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1、因为 (后面跟名词或名词短语。一般作状语, 不作表语; 可位于句首) The island is equally attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons. 这岛因为春季和秋季的气候很宜人,所以它在这两个季节里具有同样的吸引力。Because of having a gift for music, he was given a piano as a gift.因为他有音乐天赋,所以别人送他一架钢琴作为礼物。Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Sec

2、tion A 1b1. do exercise = work out 进行锻炼 do exercises 做练习2. hardly ever 几乎从不; 难得Though he owns a car, he hardly ever use it, preferring always to go on foot. 他虽然有辆轿车,但几乎不用,而总是喜欢步行。He loves the island. He hardly ever sets foot in the city.他热爱那个小岛,他几乎从不进城来。1. how come 美口为何; 怎么会这样呢How come you never vis

3、it me? 你为何从不来看我呢?How come that a lion was wandering about the street? 一头狮子怎么会在大街上溜达?Section B 1c-1d1. interview sb. 采访某人 cover sth. 采访某事 Many reporters were sent to cover the opening ceremony of the train service, and the chief engineer in charge of the project was interviewed. 许多记者被派去采访列车运行的开车剪彩仪式,

4、 负责这个工程的总工程师接受了采访。2. start / begin with. 以.开始 end with. 以.结束 to start with 起初;首先The program designed by this director always begins with a pop song and ends with audience laughing all the way. 这个导演所设计的节目总是以一首流行歌曲开始,并伴着观众的欢笑而结束。I was a bit nervous to start with, but I soon got used to it. 我起初有点紧张,但很快

5、便习惯了。1. not (.) at all 一点也不;根本不 This city appears similar to mine, but Im not familiar with it at all.那座城市和我的城市很相似,但我对它一点也不熟悉。2. at least 至少 at most 最多If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops.如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。Busy as they are, parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spen

6、d with their children. 尽管很忙,父母每周也应该拿出至少两个小时的时间与孩子们在一起。This book should be published in two months at most. 这本书最多两个月后就会出版的。3. for fun 为了开心; 为了消遣 in fun开玩笑地; 不是认真地This is not a match. We are playing chess just for fun.这不是比赛,我们下象棋只是为了消遣。Things said in fun are sometimes taken seriously. 有些说着玩的事,有时被当真起来。

7、4. before conj.在之前 (之后)才 以免;趁还没有 还没来得及就 Lock your bike before it gets stolen. 锁好你的自行车,以免被盜。 It was several days before everything returned to normal. 过了好几天一切才恢复正常。I must write it down before I forget it. 趁着还没忘,我把它记下来。 He rushed out of the room before I could say a word.我还没来得及说一句话他就冲出了房间。Unit 3 Im mo

8、re outgoing than my sister.Section A lb1. (be) different from 与.不同 be similar to与相似 be similar with对熟悉 These problems are different from others, so they should be dealt with separately. 这些问题彼此不同,需要分别处理。This city appears similar to mine, but Im not familiar with it at all.1. though conj.虽然 adv. (常放在句

9、末)可是; 然而 Though she tried very hard, she failed in the exam.虽然她很刻苦,她考试还是没有及格。 Girl though she is, she is naughtier than a boy. 虽然她是个女孩,但比男孩还淘气。Its hard work, I enjoy it, though. 这是件艰难的工作,可是我还是喜欢它。1. the samethat 和是同一个 the sameas 和相似; 和一样It is unfair that women cant get the same pay as men when they

10、do the same job. 尽管妇女和男子干着同样的工作但却得不到同样的报酬,这是不公平的。She wore the same dress that she wore at Marys wedding.她穿着的和她在玛丽婚礼上所穿的是同一条裙子。She wore the same dress as her young sister wore. 她穿着的和她妹妹所穿的是一样的裙子。1. as long as (=so long as / on condition that ) 只要 (引导条件状语从句) As long as you keep studying hard, you can

11、improve your maths.只要你继续努力学习,你就能提高你的数学成绩。2. bring out 发挥; 显露; 解释 Difficulties and hardships have brought out the best character of the scientist. 艰难和困苦更显示这位科学家最良好的品性。3. care v.忧虑;关心; 在乎; 介意 care about 对感兴趣; 关心 对担心; 介意I dont care what they say.I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,我将照样干下去。He cares s

12、o little about his meals that anything will do so long as it fills his stomach.他不介意吃什么,只要能填饱肚子什么都行。Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?1. I couldnt stop laughing! (=I couldnt help laughing) 我笑个不停/我忍不住笑了起来。2. Id say she was the most creative act! I dont know many people who can play the guitar upside

13、 down! 我想说她是最有创意的表演,我不知道许多人能倒立弹吉他。3. for sure / certain确实;毫无疑问地 I couldnt say for sure when hell arrive. 我说不准他什么时候到。1. have in common (with) (与)有共同处; (和)一样have little in common 没有共同之处 have a lot in common 有很多共同之处What they have in common is that they are both good at math but weak in English.他们的共同点是他

14、俩都擅长数学但英语薄弱。They fell in love at first sight but they finally broke up because they had little in common. 他们一见钟情,但是最终还是分手了,因为他们几乎没有共同之处。2. and so on (=and the like )等等;诸如此类 He likes to eat apples, bananas, and so on. 他喜欢吃苹果、香蕉之类的水果。3. up to sb. to do sth. 由某人决定做某事 up to 忙于;从事于(常指坏事) Its up to you wh

