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1、would like sb. to do sth.想让某人干某事Would you like sth. ?你想要 吗?肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No,thanks/thank you.Would you like to do sth. .? 你想去干吗?肯定回答:Yes,Id love to. 否定回答:Id love to, but一Would you like an apple?你想要个苹果吗? 一Yes, please.是的,谢谢。一Would you like to go shopping with me? 你想和我一起去购物吗?Id love to, but I

2、have to look after my little sister. 我想去,但我得照顾我的小妹妹。Would you like a cup of tea? _A. No, I wouldnt B. Yes, please C. Id love to D. Yes, I would一Id like some milk. Sorry we dont have_. Would you like_pop?A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some一Would you like to fish with us? A. No, I woul

3、d not B. Im busy C. Yes, Id love to D. Yes, I would love4.have a toothache 牙痛(l)“have a+表示病的名词”意为:得病have a headache头痛; have a stomache肚子痛,胃痛; have a cold感冒; have a cough咳嗽;(2)“have a sore+身体部位名词”意为“疼”have a sore back背疼; have a sore eye眼睛疼; have a sore knee膝盖疼;have a sore throat嗓子疼(完成句子)我午饭什么都没吃,因为我牙

4、疼。I had nothing for lunch, because bus 乘坐公共汽车go. by+交通工具 =go. in/on+限定词(a/an/my. ) +交通工具 = take +冠词+交通工具 bus =on a bus =take a bus 乘公共汽车 bike =on a bike = ride (a/my. ) bike 骑自行车 train =on a train =take the train 乘火车by car =in (a. ) car 乘小汽车by air =by plane 乘飞机by sea =by ship

5、乘船go.on foot=walk 步行一Shall we go to the zoo on foot together? -OK. A. walk B. ride C. runThey often go to work by car.(改为同义句)They often go to work_ _ _6.go shopping去买东西 (l)go +v-ing表示“去从事某种活动”,多指户外运动。go swimming 去游泳; go skating去滑冰; go boating去划船; go fishing去钓鱼;go skiing去滑雪; go dancing去跳舞; go hiking去

6、远足; go climbing 去爬山;go skiing去滑雪; go sightseeing去观光;go skateboarding 去滑滑板;(2)do some +v-ing 也指“从事某种活动”,一般指室内活动。 do some reading看书;do some writing写字;do some washing洗衣服;do some cooking做饭;do some cleaning打扫卫生;do some sewing做针线活; do some shopping购物;Read the note below. They CANNOT _ in the park this Sat

7、urday.A.have a picnic B. go skating C. go swimming 7.the boy in red shorts穿红色短裤的男孩in +颜色(+衣服),“穿着色的衣服”。通常在句子中作表语或定语。She is in black sweater today. 今天她穿一件黑色的毛衣。Thegirl in red is Ma Lili. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是马丽丽。Do you know the actress_ a white dress? Yes, she is Zhang Ziyi.A. on B. in C. with D. over8.the same

8、 as 与.相同the same as 与.相同,反义词组 be different from 与不同;与有差别This picture is the same as that one. 这张图与那张图一样。Chinese names are different from English names. 中国名字与英文名字有差别。含same的短语:all the same仍然;look the same看上去一样;at the same time同时;(完成句子)你的新自行车看起来和我的一样。 Your new bicycle _ mine.两个球同时掉落到地面上。The two balls d

9、ropped onto the ground_9.arrive in 到达arrive in/ reach/get to(1)arrive in到达,后跟相对较大的地方;较小的地方则 用arrive at。arrive不及物动词。(2)reach到达,后跟地方名词,及物动词。(3)get to到达,后跟地方名词。get当“到达”讲时,是 不及物动词。(4)arrive in/at和get to后面接表示地点的副词(home; here; there)时,不再用介词 in/at/to。When Steve first arrived here, none of the other student

