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本文(基于ARINC429 总线的某型CCD 航空相机总线数据接口板Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

基于ARINC429 总线的某型CCD 航空相机总线数据接口板Word文件下载.docx

1、XI Zhong-hua(China Ordnance Equipment Research Academy, Beijing 100089, China)Abstract: Discuss features and difficulties of high-risk product manufacturing process. Put forward the contention that the safety manufacturing process of high-risk product is a complex system engineering. At the same tim

2、e, put forward system problems, which include technics and technics process, special equipments, system control and management, scene layout, manufacturing organizing and scene operators, project monitoring and safety evaluation. Finally discuss safety problems of manufacturing process of high-risk

3、products, and give some suggestions.Keywords: High-risk products; Manufacturing control system; Safety manufacturing strategies武器装备自动化 工作流技术在通用弹药供应保障中的应用车文刚1,郭志广1,李文生1,马健2(1. 军械工程学院 管理教研室,河北 石家庄 050003;2. 河北广播电视大学 直属学院,河北 石家庄 050003)针对未来信息化战争对通用弹药供应保障的效率提出的更高要求,对工作流技术和通用弹药供应保障研究现状进行分析,建立将工作流技术应用到通用弹

4、药供应保障中的生命周期图,并研究生命周期的每一环节。应用工作流技术对于通用弹药供应保障势必产生巨大的军事效益。工作流;工作流技术;工作流管理系统;通用弹药供应保障Applications of Workflow Technologies in General Ammunition Supply SupportCHE Wen-gang1, GUO Zhi-guang1, LI Wen-sheng1, MA Jian2(1. Staff Room of Management, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China; 2.

5、Subordinate Institute, Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang 050003, China) In view of future informationized war setting a higher requests to the efficiency of general ammunition supply support, study the workflow technologies and present situation of general ammunition supply support, build th

6、e lifecycle chain of applying workflow technologies in general ammunition supply support, and study each link of the life-cycle. It will inevitably make huge military benefits when using the workflow technologies in general ammunition supply support. Workflow; Workflow technology; Workflow managemen

7、t system; General ammunition supply support基于ARINC429总线的某型CCD航空相机总线数据接口板赵育良,张国栋(海军航空工程学院 青岛分院,山东 青岛 266041)基于ARINC429总线的某型CCD相机的总线数据接口板,其作为新型航空侦察平台任务机系统与航空CCD相机的数据中转站,分别通过与任务机总线数据通信及与相机主控板并口通信,完成两者间的机载设备航空总线数据、控制指令及相机信息的数据交换,使相机与任务机能够协调工作的同时,保证CCD相机像移补偿机构、相机影像稳定系统及数据记录系统的正常工作。经实验室及试飞测试,系统运行稳定,抗干扰性强,

8、可靠性高。CCD;航空相机;总线;差分耦合Bus Data Interface Board of Certain CCD Aerial Camera Based on ARINC429 BusZHAO Yu-liang, ZHANG Guo-dong(Qingdao Branch, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Qingdao 266041, China) The bus data interface board of certain CCD aerial camera based on ARINC429 bus is dev

9、eloped. As a data transfer station, the interface board finishes data exchange of aerial bus data, control instruct and formation of camera between aerial scout task system and CCD aerial camera by bus data communication with task system and communication with camera, which coordinates the two syste

10、ms working, meanwhile, keeps working order of the image motion compensation system, the image stabilization system and the data recording system of CCD aerial camera. The system has powerful interference immunity, high reliability and runs steadily in test flight. Couple charge device; Aerial camera

11、; Bus; Difference coupling炮射悬浮式有源通信干扰弹研究李天刚1,刘立仁1,高聪杰2(1. 沈阳军代局驻672厂军事代表室,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006;2. 西安军代局驻203所军事代表室,陕西,西安 710065)某型悬浮式有源通信干扰弹由运载系统和弹载通信干扰机组成。其运载系统包括抛射系统、减旋装置、减速装置及防震装置等;弹载通信干扰机包含弹载供电组件、干扰机及功放天线等。涉及关键技术有:悬浮式通信干扰机、抗高过载技术、空中姿态稳定技术、留空式干扰天线技术,以及弹载设备供电技术。悬浮;通信干扰;关键技术Research on Gun-Delivered Susp

12、ension Active Communication Jamming MunitionsLI Tian-gang1, LIU Li-ren1, GAO Cong-jie2(1. Military Representative Bureau Office resided in No.672 Factory, Shenyang Military Representative Bureau, Qiqihaer 161006, China; 2. Military Representative Bureau Office resided in No.203 Institute, Xian Milit

13、ary Representative Bureau, Xian 710065, China) Certain type of gun-delivered suspension active communication jamming munition is composed of carrier system and projectile-loaded communication jammer. The carrier system includes ejection system, despinning equipments, graduating devices, antihunting

14、protections, etc. The projectile-loaded communication jamming munication includes projectile-loaded power supply assembly, jammer, amplifying antenna, etc. Its key technologies include suspension communication jammer, high overload protection, air attitude stabilization technology, suspension interf