15、ether you decide to take the job. 要不要这份工作由你自己决定。 What are you up to lately? 你最近在忙什么? Go and see what these naughty boys are up to.去看看这些顽皮男孩在做什么。4. play a role / part in 在.方面起作用 play a role / part of .in在.里扮演一个.的角色 The U. N. plays an important role in international relations.联合国在国际关系方面扮演着重要角色。There a

16、re many reasons for animals dying out, but the most important one is the part that humans have played. 动物绝种的原因很多,但是最重要的原因是人类所起的作用。5. make up 编造;和解;化妆 make up for 弥补 You should have made up such an excuse to get absent from school!你竟然为你不来上学编造了这样一个借口。Why dont you make up with her and forget all about

17、your quarrel?你为什么不能同她和解并忘掉你们吵架的事呢?She spent two hours making herself up before the party.她在参加聚会前用了两个小时化妆。We should work harder to make up for the lost time. 我们应该更努力学习以弥补浪费的时间。6. serious adj. 严肃的;严重的;认真的 take sth. seriously 把某事当真; 认真对待某事 I am fined for speeding, are you serious? 我因超速被罚款,你这话是真的! Dont

18、take what she said seriously; she was only joking.别把她的话当真,她只不过是在开玩笑。7. dream of 梦想;梦见;向往 ones dream come true 某人的梦想成真 realize / achieve ones dream 实现某人的梦想This park is wonderful. I never dreamed of there being so quiet a place in this noisy place. 这家公园棒极了。我做梦也想不到在这喧闹的地方竟有如此安静之处。 A lot of girls want t

19、o be singers, but few can realize their dreams. 很多女孩想当歌唱家,但很少有人能实现他们的梦想。Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 1b 1. join (become a member of )参加 join the army 参军 join the League 入团join sb. in (doing) sth.与某人在一起做某事 join in 参加(活动)Please join us in helping them.请和我们一起帮帮他们吧。 He never joined

20、in the usual sports of the boys. 他从不参加孩子们的一般体育活动。2. stand (=bear /put up with )容忍His joke went too far. It was more than I could stand. 他的玩笑开过头了,我无法忍受。Section A 2a-2b1. expect to do sth.期望做某事 expect sb. to do sth.指望某人做某事 expect too much of sb.对某人期望过高 expect sb. (常用进行时)等某人 expect a baby (常用进行时)怀孕 as

21、expected 正如所料 than expected 比预料的要.You can share your ideas with him. Dont expect him to read your mind. 你可以把你的想法告诉他,别指望他看透你的心思。Most of the parents expect much of their children. 大多数父母都对自己的子女寄予很大希望。I cant really go anywhere this evening, because Im expecting an important guest.今晚我哪里也不能去,因为我等一位重要的客人。K

22、ate is expecting a baby and hopes it will be a girl.凯特怀孕了,她希望是个女孩。He returned three days later than expected. 他比原来预料的晚回来了3天。The result is not so satisfying as expected, which is rather disappointing.结果不像预料的那样让人满意, 这让人很失望。2. the answers to the questions 问题的答案 the key to the door 门上的钥匙 the entrance to

23、 the theatre剧场的入口Section B lb-1c1. v.ed形容词意为“感到的”,通常表示人自身的感受,用来描述人的心理活动,此外,还可以用来修饰与人有关的一些名词,如look, voice, smile, expression, face等。v.ing形容词,通常表示事物或人自身的属性,意为“令人的”。The bored look suggested that he had got tired of the work here.他厌烦的表情表明他已经对在此工作感到厌倦了。 After hearing some relaxing music, she felt quite r

24、elaxed, and there was relaxed expression on her face. 听了一些轻松的音乐后,她感到很放松,脸上有放松的表情。1. think of 想到Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the developing world. 每当我们听人说“无家可归的人”时,我们大多数人都想到了发展中国家。2. symbol 象征In China, peach is a symbol of long life and therefore makes an ideal birthday

25、present. 在中国,桃子是长寿的象征,所以成了理想的生日礼物。The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris.最受游客欢迎的旅游景点是埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。3. come out 出现;被出版;被放映The book which came out at the end of last year turned out to be a great success in Shanghai. 去年年底出版的这本书后来成为上海一件大获成功事情。4. be ready /

26、 willing to do sth. 乐于做某事 He is always ready to others when they are in need. 当别人需要帮助时,他总是乐于助人。 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.注释:1. keep doing sth. 继续做某事(强调继续)keep on doing sth. 继续做某事(强调反复)But they keep doing things I tell them not to do.我不叫他们干的事,他们偏要干下去。But they keep on doing things I t

27、ell them not to do.我不叫他们干的事,他们偏要干了又干。2. be sure about / of 对.有把握 make sure 确保;确信;确认 Im not sure about the question whether he will come. 对于他来不来这个问题,我不太确定。Please make sure that lights are turned off when you leave. 离开时请一定要关好灯。I think the doors locked, but Id better go and make sure (it is).我想门已经锁了,但我最好还是去确认一下。Section B 1c 1. make a resolution 下决心;制定计划2. take a lesson / course 学习一个课程 get good grades 得高分1. make a promise (to sb.) (向某人)做出承诺make a promise to do sth.承诺要做某事 promise sb. sth.答应某人某物promise (sb.) to do sth.答应(某人)要做某事 promise that 承诺 keep a (ones) promise 遵守诺言 carry out a prom

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