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1、Print/Plot启动命令,然后在随即出现的对话盒中,选择打印选项,再按ok钮即可打印。如果要进行精细的打印或分板层输出的话,则启动Options Post Process命令,然后在随即出现的表格中,选择所要打印的板层,再点击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单中选取其中的Plot to Print Manager命令,即可打印您选中的板层。二、 深入Layout之一参数属性的设置(一)、Layout 管理视窗在进入Layout Plus 之后,首先面对的是Layout管理视窗,在这个单纯的视窗里,具有下列几项功能:1 启动OrCAD的其它软件模块Library Manager:开启Layout零件编辑视

2、窗Orcad Capture:开启OrCAD原理图Visual CADD:开启Visual CADD机械图编辑视窗SmartRoute:开启Layout的SmartRoute无网格布线器GerbTool:开启Layout的GerbTool工具编辑视窗ECOS:自动把原理图的更新传递到PCBEdit App Settings:编辑Layout的配置文件Reload App Settings:装载Layout的配置文件2 开启新电路板档案3 开启旧电路档案4 其它电路软件的电路档案与Layout Plus的电路板档案之转换 (二)PCB参数设置1、 拆除布线设置PCB板层,要求PCB没有布线。这就

3、需要拆除布线。启动AutoUnroute命令,即可拉出拆线次功能表,如下所示:Board:拆除整块电路板的走线DRC/Route Box:拆除白色框内的走线Net:拆除指定纲路的走线Component:拆除指定零件上的走线。2、 设置布线板层按钮,然后在随即出现的选单中,选择Layers选项,或者启动ToolsLayerSelect From Spreadsheet,即可出现板层表格,如下图所示: 其中Layer Type为设置该板层的类型,双击每一层的Layer Type,调出如下对话框:Routing Layer:该板层为布线板层Plane Layer:该板层为电源板层Unused Rou

4、ting:不使用该板层Documentation:该板层为与布线无关的文字绢印层Drill Layer:钻孔层Jumper Layer:跳线层3、 设置网络属性 开启网络表格,也就是按钮,然后在随后即出现的选单中,选择Nets选项,即可出现纲路表格,如下图所示:Width Min Con Max:设定该网络的线宽,双击要设定的网络,弹出的对话框如下图所示:Net Attributes:附加的网络属性Min Width:最小的线宽Conn Width:布线的线宽Max Width:最大的线宽Weight:设定布线的优先次序Net Layers:设置该网络线的布线板层Width By Layer:

5、设置该网络线在不同板层上的宽度Net Reconn:设置网络的特殊属性None:Prohibits the router from reconnecting any point-to-point connections for the selected net. This option is used for critical nets that must be connected in a certain predetermined order. This disables reconnection in both the autorouter and in the option Edit/

6、Reconnect Nets. In addition, nets are routed in the order of their appearance in the netlist.Vertical:Causes the router to seek primarily vertical paths for each connection within a net. Used for VCC and ground.Horizontal:Causes the router to seek primarily horizontal paths for each connection withi

7、n a net. This is generally used for VCC and ground.Std. Orthog:The Standard Orthogonal option orders the router to seek the easiest path between any two points within a net (usually the shortest distance, but with a predisposition for horizontal or vertical routes where available). This is the defau

8、lt, and should be used for all routing of standard digital signals.High speed:Prohibits T connections, and causes the router to daisy-chain the connections in the net from the Source to the load, and then to the Terminator rather than creating tracks to find the shortest route. This is most often us

9、ed with high speed parts such as ECL technology. It is often enabled in conjunction with disabling share on critical nets.No Dyn. Reconn:By default, Layout uses dynamic reconnect, which is a method of calculating where the closest pin belonging to the same net youre routing is, then redrawing the ra

10、tsnest line to connect to the closest pin. The No Dyn. Reconn option disables dynamic reconnect, with the result that you dont have to wait for Layouts ratsnest calculations and redrawing. Because of this, selecting No Dyn. Reconn is especially useful when routing large nets. Note that No Dyn. Recon

