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1、中心控制系统也发生过同样的事故。Theres hardly any room for any impurities in such a microfiber.在这种微纤维中,杂质几乎没有存在的可能。His instances were Lennard and Stark, both of them were Nobel laureates but later became fervent followers of Hitler.他举出勒纳德及史塔克为例子。这两个人都得过诺贝尔奖,但后来却成了狂热的希特勒信徒。The primary function of a regulator is to s

2、upply constant pressure to each device.调节器的基本功能是给每个装置提供稳定的电压。The best use of these equations is in checking the theoretical analyses using the other approaches. 这些方程式最大的用处是可对采用了其他方法对理论分析进行检验。第5章总复习题This seems to indicate that further research would be necessary.这似乎表明进一步研究的必要性。An a.c. motor is simila

3、r in construction to a d.c. motor.交流电动机与直流电动机结构相似。Natural environment can be easily ruined by inappropriate exploration.开发不当容易毁坏自然资源。Negative charges are moving counterclockwise.负电荷按逆时针方向流动。The average value of voltage can be measured point by point.电压的平均值可以逐点测量。The problem of materials is eased by

4、the lower boiling point.由于沸点较低,材料问题容易解决。As a result, although there is minimal friction present, a lubricant is still absolutely essential.因此,虽然有很小的摩擦,但润滑剂仍旧是非常必要的。Removal procedure for left-hand and right-hand cyclic cylinders is essentially the same.左右两边循环气缸的拆卸步骤基本上相同。Substantially, anthocyanin, t

5、he pigment that turns leaves- and apples- red, is produced by sugars that remain after the nutrients are choked off.本质上,使树叶和苹果变红的色素花色素苷是营养去除后剩余的糖分产生的。Massage will affect muscles throughout the body.推拿将会对全身的肌肉组织产生影响。In this test the major part is backed off electrically.在此项实验中,主要部分被电补偿。It is also goo

6、d for shock and impact loads.它还适用于振动和冲击载荷。The term minimum life is also used to mean rating life.最小寿命这个术语也指额定寿命。Usually, a 2cm adjustment of the machine is enough to bring the pressure back to normal.通常,把机器调整2厘米就足以使压力恢复正常。Statistics is a rather modern branch of mathematics.统计学是一门相当新的数学分支。Computers p

7、rovide the means for greater speed and accuracy in working with ideas than had previously been possible.计算机处理意念时所提供方法的速度和精确度都超过了以往所能达到的水平。Less than a quarter of the energy of a human engine is converted into mechanical energy.人体发出的不到1/4的能量转变为机械能。Hydrogen is the lightest gas, its density being 0.0894

8、 g/l.氢是最轻的气体,其密度为0.0894克/升。The conductivity of polyacetylene drops rapidly in contact with air.聚乙炔一接触空气,其导电性就迅速下降。There is a brighter future for intelligent devices in the home.家庭智能装置仍有着更加光明的前景。(省译)The scientists found that the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.科学家们发现腿内的血管不会肿胀。Once upon a time,

9、bold claims were made about computers, the future and the “paperless office”.曾几何时,有人就有关计算机、未来和“无纸化办公”做过大胆的预测。The doctor advised against the use of the new treatment.医生建议不要使用新的治疗方法。If a good base cannot be found at a reasonable depth, then a so-called deep foundation must be provided.若在合理的深度内找不到坚实的地基

10、层,那就要采用所谓的深基础。Magnetic lines of force cannot be seen, but we know they exist by what they do.磁力线是看不见的,但是我们按照它们的作用即知它们的存在。We may process directly with Kirchoffs voltage law for the circuit.对于电路,我们可直接从克希荷夫电压定律讲起。The proper values of a and b are determined from two conditions.a和b的值由两个条件决定。Optional comm

11、unications are free from electromagnetic interference.光电通信不受电磁的干扰。This type of discrepancy could have resulted from differences in kinetics.这种差异可能是由动力的不同而造成的。The visual image of the letters making up the word is converted into its spoken equivalent.将组成词的各字母的视觉形象转换成该词对应的发音。Primitive man made weapons,

12、 tools, and utensils of copper, brass, and bronze.原始人类用铜、黄铜和青铜制作成各种武器、工具和器皿。The longer wavelengths of radio signals pass through the atmosphere relatively undisturbed.相对来说,波长较长的射电讯号通过大气时没有受到干扰。Most hardness-testing systems employ a standard load which is applied to a ball or pyramid in contact with

13、the material to be tested.多数的硬度实验系统使用一标准载荷加在与实验金属相接触的小球或棱锥上。All metals are corrodible under the proper circumstances.所有金属在一定情况下都是可腐蚀的。The design of the rocket nozzle also has much to do with the behavior of the exhaust and the resulting velocity of the vehicle itself.火箭喷管的设计与排气的性能及飞行器本身的有效速度有很大关系。Pe

14、ripheral milling operations are usually performed on milling machines with the spindle positioned horizontally; however, they can also be performed with end mills on vertical-spindle machines.周铣作业通常在带有水平定位主轴的铣床上进行,但也可以在带有端面铣刀的主轴铣床上进行。Copper and aluminum are the best conductors of electric current on