10、s would talk to him. Steve刚到这里,其他学生谁也不与他讲话。Ill ring you up as soon as I Shanghai.A. get B. arrive at C. reach to D. arrive in10.take care of 照顾,照看 (1)同义词组:look after好好照顾人照看:take good care of = look afterwell含take的常用短语有:take off 脱掉;take ones time别急,慢慢来;take away 拿走;take a seat 就座;take out 取出;take a s

11、hower 沐浴;take place 发生;take an active part in 积极参加;take it easy 别紧张; take the subway 乘地铁; take ones temperature 量体温;11.leave for动身去某地leave. . for 注意leave后的地方是刚离开的地方,for后是要去的地方即目的地。(1) leave. .behind 留下.;忘带. (2) leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下=leave sb. alone(完成句子)上个月,Sam大叔离开美国去了加拿大。Last month,Uncle Sam

12、_ America_ Canada.12.have fun玩得高兴;过得愉快 have fun= enjoy oneself = have a good time 玩得髙兴;过得愉快have fun doing sth. 做很愉快;做.很有趣;make fun of逗趣;1. Mr. Brown had lots of fun_ model plane.A. make B. to make C. making D. makes Children enjoy themselves on Childrens Day. A. like themselves B. play happily C. ha

13、ve fun D. love them13. pick up捡起,拾起;拿起(1) pick up是“动词+副词”构成的词组,代词(it,them)作宾语时,要放在pick和up的中间;名词作宾语放在中间或后面均可。(2) pick up还可表示“收拾;整理;接某人”。The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up the receiver.我一拿起听筒,电话铃就不响了。Lets pick up the living room. 我们收拾一下客厅吧。Ive ordered a taxi to pick him up. 我已叫了一辆出租车去接他。(完成

14、句子)在我们学校里,无论何时见到废纸,大家都把它捡起来.In our school,everyone waste paper whenever they see it.14.much too 太much too too much too many(1) much too意为“太”,其后跟形容词或副词原级。(2) too much意为“太多的”,其后跟不可数名词。(3) too many意为“太多的”,其后跟可数名词复数。Youre driving much too fast It,s very dangerous. 你开得太快了,很危险。Theres too much rain this ye

15、ar. I m afraid it rains too much.今年雨水太多。恐怕今年雨下的太多了。You made too many mistakes in the exam. 在考试中你犯了太多的错误。Many students say they have_ homework to do every day.A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many tooI got into the taxi and the driver started off at once and drove_ fast.A. too many B. too much

16、C. much too D. many the other 个另一个one the other/one. .another/one the others/some. others/some. some. . the others(1)表示两件东西或两个人中的“一个另一个”,用 one. the other.There are two books. One is Lilys, the other is mine. 有两本书,一本是莉莉的,另一本是我的。(2)表示不定数量中的“一个另一个”,用one. another.I dont like this one. Show me

17、 another one, please. 我不喜欢这个,让我看看另外一个吧!(3) 强调确定数目中的“一个其余的”,用one. .the others.Of the six boys, one is going home, the others are going to the cinema.六个男孩中,一个要回家,其余的要去看电影。(4)表示许多人或物中的“一部分另一部分(并非全部)”,用 some. .others. There are lots of people in the park on Sunday. Some are walking and others are climbi

18、ng the hills.星期天公园里有很多人。有的在散步,有的在爬山。(5)表示许多人或物中的“一部分,另一部分,其余的全部”,用some. some. .the othersThe students of Class Two are working on the hill. Some arecarrying water,some are digging,the others are planting trees.二班的学生正在山上劳动。一些人在提水,一些人在挖坑,其余的在植树。We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let

19、s have_ one this month.A. the other B. some C. another D. otherIn my class some students love music, _ are fond of drawing and enjoy reading. the other B. others; the other C. others; the others D. some; the front of. 在前面at/in the front of in front of in front(1) at/in the front of表示“(

