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1、我们只想“发现”周围的一切。4A.happiness Bsurprise Cdifference Dinterest【答案与解析】C因为儿时对周围的世界一无所知,只知道玩耍,所以感觉到人生最大的“区别”就是醒着和睡眠。5A.tired Baway Casleep Dawake【答案与解析】D根据前面的“awake or asleep”判断,应为awake。6A.playing Bworking Ctravel Doccupying【答案与解析】A根据后面的being with our pets判断,此处为“玩耍”。 7A.many Bmuch Cmore Dless【答案与解析】C“更多的时间

2、”,所以用more。8A.tell Bkeep Clast Dstop【答案与解析】D根据上文的“我们想延长时间”推测,作者想让时间“停止”,所以用stop。9A.students Badults Cvisitors Dhumans【答案与解析】B前面grow和adult处有提示。10A.making Bdiscovering Ccreating Dinventing【答案与解析】B彩虹是自然形成的,所以此处用“发现”。11A.through Babove Cwith Dbeyond【答案与解析】Cwith“具有;带有”。12A.normal Bunusual Cspecial Dpartic

3、ular【答案与解析】A从前面的“not surprising”和“not amazing”看,在动物园里看到长颈鹿,也不是什么稀奇的事情,应属“正常的”。13A.signals Btraffic Cspeed Dtime【答案与解析】B天下雨了,地面湿滑,“车辆”开得就慢。此处不能填speed,因为含义不明确。14A.forces Bhelps Cmakes Dcauses【答案与解析】Cforce“强迫”;cause“使得”,后接to do作宾补;help“有助于”;make“使”,后都接do作宾补,根据下文的“think”判断,make符合语意。15A.beginning Bopenin

4、g Cclosing Dfinishing【答案与解析】A从“一个月的第一天”常会让人想到,这一天是一个新的月份的“开始”。 Bspend Ccost Dthink【答案与解析】Dthink about“考虑”。 Bpleasure Ctrick Djoke【答案与解析】B小时候到超市看到各种各样的东西,感到是一种“乐趣”,长大后去超市买东西便成为责任。18A.stage Bperiod Cprocess Ddecade【答案与解析】Cstage“舞台”,同on连用;period“时期”;decade“十年”;process“过程”。此处的语义为“在这个过程中每个人

5、都有责任”。19A.Therefore BOtherwise CBesides DHowever【答案与解析】D上下文有转折的含义,所以用however。20A.face Beyes Chands Dcheeks【答案与解析】B看要用“眼睛”,所以选eyes。.单项填空1You must set off at once,_you would be late for school. A.then Band Cotherwise Dso【答案与解析】C题意为“你们必须立刻出发,要不然上课就迟到了”。otherwise作连词,表示“否则;要不然”之意,正合题意。2It is really _ to

6、take a walk along the peaceful country road.Arelaxing Bexcited Cboring Dstressful【答案与解析】Asth be relaxing “某事令人放松”。句中it代指不定式to take a walk.road。3Hurry! The train _. You know it _ at 8:30 am.Aleaves; leaves Bis leaving; leavesCleaves; is leaving Dis leaving; is leaving【答案与解析】B表火车、飞机等按时刻表出发、起飞,用一般现在时表将

7、来。4My brother_the army two years ago. He has_ for two years.Ajoined in; joined Bjoined; been a soldier Cjoined in; become a soldier Dtook park in; joined in 【答案与解析】B题意为“我弟弟两年前参了军,当兵已有两年了”。 join 用作及物动词时,可以表示加入某个组织,如参军、入党等。5With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth_each year.Ais

8、 washing away Bis being washed awayCare washing away Dare being washed away【答案与解析】D从语境可知,每年有大量的泥土被冲走,所以应该用现在进行时的被动语态,且句中主语为quantities,故谓语动词用复数。6When we watched our national flag_in the Olympic Games on TV, we _a cheer.A.risen; rose Bbeing risen; lifted Craised; let out Dbeing raised; rose【答案与解析】Crai

9、se是及物动词,意为“把举起;使升起”,本题中raise放在感官动词后面作宾语补足语,let out “发出”。7He tried to keep_ when going into the house. To his surprise, only an old man lay_ in bed.A.silent; calm Bquiet; silent Cstill; quiet Dcalm; still【答案与解析】D考查形容词的词义辨析。题意为“他在进入那个房间时努力保持镇静,让他吃惊的是,只有一位老人一动不动地躺在床上”。8We all know that, _, the situatio

10、n will get worse.A.not if dealt carefully with Bif not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carefully with Dnot if carefully dealt with【答案与解析】Bif not carefully dealt with 是if it is not carefully dealt with的省略形式,it指代the situation,又因谓语含有系动词be,故采用了省略形式。9By no means will I _ this chance! Ive been expecti

