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1、 强调事情发生的直接原因(一个) 其他各种的理由(很多个)examine v 检查examine the soilcheck : 核实, 核对accidentally adv 意外地, 偶然地 (但更趋向于 “偶然” 的意思)accidentaccidentalaccidentallyaccident : 事故unexpectedly : 出乎意料地(更趋向于 “意外” 的意思)remains n 尸体, 残骸remains指dead bodysolve the mysterysolve the problemmystery n 谜mystery(无法接受地, 解释不了的)snatch v 抓

2、住catch : 如抓鱼hold : 握着snatch : (突然抓起来)强调动作的突然性seize : 抓住(用力)seize my arm【课文讲解】put out a fire扑灭火a fire一场(堆)火since then 从那时起到现在为止have been trying to现在完成时强调的是很有可能进行下去, 但并不是强调必然要进行下去broken glass被打碎的玻璃片cigarette ends烟头be able to 能够 / be not able to 没有能够be sure that : 对.很有把握quite sure : 相当的把握性rather : 相当fa

3、irly adv.相当, 公正地, 诚实地quite(completely)ratherfairly程度一个比一个轻quite a few颇有几个(相当多的)start a firecause a fireaccidentally(by chance) : 偶然地 出乎别人意料之外 直接原因notice : 注意别人没注意的东西wind ones way : 蜿蜒而行wind vt 盘旋, 缠绕16,000-volt power line : 连字符 : “-” 一旦加在两个词之间, 这个词之间就失去了加复数的资格, 能够加连字符的概念一定是做定语in this way : 以这种方式expl

4、anation : 解释had done : 先发生的事drop : 无意掉下去的do so : 这么做i refuse to do so我拒绝这么做send+宾补down to the ground : 介词短语作宾补these 指的是 sparkshot snake : 触电的蛇get a shakeget a electric shock 触电now that既然【Special Difficulties】 难点quite /quiet quiet adj 安静的quite adv 相当地, 非常地, 很cause/reason 原因(直接)cause v1、cause sth : 导致

5、, 引起2、cause sb to do sth : 导致某人做某事reason vreason with sb : 劝说(以道理)beg for sth : 乞求什么东西drop/falldrop vt +宾语(名词或代词), 强调的是不小心掉下来fall vi 物宾语, 强调的是掉下来的概念, 动作Lesson 54 sticky fingerssticky adj 粘的as sticky as glue和胶水一样粘finger n 手指thumb大拇指index finger食指 (index n vi vt)middle finger中指ring finger无名指little fin

6、ger小指toe 脚趾pie n 馅饼mix v 混合, 拌和mixture n混合物pastry n 面糊annoying adj 恼人的It is annoyingannoyed感到烦恼的比anger的语气弱 n v recelver n 电话的话筒dismay v 失望, 泄气dismay sb让某人感到失望dismaying令人失望dismayed感到失望recognize v 认出, 听出persuade v 说服, 劝说reason with sb劝说; 并不能说明是否劝说成功try to persuade 劝说; persuade表示劝说已经成功mess n 乱七八糟what a

7、 mess!you are a mess!你真邋遢the man/woman is a messmake a mess of sth把.搅得乱七八糟he made a mess of my job他把我的工作搅得一团糟doorknob n 门把手sign v 签字sign your name(s) here在这签名 (许多人加 “s” )signature 签名I need your signature我需要你的签名autograph 明星, 名人的签名 (n 亲笔签名 v 签署)registered letter挂号信sign for签收after breakfast在吃过早饭后I send

8、 the children to school送孩子上学at school在上学at work 在上班at home在家休息be busy doing忙于做某事flour面粉, 不可数名词, 注意发音于 “flower ” 相同, 但 “flower” 是可数名词, 一般会用复数 “flowers” be covered with盖满at exactly that monent就在那时no one could be/have been没有人.no one could be /have been fatter没有人更胖了nothing could have been cheaper没有什么东西更

9、便宜了no face could be uglier没有一张脸更丑了 (ugly )no books could be more interesting没有书更有趣了nothing could have been more exciting没有什么事情更令人激动pick up the receiver捡起话筒persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事it takes sb some time to do sth花费某人多久做某事, “it” 作形式主语ring back : 1、回电话, 2、再打电话hang up挂起hang up the receiver挂断电话no soon