20、位置)在(里面的)前部”,事物在某一空间内部的前方。(2) in front of表示“在(外面的)前面”或“在的面 前”,在某一空间外部的前方。(3)in front仅表示“在前面”,“在最前面”,其后不跟名词。一Where does the teacher stand? 老师在哪里站着?At/In the front of the classroom. 在教室的前部。一In front of the class.在学生们的前面。On the first lap,Class 5 were in front. 第一圈时,五班跑在前面。(完成句子) Can you see the big tal

21、l tree? Its (在前面)the building.17.get ready to准备去做 (1) get ready to do sth. 准备去做某事,相当于 be ready to do sth,(2) be ready to do sth. 还有“乐意做某事”的意思(3) get/be ready for sth. 为某事作好了准备1. They are/get ready to learn pop music following the radio. 他们准备跟着广播学流行歌曲。2. We are/get ready for the coming exam. 我们为即将到来的

22、考试作好了准备。3. He is always ready to help his friends. 他总是乐意帮助朋友。(英译汉) Can you help me get ready for the party?_18. be made of 由.制成be made of be made from be made in be made by(1) be made of指从制成品的表面仍然可以看得出原材料, 通常指物理变化。(2) be made from“由(原材料)制成的”,原材料往往经过化学变化,已看不出原材料是什么。(3) be made in“在(某地)制造”,介词in后面接的是产地

23、(如 国家、城市或厂家等)名称。(4)be made by“由(某人)制造”,介词by后面接表示人的名词或代词,即动作的执行者。The desk is made of wood. 这张课桌是用木头做的。This kind of wine is made from grapes. 这种酒是由葡萄酿造的。This kind of bike is made in Nanjing. 这种自行车是南京生产的。These mooncakes are made by my mother. 这些月饼是我妈妈做的。19.think of考虑;想出;认为 (1)考虑,此时相当于think about;(2)想起,

24、想出,此时相当于come up with;(3)认为;Shes thinking of changing her job. 她在考虑换工作。I cant think of her name at the moment. 我一时想不起她的名字。What do you think of your new school? 你们认为你们的新学校怎么样?think over“仔细考虑”,后接名词、代词作宾语,代词作宾语时,要把代词放在中间。Why dont you think it over and give me a call in a couple of days?你何不仔细考虑一下这事,几天后再给

25、我打电话?Have you thought of a good idea?(改为同义句)Have you _ _ _a good idea?The teacher said he couldnt answer that question at once because he needed to_it_ .A.think;of B. think;over C. think;about D. go;over 20.not. anymore 不再 :not. anymore=not. any more = no more“不再,再也不. 主要强调次数上不再增加,常与非延续性动词连用,用于实义动词前,

26、be动词后。no longer = not. any longer主要用于否定和疑问的情况下,指时间上不再延续,多与表示状态、延续性的动词连用。 The tiger is growing old; he cannot catch animals easily anymore.老虎渐渐老了,不能轻易抓住动物了。Mary doesnt live here any longer. = Mary lives here no longer.玛丽不再住这儿了。(完成句子)自从那工厂关闭之后,那里就不再有污染了。After that factory was closed,there _pollution h

27、ere_21. on ones way to 在去.路上on ones way to词组中ones为名词所有格或形容词性物主代词;后跟home/back等副词时不用to。(1)在名词way,answer,key等后面习惯上要用介词to,而不用of表示所有关系。(2)by the way顺便问一下(3)in this/that way通过这种/那种方式Do you know the way to the shop? 你知道去商店的路吗?On my way home,I bought some gold fish for my daughter. 在回家的路上,我给女儿买了些金鱼。 te

28、n more years再过十年之后 (1)in ten more years = in another ten years 一般与将来时连用(2)数词+morc+名词复数= another+数词+名词复数We still have eleven more trees to plant.=We still have another eleven trees to plant.我们还有11棵树要栽。23.look up查阅;抬头看(1) look up中的up是副词,人称代词作宾语放在词组中间。名词在中间或up后皆可。 look up at sth.仰望 look sth. up在字典中查找 ; look after照料,照顾; look around 环顾;look a

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