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1、32、increase reading speed 提高阅读速度33、make mistakes in grammar 在语法方面犯错34、be born with 天生具有35、the ability to learn 学习的能力36、depend on 取决于,依赖37、learning habits 学习习惯38、haveincommon 有.共同之处 39、pay attention to 注意,关注40、connect with 把.和.连接或联系起来41、think about 考虑42、Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧43、write down 写下,记下

2、44、draw mind maps 画思维导图45、during or after class 在课上或课下46、Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑47、be stressed out 紧张的,有压力的48、on ones own 独自49、bit by bit 一点一点地50、over and over again 多次,反复地51、have a listening test 听力测试52、Use it or lose it. 非用即失Unit 2 1、the Water Festival 泼水节2、the Dragon Boat Festiva

3、l 端午节3、the Spring Festival 春节4、the Lantern Festival 元宵节5、Mothers Day 母亲节6、Fathers Day 父亲节7、eat out 出去吃饭8、put on five pounds 体重增加5磅9、Guess what? 你猜怎么着?10、in two weeks 两周以后11、the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份12、be similar to 和.相似 13、Dai people 傣族14、throw water at each other 互相泼水15、wash away bad t

4、hings 洗去晦气16、have good luck in the new year 在新的一年交好运17、in the shape of a full moon 一轮满月的形状18、on the Mid-autumn night 在中秋节的晚上19、traditional folk stories 传统民间故事20、shoot down 射下21、magic medicine 仙药22、live forever 长生不老23、plan to do sth.=make a plan to do sth. 计划去做某事24、refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事25、lay out 摆开

5、,布置26、start the tradition of. 开始.的传统27、admire the moon 赏月28、share mooncakes with their families 和他们的家人分享月饼29、a haunted house 一个闹鬼的房子30、trick or treat 不给糖就捣乱31、play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人32、give sb.a treat 款待某人3 in North America 在北美34、dress up as cartoon characters 打扮成卡通人物35、a famous short novel written

6、 by s一部由.所写的著名的短篇小说36、an old man named. 一个名叫.的老人37、treat others nicely 对别人友好3、care about 关心,在意3、make more money 赚更多的钱40.Christmas Eve 平安夜 partner 生意伙伴42、warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事43、end up 最终成为,最后处于44、expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事45、take him back to his childhood 把他带回到童年46、remind sb. of st

7、h. 提醒某人某事47.wake up 叫醒48、decide to do sth.=make a decision to do sth. 决定去做某事49.promise to do sth. 承诺做某50、celebrate Christmas with his relatives 和他的亲戚一起庆祝圣诞节51、give gifts to people in need 把礼物给需要的人52、treat everyone with kindness and war对待每一个都充满善意和温暖53、spread love and joy 传播爱和快乐 some stamps

8、买一些邮票2.get to the bookstore 到书店3.go along Main Street 沿着大街走4、on ones right/left 在某人的右边/左边5.beside the bank 在银行旁边6.turn right /left 右拐左拐7.between the flower store and the bookstore 在花店和书店之间8.go past the bookstore 经过书店9、be excited to do sth. =be excited about 对做某事感动兴奋10、try the rides 尝试乘骑项目11、start wi

9、th 以.开始12、need to do sth. 需要做某事13、come on 快点儿14、hold ones hand 抓住某人的手15、at first 首先,起初16、get hungry 饿了17、serve delicious food 提供美味的食物18、on ones way to 在某人去.的路上19、pass by 路过,经过20、a rock band 一个摇滚乐队21、walk up to sb. 向某人走去22、come a little earlier 早点来23、pardon me 抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍24、mail a letter 寄信25、go

10、east 朝东走26、visit a foreign country 去国外游览27、ask for help politely 礼貌地请求帮助28、similar requests for directions 问路的类似问法29、sound less polite/impolite 听起来不怎么礼貌/不礼貌30、a direct question 一个直接的问题31、in difficult situation 在不同的情境里32、depend on 取决于33、speak to ab. 和某人说话34、school trip 学校旅行35、such as 诸如36、e-mail addr

11、ess 电子邮箱地址37、lead in to a request 导入请求38、spend time (in)doing sth. 花费时间做某事39、trouble sb. 麻烦某人40、communicate better with other people 更好地与他人交流41、an underground parking lot 一个地下停车场42、pass the salt 递一下盐43、change some money 兑换些钱44、go on a short study vacation 去游学45、an English-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家46

12、、in a rush 急忙地47、on time 按时48、more polite 更礼貌地Unit 4 1.have straight/curly hair 留着直发/卷发2、be silent in class 课堂上保持沉默3、be interested in 对.感兴趣4、on a basketball team 在篮球队5、from time to time 时常,有时6、turn red 变红7、get good grades on his exams 在考试中取得好成绩8、wear glasses 戴着眼镜9、take up singing 开始唱歌10、deal with he

13、r shyness 克服羞怯11、dare to do sth. 敢做某事12、notany more 不再.13、in front of crowds 在众人面前14、all the time 频繁,反复15、get tons of attention 被众人所关注;吸引无数目光16、be careful about 对.小心17、private time 私人时间18、hang out with friends 和朋友们闲逛19、say to sb. 对某人说20、have to 必须,不得不21、give up your normal life 放弃你正常的生活22、the road t

14、o success 通往成功的路23、fight on 奋力坚持下去24、require a lot of talent and hard work 需要很大的天赋和辛勤的工作25、make it to the top 成功/出人头地26、high places 高处27、give a speech 发表演讲28、in public 公开地;在别人面前29、be nervous about tests 考试紧张30、do well in school 在学校表现好31、cause problems 制造麻烦32、move to the city 搬到城市33、look for jobs 找工作

