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1、D6 We are facing a _ with our market share. What are we going to do about it?A promotion B sale C order D crisisA7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and _ campaigns.A effective B efficient C effect D efficaciousC8 Focus now needs to _ potenti

2、al clients that it still has plenty of creative ideas to offer.A ensure B assure C convince D persuadeB9 Focus has been asked to _ ideas for advertising campaigns to managements of the companies concerned.A offer B present C supply D furnishD10 The little village where he lived would be a popular to

3、urist _.A place B site C visit D resortB11 Thank you for the above order _ our bicycles. A of B for C by D againstC12 It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No. 2007021 _ the 5,000 bicycles you ordered are to be shipped in two equal lots in March and April 2007. A which B where C that D whatA13

4、You requested that 80% of the bicycles _ in March and the balance in April. A be shipped B shipped C to ship D have been shippedC14 Although we have the quantity _ stock, it is too late for us to ship 80% of your order in March. A from B for C in D atD15 We have received your letter of 28 March, _ u

5、s to modify the previous arrangements for the shipment of the captioned order. A asked B to ask C being asked D askingA16 You now wish to advance the date of shipment _ one month. A by B to C for D atA17 In the circumstances, we regret _unable to meet your request. A to be B being C be D having been

6、A18 In this case, you must _ the additional charges. A bear B have borne C to bear D bearingD19 Please take the above _ account and let us know your decision as soon as possible. A to B for C by D intoB20 We are pleased to inform you that the captioned order _ now been dispatched. A have B has C are

7、 D isPart II Phrase Translation Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 竞争对手产品Competitors products2 隐性广告Subliminal advertising3

8、广告媒体Advertising media4 体育赞助Sports sponsorship5 免费样品Free sample6 广告标语Advertising slogan7 大众媒体Mass media8 售点展示point-of-sale display 9 户外广告Outdoor advertising10 大众市场Mass-market11 电视黄金时段栏目广告Prime-time TV slot12 市场份额Market share13 街道设施Street furniture14 公交车候车亭Bus shelter15 金融服务financial service16 营销组合Mar

9、keting mix17 公共关系Public relations18 广告宣传活动Advertising campaign19 价格促销Price promotion20 潜在客户Potential clientPart III Sentence Translation There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 point

10、s, two points for each sentence.1. The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and street furniture is worth about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worlds spending on advertising.整个户外广告市场(露天广告牌,公共交通和路边设施)大约价值180亿美元一年,只占了全世界广告支出的6%。2. Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris,

11、 has a reputation for creating imaginative and effective campaigns.焦点公司是一家总部设在巴黎的大型广告公司,它因为能创造富有想象力并卓有成效的广告宣传活动而享有盛誉。3. But it is one of the fastest-growing segments, having doubled its market share in recent years.但它是增长最快的细分市场之一,近几年它的市场份额翻了一倍。4. Outdoor advertisings appeal is growing as TV and prin

12、t are losing theirs.随着电视、平面广告失去它们的吸引力,户外广告的吸引力却不断增长。5. Adding to its attractions has been a revolution in the quality of outdoor displays.户外展示设备质量方面的革命也在不断增加它的吸引力。6. Particularly attractive to the new advertisers is street furniture, the fastest growing segment of the outdoor market.路边设备广告作为增长最快的户外广

13、告细分市场,对新的广告商们特别有吸引力。7. Focus has been asked to present ideas for advertising campaigns to managements of the companies concerned.焦点公司已经被要求向相关公司的管理层阐述他们对于广告宣传活动的理念。8. Focus now needs to convince potential clients that it still has plenty of creative ideas to offer.焦点公司现在需要使潜在客户相信它仍可以提供很多有创意的想法。9. Rec

14、ently however, Focuss reputation was damaged when two major clients changed to rival agencies.不过最近,焦点的声誉因为两个大客户转投竞争对手公司而受损。10. Our aim is to develop loyalty among existing customers and attract new ones.我们的目标是培养现有客户的忠诚度,并且吸引新客户。Part IV Sentence Translation There are five sentences in this part. You

15、are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, four points for each sentence.1 我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出5%。We regret that your offer is 5% higher than that of the U.S suppliers.2 羊毛行市目前疲软,除非你方能降价5%,否则无法成交。The current wool mark

16、et is weak. We see no prospects of business unless you can reduce the price by 5%.3 兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高。We hereby regret to inform you that local buyers regard your offer to be much on the high side.4 我们的报价相当合理,且已为你地其他客户所接受。Our offer is quite reasonable, and it has been accepted by other customers

17、in your area.5 至于男式衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格达成交易。As for mens shirts, we hope to make a deal close to our price.Part V Letter Translation There is one letter in this part. You are required to translate it into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points.敬启者:感谢你们6月2

18、6日的报盘以及寄来的餐具样品。尽管我们很欣赏这些餐具的优良品质,但我们遗憾地说,你们的价格似乎太高。如果接受你们的报价将使我们在销售中无利可图,因为其他供应商对同样品质的商品出价更低。因此,我们建议你方将价格减至25美元/套,否则无法成交。我们期待着你们的确认。Dear Sirs:Thank you for your offer of June 26th and the enclosed tableware samples .Although we really appreciate the high quality of the tableware, we regret to say tha

19、t your price seems uncompetitive at all. To accept the price you quote would leave us little profit on our sales, since other suppliers offer lower prices for products of the same quality. Therefore, we suggest that you reduce your price to $ 25 per set, or business is impossible. We are looking for

20、ward to your confirmation.Part VI Business Writing For this part, you are required to write on the Answer Sheet a reply in the full correct format based on the information given below. This part totals 20 points. You work for the Park Hotel in New York. Read this letter from a company enquiring abou

21、t room vacancies.KL Computers95 Science Park Drive #02-03The CurieSingapore 118285The Park Hotel134 Central Park SouthNew York 10019USA18 June 2003Dear Sir/MadamI am writing to enquire about room vacancies for 9-11 July. We would need four double rooms, preferably with some kind of communication fac

22、ilities for computers.I would be very grateful if you could send me a quotation for the above rooms with information about the business facilities that the hotel offers.Yours faithfullyCharles ChungPersonal Assistant to Kim Lee Write a reply to Mr. Chung: * confirming the availability of the rooms *

23、 confirming the dates * quoting the price * giving information about business facilities. Write 60-80 words.New York1001920 June 2003Dear Mr. Chung:We have received your kind enquiry about room vacancies dated June18th,2003. In compliance with your request, we have made the arrangements for you as f

24、ollows:We will reserve four double rooms (Room 1001 - 1004) on 9-11 July. Each of them is equipped with broad-band internet access. We can provide the business facilities such as fax machines, meeting rooms and overhead projectors. Our hotel also offers secretarial help, and it costs 40 an hour.The

25、rate, including accommodation, facilities and breakfast is quoted US1,400 approx. per person. You should pay all the expense before July 10th. Please dont hesitate to contact us, if you need any further information and we are looking forward to your immediate confirmation.Miss WU Xiaoli Manager of the Park Hotel

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