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1、2015年湖南成人高等教育学士学位英语模拟试题和答案解析(二)【答案在最后】Part I Dialogue Communication ( 15 % )Directions: In this section, you will read 15 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by mark

2、ing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you?Customer: A. Thank you. I have eaten a lot of food.B. Yes, please. 1 d like a hamburger and a cup of coffee.C. Sorry. I don t need your help, thank you.D. If you want to hel

3、p me, I 11 be glad to accept it.2. W : How did your interview go?M: A. A manager interviewed me.B. I couldn t feel better about it ! The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find answers for all of them.C. I was fully confident that I answered all the questions to the needs of the interviewer.D

4、. I answered all the questions of the interviewer to his satisfaction. But he may discriminate against me.3. Speaker A: It s wonderful to hear that your book has been published.Speaker B : A. Oh, it s nothing special.B. It s OK.C. I m glad to hear you flatter.D. No. Not a big deal for that.4.W:How a

5、nnoying! I can t figure out a solution to this problem. Can you help me?M: A. Why don t you do it yourself?B. OK. Though it s beyond me, let me try.C. You shouldn t feel annoyed. After all, it s your own problem.D. Well, I m afraid I can t at the moment.5.Speaker A: I was hoping to get some bread fr

6、om the bakery before it closes.Speaker B. A. You d better be quick. It will close at 7: 00.B. My watch says 6: 50, I m afraid you 11 be late. But don t be frustrated.C. I don t know when it closes.D. I ve never been to that bakery.6. Tom: I see in the paper they re sending more equipment to space. A

7、nd we might have to live there someday.John. ! I m staying right here !A. Never I B. Not meC. No meD. None me7. Goodbye ! A. I am looking forward to seeing you again.B. Take care.C. It s such a short time meeting, please do not go.D. Pay me another visit soon.8. Speaker A: Would you like another pie

8、ce of apple pie ( 苹果派)?Speaker B : A. Don t push me. I ve hardly eaten on.B. Come on. I can t manage it.C. No kidding. I can t eat any more.D. No, thanks. I m on a diet.9. Mike: Can I get you a cup of coffee?Tom: A. I don t take sugar, thank you.B. That s very nice of you.C. You can, please.D. Thank

9、 you for the coffee.10. Speaker A: Do you happen to know whats on after the news?Speaker B. A. There is no important news after that.B. I m not interested in the programs.C. It s a documentary about animals.D. I hope to watch a movie after that.11. Speaker A: There seems to be something wrong with t

10、he air-conditioner in our apartment. Speaker B : A. I m awfully sorry for that. I ll see to it fight away. B. I do beg your pardon for the inconvenience. C. I just don t know how to apologize for it. D. It s not my fault. I feel sorry for it.12. W: I do hope Peter do well in his studies this semeste

11、r. M: A. Yes. I hope so. B. Yes. Dear. But I am afraid the school is not nice enough. C. Neither do I. I don t think his words would be as good as gold. D. Yes. Although we believe our son is honest, he may not work hard enough as he says.13. M: That s a beautiful dress you have on! W: A. Actually,

12、I don t like it very much. B. Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday. C. Yes, I think so. D. No, it s not that beautiful. Yours is better.14. Speaker A: If you like, I could help you paint (刷油漆) the room tomorrow. Speaker B. A. You don t have to give me a hand. B. That would be too much bother, but

13、thanks anyway. C. I m OK. You shouldn t worry about that. D. Unfortunately I feel unable to accept your offer.15. W: The experiment has been completed, hasnt it? M: A. Yes. We need another week to complete it. B. Yes. It has been completed beautifully. C. No. It was completed last week. D. No. I hav

14、e no idea about it.Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions : There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding lett

15、er on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage :Washington Irving was America s first man of letters to be known internationally. His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States. He was, in fact, one of the most successful writers of his time in the country, and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Hawthorne in the United States.

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