11、ng it for a long time.Agive out Bgive in Cgive off Dgive up【答案与解析】Dgive up “放弃”; give out “用完;耗尽”; give in “投降”; give off “散发(气味、热、光等)”。我决不放弃这个机会!我盼望这个机会很久了。10The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it.A.was traveling Btraveled Chad been traveling Dwas to travel【答案与解析】A考查过去进行时的用法。因

12、为该题所描述的是目击者看到不明飞行物正在进行的情况,所以要用过去进行时。. 阅读理解 South Koreas Kim Yuna can finally relax and neednt think about the future after she won the gold medal in the womens figure skating (花样滑冰) on Thursday. The 19yearold was the overwhelming (压倒性的) favorite to finish top of the podium (颁奖台) but said the pressur

13、e going into the event was large. “I feel now as if a huge burden has been lifted,” the Games highestearning female athlete she makes about $8 million a yearsaid after her nearperfect program where she succeeded in all of her 11 jumps.“Ill enjoy this moment and think about things later. I was just e

14、xcited on the podium and I feel so relaxed. I had been running toward this dream of the Olympics and was so happy to be here,” she said. “Since Ive achieved the most important goal in my life, Im going to enjoy this moment for a while and then think about what I am going to do,” a smiling Yuna said.

15、Japanese rival Mao Asada took silver while Joannie Rochette of Canada grabbed the bronze medal four days after her mother died. “I still cannot believe I did what I wanted to do at the Olympics. I have been dreaming about this moment and I cannot believe it is not a dream any more,” said Yuna. South

16、 Korea was depending on her to grab their first gold medal in figure skating and the first Winter Olympics gold medal outside short track and speed skating. “I was just happy to have skated a clean program. It was the first time I had skated two clean programs. During the program when I finished all

17、 elements I thought this is going to be yeah . this is it.”1Why did Kim Yuna feel relaxed?ABecause the competition was over.BBecause her dream finally came true.CBecause she won a large amount of money.DBecause she became wellknown overnight.【答案与解析】B根据第3段“I had been running toward this dream of the

18、Olympics and was so happy to be here”可知,梦想终于成为现实,才能放松。2According to the passage, Kim Yuna _.Ahad a strong sense of team spirit in the GamesBwon the first gold medal for South Korea in the Winter OlympicsChad expected she would surely win the gold medalDjoined in the competition with great pressure f

19、rom her country【答案与解析】D综合第2段“The 19yearold . said the pressure going into the event was large”和最后一段“South Korea was depending on.and speed skating”可知金妍儿参赛背负着韩国的希望,她的压力非常大。3What does the underlined word “rival” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?ACompetitor. BJumper. CRunner. DCyclist.【答案与解析】A该体育项目为花样

20、滑冰,故B、C、D三项均不符合语境,rival意为“竞争者;对手”,故选A项。4It is known from the passage that _.AKim Yuna is a person of great confidenceBJoannie Rochette joined in the games with great sorrowCKim Yuna is the richest athlete in South KoreaDMao Asada took silver by accident【答案与解析】B根据第4段“Joannie Rochette of Canada grabbe

21、d the bronze medal four days after her mother died”可知她参赛前4天母亲去世,心情悲痛之极。5What is the purpose of the passage?ATo introduce South Koreas Kim Yuna to the world.BTo show South Koreas progress in the Olympics.CTo make the news known to the public.DTo explain how Kim Yuna won the gold medal.【答案与解析】C由文章首段结构

22、可知,该文章为新闻报道,报道韩国运动员Kim Yuna冬奥会夺冠的消息。新闻的目的自然是想让世人知道所报道的内容,故选C项。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 In the United States and around the world, there was praise for the decision, but also criticism. _1_ The last day for nominations was February first, less than two weeks after the president took

23、 office. The announcement came the same week as the eighth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. President Obama spent the week in a series of meetings to consider future policy in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan. _2_ The Americanled invasion eight years ago removed the Taliban government that

24、 sheltered Osama bin Laden. His alQaida group carried out the terrorist attacks on the United States on September eleventh, two thousand one. _3_Today the war is the second longest in American history, after Vietnam. In March, President Obama approved twentyone thousand more troops. _4_ More than fo

25、ur hundred soldiers have been killed so far this year, more than during all of last year. _5_ Fortyeight percent of people in a USA Today / Gallup Poll taken this week said the president should send more troops to Afghanistan. Thirtyeight percent said he should begin to withdraw troops. Seven percen

26、t said the number should remain the same. And there is still the war in Iraq. The goal is to withdraw all combat troops by next September, but leave thousands of troops to train Iraqi forces.AMost of the Americans are in favor of the war. BSome suggested it would increase pressure on the president.CPublic opinion surveys show fallin

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