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1、大学英语B5一、交际英语1、-Hi, is Mary there, please?-_ A:Hold on. Ill get her. B:No, she isnt here. C:Yes, she lives here. D:Yes, what do you want?答案: A2、Thank you for your nice gifts.- _ A:Im glad you like it. B:No thanks. C:Its very kind of you. D:Im sorry to hear that.答案: A3、-I was worried about my maths, b

2、ut Mr. Brown gave me an A.-_ A:Dont worry about it. B:Congratulations! Thats a difficult course. C:Mr. Brown is very good. D:Good luck to you!答案: B4、- How often do you go dancing?- A:I will go dancing tomorrow. B:Yesterday. C:Every other day. D:Ive been dancing for a year.答案: C5、- How was your trip

3、to London, Jane? - _ A:Oh, wonderful indeed. B:I went there alone. C:The guide showed me the way. D:By plane and by bus.答案: A 二、阅读理解1、No one knows who made the first ice cream. Some people think that water ices and milk ices may have been made by the Chinese between three thousand and four thousand

4、years ago. In time, the dish reached India. The Indians, in turn, may have passed on the secret to the Arabs and Persians. The Persians called their dish Sharbat, from which our word sherbet(冰冻果子露) comes.Marco Polo, an Italian who traveled widely in the thirteenth century, noted that he found the Ch

5、inese had long been making ices out of fruit juices and milk. From the fourteenth century on, ices became popular, first in Venice and then throughout Italy.In 1533, when Catherine de Medicis left Italy to marry the future King Henry of France, she took her cooks with her. They made desserts the Fre

6、nch had never tasted before. Among them was ice cream. For each day of the wedding festivities(庆祝活动,庆典) Catherines cooks prepared a different flavor of her favorite dessert-ice cream.At first ice cream was a luxury in France. Only rich people had money to buy it. Then, in 1660, a young man from Sici

7、ly, Francisco Procopio, arrived in Paris. He opened a shop that sold ice cream at prices people could afford. Procopiosice-cream parlor became so popular that other shops were opened.About 1640, King Charles I introduced ice cream to England. He had heard it was popular in Italy and France. He serve

8、d ice cream for dessert at a banquet. The surprise dish was a great success. The King ordered his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a secret. Charles felt that only royalty should serve the dessert. But the secret soon leaked out. Ice cream quickly became popular in England too.(1)、This passage

9、is mainly about the history of ice cream. A:T B:F答案: A(2)、Marco Polos remark shows that he traveled in India. A:T B:F答案: B(3)、Ice cream was unknown in France until 1640. A:T B:F答案: B(4)、Ice cream was introduced to England by King Charles I. A:T B:F答案: A(5)、Development of ice cream in France and othe

10、r countries is discussed in the passage. A:T B:F答案: A2、The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and peoples lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He o

11、rdered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 17

12、92, to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie, also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe

13、. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte.(1)、Whats this passage about? A:France. B:Ki

14、ng Louis. C:The French Revolution. D:Europe.答案: C(2)、Which did not happen in 1789? A:The French Revolution broke out. B:The national economy was developing rapidly. C:The government wasnt well run. D:King Louis XIV was in power.答案: B(3)、Where were the political prisoners kept? A:In Versailles. B:In

15、Austria. C:In Prussia. D:In Bastille.答案: D(4)、What does the underlined word abolished mean? A:Put off. B:Established C:United D:Ended答案: D(5)、What was NOT the effect of the Revolution? A:July 14 has become the French National Day. B:It brought some impact on the other European kings. C:Louiss wife, Marie was killed. D:The king tried to control the national parliament.答案: D 三、词汇与语法1、I wont make the _ mistake next time. A:like B

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