11、n is not available for use with the None or High speed types of reconnection.Net Spacing:该网络在不同板层上的线与线之间的安全间距4、 设定PCB板的各项安全间距启动OptionsGlobal Spacing命令,或按钮后选择StrategyRoute Spacing选项,荧幕出现如下图所示之对话框: (三)、Layout环境设置1、 系统环境设定启动OptionsSystem Settings,调出如下对话框:Display Units:设置系统使用的单位Display Resolution:显示的最小单

12、位Grids:设定系统各种网格格点的间距Detail Grid:设定障碍物或文本等的网格Rotation:设置零件一次旋转的角度和精度Workspace Settings:设定编辑区的大小2、 用户属性设置User Preferences,调出如下窗口:Enable Full Screen Cursor:鼠标以大十字架显示Enable AutoPan:自动移动屏幕Use Opaque Graphics:显示时,工作板层是否覆盖所有板层Use Hollow Pads:焊盘是否以空心的形式显示Show 3D Effects:显示3D立体效果Activate Online DRC(按钮):启动在线D

13、RC检测Instantaneous Reconnection Mode(按钮隐藏鼠线Allow Editing of Footprints:允许在PCB板上编辑FootprintEnable Copper Pour:是否显示铺铜 Use Fast fill Mode:使用快速显示铺铜 Use Pours for Connectivity:以铺铜代替走线Show Tooltips:当鼠标移动到按钮上时,是否显示按钮的提示信息Activate AutoTool Select Mode:是否开启自动切换工具的功能Minimum Track Width to Display:指定所要显示的最小线宽3、

14、 系统颜色设定Color Rules,添加颜色定义:选中要重新定义颜色的对象,在Layer中选中板层,点击OK即可。Colors或按钮,调出如下窗口:双击需要更改的颜色,在弹出的颜色列表中选中新的颜色,按OK退出即可,然后关闭此表格即可。4、 自动备份Auto Backup,调出如下对话框:自动备份文件的路径执行一次布线程序后就自动保存一次自动备份的文件数自动备份的时间间隔 (四)、零件自动布局参数设定Layout Plus的自动布局可以按照我们设置的布局策略来执行。当我们要设定零件布置的策略时,可启动OptionsPlacement Strategy命令,或按钮后选择StrategyPlac

15、e Pass 选项,荧幕出现如下图所示之表格: 双击Pass栏里的Pass0-Pass11,系统将弹出如下所示对话框:Enable:指定该零件布置程序的执行状况。Operations:指定零件放置的操作Assign Clusters:设定按零件丛集摆放Proximity Place:设定采近接摆置的理论,使零件摆置最佳化Adjust Comps:设定在零件摆置完成后,再调整零件位置,尽可能地使其整齐Place Clusters:设定排列丛集的位置Swap Comps:设定零件互换Swap Pins:设定接脚互换Iterations:设置布置零件重复使用的方法数Attempts:每种方法进行零件

16、摆置测试的次数Clusters:设置丛集的上限Fast Reconnect:采用快速连接的摆件策略Swap Gates:设定逻辑门可以互换。启动OptionsPlace Settings命令,设置零件布局参数,荧幕出现如下图所示之对话盒:Allow Outlines to Overlap:设定陈列式摆件时,零件可以重叠Auto Swap Components:设定摆件时,零件可自动互换Fast Reconnect Mode:设定采用快速模式设定执行 Quick Place命令时,重复使用多种方法 设定每种方法重复的次数 (五)、Layout Plus的布线参数设置1、启动OptionsRout

17、e Strategy命令,即可拉出如下图所示之次功能表:(1)选取Manual Route命令,进行与手工布线有关的设定,荧幕出现如下图所示之对话盒:Via Cost:设定导孔的成本Retry Cost:设定重新走线的成本Route Limit:设定布线的限制,值越高越难走通设定每种方法要试多少次。(2)选取 Route Layers命令,设定布线板层,荧幕出现如下图所示之表格(与按钮后选择 StrategyRoute Layer选项一样): 双击Sweep/Layer Name中要修改的板层,调出如下对话框:Routing Enabled:设置布线程序的可执行性Layer Cost:指定该板

