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1、研究生英语考试复习资料Unit1 从能力到责任When todays high-school seniors are asked what they plan to do after graduates, most say that they intend to get a bachelors degree. They have been told that their generation has only “one way to win”-by getting at least at least a bachelors degree, in the hope that it will ev

2、entually lead to a professional job.In a recent survey of high-school seniors conducted by the Nation Center for Education Statistics, 85 percent of the respondents said they planned to get a bachelors degree. And, although 20 years ago only 45 percent of high-school graduates went on to college, to

3、day 68 percent actually matriculate (注册), with the majority enrolling in four-year or two-year programs designed to allow them transfer to four-year institutions.According to conventional wisdom, the rapid rise in the number of students attending college is cause for national celebration. But our re

4、search suggests that, intend it may be cause for national concern. Why? Because for many young people, the “one way to win” paradigm (例子)is not realistic, given their academic talents and the labor-market projections. Students ranking below the top third of their high-school graduating class too oft

5、en fail to earn as bachelors degree if they enroll in college. The cost of such failure in both dollars and unmet expectations-is rising and beginning to erode public confidence in our system of high education.A: Arnold Toynbee has said that all progress, all development come from a challenge and a

6、consequent response. Without challenge there is no response, no development, no freedom. So first we owe to our children the most demanding, challenging curriculum that is within their capabilities.A.德.汤说过,一切进步,一切发展均来自挑战及由此引起的反应。没有挑战就没有反应,没有发展,没有自由。所以,我们首先应该在我们孩子的能力允许的范围内为他们开设最严格最富有挑战性的课程。 B: The se

7、cond opportunity we can give our boys and girls is the right to failure. “Freedom is not only a privilege, it is a test,” writes De Nouy. What kind of a test is it, what kind of freedom where no one can fail? The day is past when the United States can afford to give high school diplomas to all who s

8、it through four years of instruction, regardless of whether any visible results can be discerned. We live in arrowed world where we must be alert, awake to realism: and realism demands a standard which either must be met or result in failure. These are hard words, but they are brutally true. If we d

9、eprive our children of the right to fail we deprive them of their knowledge of the world as it is.B.我们可以向我们的孩子提供第二个机会是允许他们有失败的权力。德.纽伊写道:“不仅是一种特权,也是一种考验。”如果没有人可以失败,那它算什么考验,算什么自由呢?美国可以向所有在高中读者完四年课程而不管其是否取得任何明显收获的学生发放毕业文凭的日子已经一去不复返了。我们现在生活在一个外变得很狭隘的世界里,们必须同对现实保持警觉,有所认识;而现实主义要求树立一个要么成功要么失败的标准。这些话听起来很刺耳,

10、但都是残酷的事实。如果我们剥夺了孩子的失败权力,实际上我们就剥夺了他们如实地认识世界的机会。 1、当今的大学生,尽管他们努力地想使自己成才,但对未来还是很模糊的。(establish oneself)Todays university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelings about their future. 2、一个人如果不能找到自我以外的中心,就不能实现他的自我价值。所以,理想的本科教育必须使学生超越自我。(transcend)A man cannot

11、 find himself without finding a center beyond himself. So the idealism of the undergraduate experience must help the student transcend himself. 3、我们强烈地希望在大学所学到的知识在今后的工作与学习中能起到重要的作用。(reveal oneself)We eagerly hope that the lessons leaned in the university will reveal themselves in our performance in

12、the workplace and further education. 4、四年的本科学习是走向成功生活的唯一道路,这种说法是无法接受的。(go unchallenged)It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to success in life. 5、在对一个关键的问题作结论时,如果只相信所谓专家而不相信自己,不根据调查的结果,不根据实验的数据,那是在冒险。(run the risk of; blind faith in)We run the ri

13、sk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings of investigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts. 6、我们的事业需要一批受过良好教育又能关心他人的年轻人,他们能团结一致,相互学习,积极参加四化建设。(band together; participate in)Our task needs a large group of well-

14、informed, caring young people who can band together, learn from each other, and actively participate in the four modernizations. 7、如果这所新学校要有生命活力的话,它培养的学生不仅要有扎实的基础和熟练的专业技能,还要有奉献精神。(be to endure; commit oneself)If it is to endure, the new school should help the students not only acquire a sold basic e

15、ducation and become competent in a specific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others.8、如果大学生对考试过于投入,就有可能把能力与奉献放到次要地位,这样说一点也不过分。(push to the fringes)It is not too much to say that if undergraduates excessively devote themselves to examinations, the will push competence and commitment t

16、o the fringes. 9、我甚至没有跟他说话,当然更不用说与他讨论有关你们学校的改建问题。(much less)I didnt even speak to him; much less discuss the reconstruction of your school with him. 10、有人认为考试是很重要的,但也有人认为考试有不少弊端。所以考试留下了一个我能解决的问题考试对教育有什么影响?(open question)Some people think examinations are second to none, but some think examinations have a lot of disadvantages. Examinations leave us an open essential question - what influence do examinations exert on educat

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