15、ly after silver.铜和铝是仅次于银的最好的导电体。From various experiments we cannot but think the theory still holds good.根据各种实验,我们不得不承认这个理论依然是行之有效的。Hydrogen is generated from zinc and sulfuric acid.氢由锌和硫酸所产生。The sort of fish cannot live in the temperate zone, let alone in the frigid zone.这种鱼不适合在温带生活,更不必说在寒带了。The lo

16、comotive developed some new problems on its line-test.这台机车在试运行时出现了一些新问题。Gases can be chemisorbed or physically absorbed on solids.气体能化学吸附或物理吸附在固体上。Under ideal conditions the fatigue failure will consist of a spotting of the load-carrying surfaces.在理想条件下,疲劳失效将是承载表面的点蚀。Oxidation implies the combinatio

17、n of other elements with oxygen to form compounds.氧化意味着其他元素与氧形成化合物。第7章总复习题Peripheral milling should generally not be done if the part can be face milled.部件可以端铣,一般不应进行周铣。Face milling is done on both horizontal and vertical milling machines.端铣在卧式铣床和立式铣床上进行。After fully relieving internal pressure, remo

18、ve the nuts and bolts around flange joint of container.内压完全消除后,拆下容器法兰盘四周的螺母及螺栓。All gases at 0 are found to gain 1 part in 273 of their volume when heated to 1, so long as the pressure remains constant.只要内压保持不变,将0的任何气体加热到1,其体积就增加1/273。If a catalyst was used, the reaction would occur more quickly.如果我们

19、使用了催化剂,反应可以进行的更快。Loss of water causes the wood to shrink and become much stiffer and harder.失去水分使木材收缩,从而变得更坚硬得多。A graph shows the relationship between two or more variables.曲线图表示两个或更多变量之间的关系。Electricity is working everywhere, so everyone should know something about how it is generated and how it beh

20、aves.到处都用电在工作,所以每个人必须了解一些有关电是如何产生的以及电的性能。Applications vendors and users as well as the operating system developers will stand to benefit.应用软件供应商、用户以及操作系统开发者均可受益。The scientists look upon the cell as both the structural and functional unit of all life.科学家们把细胞看作是整个生命的结构单位和功能单位。The heat that warms a bod

21、y does not change either the weight of the body or its inertia.使一物体变暖的热,既不能改变该物体的重量,也不改变其惯性。The diesel engine requires neither an ignition system nor a carburetor.柴油机既不需要点火系统,也不需要汽化器。As the atoms approach, the splitting between the energy levels will be increased.随着原子的接近,能级之间的分裂将增加。An elastic materi

22、al returns to its original shape after being forced out of that shape.弹性材料在受压而改变其形状之后会恢复原形。Strange as it may sound, the heat of the sun can be utilized to produce cold.听起来虽然很奇怪,但太阳的热可用来制冷。Thus the decision to use a fixed wing was one that had to be made before an airplane could fly satisfactorily.因此

23、,首先必须决定使用固定机翼,然后才能造出令人满意地进行飞行的飞机。The filament cannot oxidize in these gases, as they dont contain oxygen.灯丝在这些气体中不会氧化,因为这些气体不含氧气。Since radar waves differ in size from light waves, they act in a different way.由于雷达波的尺寸和光波不同,所以作用也不同。Such engines are also called internal combustion engines, because the

24、fuel is burned in the cylinder.这种发动机也称为内燃机,因为燃料在汽缸内燃烧。A transformer is a very useful device, even though it can be used only with alternating current.变压器是很有用的装置,虽然它只能用于交流电。Outer ring shall be 30 mm in diameter unless otherwise specified.除非另有规定,外圈的直径应为30毫米。Dont trim windshield to final size until all

25、 mounting holes have been drilled.在安装孔全部钻完之前,不要按最终尺寸修正防风玻璃。Since there are different scales of temperature and different systems of units, there are units of quantity of heat appropriate to these systems.由于有各种不同的温标和不同的计量单位,所以有与这些计量单位相应的热量单位。Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a

26、very large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft.现代飞机如此之重,以致要支撑住飞机,机翼必须产生极大的升力。If all is satisfactory the load may be applied gradually till full load is reached.如果一切状况良好,可逐渐加大荷载直至达到满载。We dont know exactly what causes the earths magnetism.我们并不确切知道地磁现象是什么引起的。When weight is given, the location a

27、nd the corresponding acceleration due to gravity should also be specified.当重量给定时,则该地点和相应的重力加速度也就确定了。Gas molecules emit light while moving at high speed.气体分子在高速运动时会发光。Why the conversion of heat to work is different from that of work to heat is an important topic.为什么热能转变为功不同于功转变为热,这是一个重要的题目。This expla

28、ins why a gas always expands until it fills the vessel containing it.这就说明了为什么气体总是要膨胀直到它充满装它的容器。The stator of the induction motor is made up of a laminated silicon-steel core and a stator winding.感应电动机的定子由硅钢片制成的铁芯及定子绕组构成。Since air has weight, it must press down on the surface of the earth.由于空气具有重量,它必定对地球表面有压力。Computer language is based on the binary system.计算机语言以二进制为基础。This electrical pressure acts much like water in a tank.这种电压的作用很像是水箱中的水压。The Spirotherm equipment gives the operator a good picture of the temperature distribution over the top of the burden.利用Spirotherm装置,操作者可获得一个较好的炉顶物料温度分布图。A

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