15、erence antenna and the technology of projectile-loaded power supply, etc. Suspension; Communication jamming; Key technology基于ANN的绿色维修性方案可行性评估张晶先,李彬(蚌埠坦克学院 研究生队,安徽 蚌埠 233050)从装甲装备绿色维修的基本概念着手,对装甲装备绿色维修的指标采用层次结构分析,建立指标集。并利用神经网络结构和BP算法对影响绿色维修方案的因素进行综合仿真,以减少评判过程中的主观性和盲目性,保证了评判的可靠性和准确性。神经网络;绿色维修;装甲装备Evalu

16、ation on Green Maintenance Scheme Feasibility Based on Neural NetworkZHANG Jing-xiang, LI Bin(Brigade of Graduate, Bengbu Tank Institute, Bengbu 233050, China) Beginning with the basic concept of the armor equipment green maintenance, the index system is set up with hierarchy analysis for the indexe

17、s of the armor equipment green maintenance. And the factors affecting green maintenance project is simulated by neural network and BP arithmetic. It reduces the subjectivity and blindness in the judge process, and ensures the reliability and veracity. Neural network; Green maintenance ; Armor equipm

18、ent基于遗传算法的装备器件更换周期优化模型夏志安,赵英俊(空军工程大学 导弹学院,陕西 三原 713800)根据装备产品寿命在损耗期的特点,建立战备可用度和更换周期时间优化模型;依据遗传算法特点,提出将遗传算法用于求解更换周期优化问题的方法。采用二进制编码表示个体,通过个体适应度的检测评价,以及遗传算子得选择及定义完成对该算法的求解。遗传算法;装备器件;更换周期;可用度Model of Equipment Part Replacing Cycle Optimization Based on GAXIA Zhi-an, ZHAO Ying-jun(College of Missile, Eng

19、ineering University of PLA Air Force, Sanyuan 713800, China) According to features of equipment lifespan during the course of wear and tear, the model which optimizes the availability and the replacing cycle is established. According to characteristics of genetic algorithm, the method of using GA to

20、 find solutions of optimizing the replacing cycle is put forward. With the binary system denoting individuality, the access of the individual adjustability, the choice and definition of genetic arithmetic operators as well, solution to the arithmetic is finished. Genetic algorithm; Equipment part; R

21、eplacing cycle; Availability基于熵理论的装备训练管理组织结构优化模型程力1,韩国柱2,宋国合1(1. 73909部队 训练处,江苏 徐州 221004;2. 军械工程学院 一系,河北 石家庄 050003)以信息熵理论为基础,应用时效和准确度的概念描述系统组织结构,通过建立基于熵理论的评价模型分析装备训练管理系统的有序度,实现对不同备选方案的优选,结果可为装备训练机构体制编制改革提供一定的理论参考。装备训练管理;熵理论;组织结构Optimization Model of Organizational Structure for Equipment Training

22、Management System Based on Entropy TheoryCHENG Li1, HAN Guo-zhu 2, SONG Guo-he 1(1. Training Department, No. 73909 Unit of PLA, Xuzhou 221004, China;2. Dept.1, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China) Based on entropy theory, the organizational structure has been described by the in

23、troducing of time-effect and accuracy concepts. Then, the evaluation model based on the information entropy theory has been established to analyze the order degree of equipment training management system. After the using of this evaluation model, we can comparatively analyze and optimize to several

24、alternative projects. The results can provide a theoretical basis of the innovation of equipment training units establishment. Equipment training management; Entropy theory; Organizational structure先进制造与管理 基于云重心理论的防空兵群(团)指挥所射击指挥能力评估孙守国1,凌青2,冯铁雷3,陈俊儒1(1. 防空兵指挥学院 研究生17队,河南 郑州 450052;2. 73056部队 军务科,江苏

25、镇江 212000;3. 65555部队 司令部,辽宁 海城 114200)云重心评估模型包括:确定指标体系、求各指标云模型、用多维综合云表示其性能指标系统状态、用加权偏离度衡量云重心改变、用云模型实现评语集及其评价结果。应用云重心构建防空兵群(团)指挥所射击指挥能力评估模型步骤为:确定评判对象指标集、确定指标权重、列出指标的状态值、确定云的重心向量及确定加权偏离度。其算例验证了该模型的可行性。云重心理论;防空兵群(团)指挥所;射击指挥能力;评估Evaluation of Air Defense Forces Group (Regiment) Command Posts Fire Contro

26、l Capability Based on Cloud Cg TheorySUN Shou-guo1, LING Qing2, FENG Tie-lei3, CHEN Jun-ru1(1. No. 17 Brigade of Graduate, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052, China; 2. Military Affairs Faculty, No. 73056 Unit of PLA, Zhenjiang 212000, China; 3. Command Center, No. 65555 Unit of PL

27、A, Haicheng 114200, China) Evaluation model of cloud cg includes: forming index system, setting up cloud models for all indexes, taking hyper-generalized cloud for state of the index system, scaling the chance of cloud cg with degree of deviation loading proportion, realizing the group of comments a

28、nd its assessment result with cloud models. So building evaluation models of air defense forces group(regiment) command posts fire control capability with cloud cg, it has some steps like: forming index systems of assessment target, calculating proportion of index, showing on the state value of index, calculating vector of cloud cg and degree of deviation loading proportion. Its example of algorithm demonstrates the feasibility of this model. Cloud cg theory; Command post of air defense forces group (regiment); Fire control capability; Evaluation面向复杂武器系统的IETM研

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