18、层的布线成本Primary Direction:设置在此布线程序下该板层的走线方向Between Pins:设置在两个焊点间走线的可行性,值越大则尽可能避免(3)选取Route Sweeps命令,设定布线扫掠过程,荧幕出现如下图所示之表格(与按钮后选择 StrategyRoute Sweep选项一样):双击Sweep Name中需要修改的项目,弹出如下对话框:Route Box:指定布线区块的大小Overlap:设置布线区块的重叠部分的百分比Sweep Direction:指定布线扫掠的方向Route Next Connection:设定在完成迷宫式布线后,紧接着进行Next扫掠。如果经过两个

19、Next扫掠的布线程序后,布线成功率仍低于95%的话,表示基本设定不适切,或许要更改布线格点间距等,以改善布线效果。Diagonal Routing:指定可否45度走线(4)选取 Route Passes命令,设定布线程序,荧幕出现如下图所示之表格(与按钮后选择StrategyRoute Pass选项一样): 双击Name中要修改的栏目,调出如下对话框:Type:Heuristics:设定采用启发式布策略Maze:设定采用迷宫式布线策略Auto DFM:清除电路板里多余的线段Fanout:设定采用表面贴元件的延伸布线策略Via Reduce:设定采用导孔精减布线策略Auto CDE:清除因零件

20、搬移所造成的小线段Options:Partial:进行区块布线时,以走线不超过布线区块的部分布线Fast:将采快速布线模式,使用FAST_H.SF或FAST_V.SF布线策略档改变导孔的成本改变重新走线的成本改变布线的限制Attempt:改变每种方法要尝试的次数2、布线参数设定启动 OptionsRoute Settings命令,荧幕出现如下所示对话盒:Route Mode:设定手工布线的模式 =Add/Edit Route Mode:手工添加/编辑走线 =Edit Segment Mode:手工添加/编辑线段 =Shove Track Mode:推挤走线 =Auto Path Route M

21、ode:自动路径手工走线 Suggest Vias:是否显示放置Via的提示Interactive Auto Route Settings:设定自动布线的参数 Allow Off-Grid Routing:自动路径手工走线下,是否不按布线网格布线Shove Components:自动路径手工走线下,是否能推挤器件Maximize 135 Corners:自动路径手工走线下,是否可以走45度角Use all Via types:在自动布线或自动路径手工走线下,是否能够自动选取导孔类型Manual Route Settings:设定手工布的参数 Snap to Grid Routing:是否按格点

22、走线Drawing Method:手工走线时,转角的类型Use routing Hints:路径提示方式的选择(六)、其他参数设置1、 Fanout设定对于SMD器件,“境外通航”是其布线的通常要求。Fanout Settings,调出如下对话框:Power/GroundFanout Power/Gnd If selected, Layout implements fanout for power and ground SMD pads. Power and ground pads are identified by their being enabled on an appropriate

23、plane layer in the net spreadsheet.Lock after fanout If selected, fanout routes and vias for power and ground nets are locked after fanout is complete. This prevents the autorouter from moving the fanout vias farther away from their respective pads.Disable after fanout If selected, power and ground

24、nets are disabled after fanout is complete. This is especially advantageous if you plan to perform a batch route after fanout is complete.If PowerGround Fanout fails to complete all pins, the nets will not be disabled, and Layout will display a notification.Share close vias If selected, routes that

25、belong to a single power or ground net can share a single via. Note that via sharing can result in long fanout routes or large currents.Use free vias If selected, free vias can be used for optimal implementation of power and ground fanout.SignalsFanout Signals If selected, Layout implements fanout f

26、or signals connected to SMD pads. A signal connection is any net that is not enabled on a plane layer.Lock after fanout If selected, signal routes and vias are locked after fanout is complete. In general, it is best to leave signal routes unlocked, so the autorouter can move them as necessary to com

27、plete routing the board.Share close vias If selected, routes that belong to a single net can share a via. Via sharing for signals reduces the number of vias for (and, therefore, the congestion of) the board.Use free vias If selected, free vias can be used for the optimal fanout of signals connected

28、to SMD pads.IC Fanout DirectionInside Fanout vias are allowed inside (or under) the SMD.Outside Fanout vias are allowed outside the SMD.Maximum Fanout DistanceThe value you set for this option determines the maximum distance from the SMD pad at which Layout will place the fanout via. This distance is the Euclidean distance (measured from the center of the SMD pad), not the cumulative distance of the route segments. Layout will only place vias on grid points, so the actual distance from pad to fanout via may be slightly longer than the speci

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