way, my sincere thanks to

6、 you, Mr. President, and Mrs. Bush for your thoughtful arrangements and gracious hospitality. I also wish to thank the President and Mrs. Bush for giving me this important opportunity to renew my friendship with old friends and make new ones at this grand welcoming luncheon. Over the years, all of y

7、ou present here have worked to promote the friendship between our two peoples and promote China-U.S. relations. On behalf of the Chinese government and the people, I wish to hereby extend our warm greetings and best wishes to you and through you to all the Americans who care about and support the gr

8、owth of China-U.S. relations. On this visit, I have keenly felt the warm friendship of the American people towards the Chinese people. In the past, the Chinese and the Americans sympathized with, helped and supported each other. We will never forget the invaluable support given to us by the American

9、 government and people in our struggle against fascist aggression. We will always cherish our profound friendship with the American people forged over the long years. In the past 27 years, since the establishment of our diplomatic ties, China-U.S. relations have, as a whole, moved ahead, despite dif

10、ficulties and problems. Recent years, in particular, have seen major progress in building a constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relations. We have carried out fruitful cooperation in wide-ranging areas, including trade, counterterrorism, nonproliferation, and on major international and regional

11、issues. This has expanded the common strategic interests of our two countries, and promoted world peace and development. As history has shown, to ensure the continued growth of China-U.S. relations represents the shared desire of our two peoples and meets the fundamental interests of our two countri

12、es and peoples. As we look across the world, we find ourselves in an era of both opportunities and challenges. China and the United States, respectively being the largest developing country and the largest developed country, share growing common interests, expanding areas for cooperation and increas

13、ing historical responsibilities. China-U.S. relations have gone far beyond the bilateral context and have become increasingly global in nature. China and the United States are not only stakeholders, but they should also be constructive partners - be parties of constructive cooperation. Just now, Pre

14、sident Bush and I have concluded an in-depth exchange of views and reached a broad and important agreement on China-U.S. relations, and regional and international issues of mutual interest. We agreed to maintain regular high-level exchanges and increase interactions at various levels. We agreed to d

15、eepen economic and trade cooperation, enhance dialogue on macroeconomic policies, and strengthen communication and coordination of major regional and international issues. We also agreed to promote people-to-people exchanges, especially those among young people, and promote exchange and cooperation

16、in cultural, educational, and other fields. In short, we are committed to increasing mutual trust, deepening cooperation, and advancing in an all-around way, the constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relationship in the 21st century. As you all know, China has, since the late 1970s, gone through major transformations in the process of reform and opening up. In the years to come, China will continue to make economic development a top priority, pres

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