15、34、take care of sb. 照顾某人35、miss his parents 想念父母36、feel lonely and unhappy 感到孤独和不开心37、influence his schoolwork 影响学业38、be absent from classes 旷课39、fail his exams 考试不及格40、make the decision to do sth. 决定做某事41、make friends 交朋友42、leave the school 离开学校43、advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事44、talk with sb. 和某人谈话

16、45、in person 亲身,独自46、take a 24-hour train ride 乘坐24个小时的火车47、even though 即使,虽然48、think of sb. 想起某人49、take pride in/be proud of 为骄傲,为.感到自豪50、have much more communication with sb. 和某人又更好的交流51、join the school basketball team 加入篮球校队52、become active in many other activities 在许多别的活动中变得积极53、have a long talk

17、 长谈54、send sb. to a boarding school 将某人送到一所寄宿学校Unit51.由.制成 made of /from2.以闻名,为人知晓 2. be known for 3.不论,无论 matter4.高科技产品 4.high-technology products5.被变成 turned into6.突然,猛地 6. all of a sudden7.错误地,无意中 mistake8.把.分开 8.divide into9.被用来做. used for doing sth10.偶然,意外地 accide

18、nt 11.发生,出现 11.take place12.毫无疑问,的确 12. without doubt13.钦佩,仰慕 13. look up to14.有道理 14. have a point 15.担心 15. be worried about16.不但,而且 16.not onlybut also17.实现某人的梦想 17.achieve ones dreams 18.阻止.做. 18.stop. from doing.19.同时 the same time 20.人们认为. 20. It is believed that21.据说. 21. It is said tha

19、t22.艺术与科学博览会 22.the art and science fair23环境保护 23.environmental protection24.就我所知 24. As far as I know25.茶树 25.tea plants26.用手工,靠手做 hand27.被送去加工 sent for processing28.对. 有好处 good for.29.在当地商店里 the local shops30.即使,虽然 30.even though31.美国品牌 31. American brands32.避免做某事 32.avoid

20、doing sth33.事实上 fact34.擅长于 good at35.日常用品 35.everyday things36.将来 the future37.地球表面 37.the earths surface38.粗心驾驶 38.carless driving39.交通事故 39.traffic accidents40.放风筝 a kite41.风筝节 41.a kite festival42.去.度假 42.go on a vacation to.43.许多不同种类的 43.many different kinds of .44.独特的传统

21、艺术形式 44.special forms of traditional art45.根据 45.according to46.中国历史 46.Chinese history47.许愿灯 lanterns48.发送 48.send.out49.处于困境,陷于麻烦 trouble50.被. 覆盖 covered with.51.升入空中 51.rise into the air52.热气球 ballons 53.幸福和美好愿望的象征 53.symbols of happiness and good wishes54.剪纸 54.pape

22、r cutting55.把 贴在窗户上,门上,墙上 55.put.on windows,doors and walls56.中国泥塑艺术 56.Chinese clay art57.可爱的儿童 57.cute children58.鲜活的人物 58.lively characters59.在高温下 a very high heat60.童话、神话故事 60.fairy tale61.历史故事 61.historical storyUnit61.有特殊鞋跟的鞋 with special heels2.带灯的鞋 with lights3.可加热的冰激凌勺

23、 3. hot ice-cream scoop4.靠电力运行 on electricity5.鞋的款式 5. the style of the shoes6.被用来做 . used for doing.7.想出 . 7. think of.8.如此伟大的发明 great an invention/such a great invention 9.在我们的日常生活中 our daily lives10.有道理 10.have a point 11.不同发明的先驱者 11.the pioneers of different inventions12.在户外

24、的炉火上烧水 12.boil drinking water over an open fire13.掉进 13.fall/drop into14.一段时间 14.some time15.产生一种香味 15.produce a nice smell16.茶圣 16.the saint of tea17.在不到100年的时间里 less than 100years18.国饮 18.national drink19.发生;出现 19.take place20.茶文化 20.tea culture21.毫无疑问;的确 21.without doubt22.了解茶的本质 22.underst

25、and the nature of tea23.低价卖 a low price24.把.翻译成 24.translate.into.25.突然,猛地 25. all of a sudden26.一个安全的地方 26. a safe place27炸薯条,炸土豆片 27. potato chips28.错误的,无意中 28. by mistake29.最后 29. in the end30在 . 上面撒了很多盐 30. put lots of salt on.31.一种备受欢迎而且活跃的运动 31.a much-loved and active sport32超过,多于 3

26、2.more than33.历史上 33. in history34.一位大学老师 34. a college teacher35.梦想,幻想;向往 35.dream of36.在室内硬地板上进行的游a game to be played inside on a hard floor37把 . 分开 37divide.into38.把球投进对方篮筐 38 get the ball in the other teams basket39不但. 而且. 39 20not only.but also.40 . .的数量 40 the number of 41.钦佩;仰慕 41.look up to4

27、2鼓励某人做某事 42encourage sb. to do sth 43.实现他们的梦想 43.achieve ones dreams44.提出;想出 e up with45.导致 45.lead to Unit71取得驾照 1.get ones drivers license 2.应该被允许做某事 2.should be allowed to do 3.停止带耳环 3.stop wearing earring 4.需要时间做某事 4.need time to do 5.担心 worried about worry about 6.穿耳洞 6.get ones ears pierced 7.确认 7.make sure 8.远离危险 8.keep away from 9.拥抱某人 9.give sb a hug 10.举起 10.lift up 11.回嘴,顶嘴 back 12.回想 12.think back 13.后悔做某事 1

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