10、er.than. / hardly.when.enough n adj adv 足够的 1、n. I have/had had enough.我已经拥有足够了2、adj enough+n, n+enough 修饰名词I have enough time/time enough.enough修饰名词放在被修饰词的前面或后面3、adv 不修饰动词只修饰adj或者advenough修饰adj或者adv时一定要放在被修饰词的后面; enough to do sth足以用来做某事he is rich enough to buy the whole city他富有的可以买下整个城市I am hungry

11、enough to eat sth在dead, young, old前面可以直接加thethe+adj表示.一类人the rich富人 the young 年轻人 the blind瞎子 the deaf 聋子the English英国人 Englishman, EnglishwomanLesson 55 Nota gold minegold n 金子gold n /golden adj sth be made of gold由金子做成的gold watch; gold ringgolden sun金色的太阳Silence is golden沉默是金 (silence n.静, 寂静, 沉默,

12、 静默 vt.使沉默, 使安静 v.压制)golden : 金色的, 宝贵的golden opportunity宝贵的机会 (opportunity n.机会, 时机)golden sentence黄金句型I am honoured to have the opportuneity to do sth.I am glad to have have the golden opportunity to do sth.I am glad to have the golden opportunity to stay with you.【Special difficulties】Exercise B用g

13、old或golden填空 :1 All that glitters is not _.glitter vi.闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光 n.闪光 not.不是所有的All that glitters is not gold. 部分否定 not al2 Silence is _.Silence is golden.goldfish n 金鱼 (众口铄金)platinum n.白金, 铂mine n 矿treasure n 财宝 (为总称, 没有复数)treasure island 金银岛jewel n 宝石 珠宝, (可数)jewelry, 珠宝类 珠宝(总称, 不可数)I

14、have some jewels./I have some jewelry.people/police/cattle (总称)diamond钻石jade 碧玉 (不可数名词)jade palace:翠宫饭店revealer n 探测器reveal揭示invent v 发明invention n detect v 探测detective n pirate n.海盗, 盗印者, 盗版者, 侵犯专利权者 vt.盗印, 盗版, 掠夺, 翻印 vi.做海盗arm v 武装army n 军队hold ones armFarewell!Arms永别了, 武器 farewell n.辞别, 再见, 再会 in

15、t.再会,别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思)Soldiers should be armed well士兵应该要很好的武装the youth should be armed with knowledge.年轻人应该用知识武装自己youth n.青春, 青年时期, 初期, 少年, 青年们be covered withthe teacher should be patient.( patient n.病人, 患者 adj.忍耐的, 耐心的)the teacher should be armed with patience.soil n 泥土earth泥土 (泥巴)soil土壤 (能生长植物的

16、地方)entrance n 入口exit n.出口, 太平门, 退场, 去世 vi.退出, 脱离, 去世 entrance of/entrance toentrance of the park / entrance to the parkfinally adv 最后worthless adj 毫无价值的thoroughly adv 彻底地completely/thoroughly/totallytrunk n 行李箱confident n 有信心的confidence nbe confident of doing sthdreams come true梦想成真dreams ended梦想破灭了

17、, 梦断了dream of dream of doing sthI dream of flying in the sky.(dream v)dream of flying in the sky comes true.(dream n)一句话中只有一个动词, 如果再出现动词, 可以用and并列连接, 也可以变成复合句, 用when, because连接, 还可以使这个动词表示动词意思, 但不做谓语, 即非谓语动词过去分词做定语, 表示 “被” ploughed field (plough n.犁 v.耕, 犁, 犁耕, 费力穿过, 艰苦前进, 在考试中淘汰)n+calledthe plane c

18、alled a “Pilatus Porter” 如果用短语修饰其他词, 则把短语放在被修饰词的后边be used to do被用来used to do同位语从句中的引导词只要一个thatin the ground (更习惯于用 “under the ground” )it is said是插入语 “据说” used to过去常常where 修饰 cave ; 一个地点状语从句where: in which 翻译时译为 “在那儿” This is the river where I swim.would一般表示从过去看将来, 但此处表示 “used to” 过去常做Lesson 56 Fast

19、er than sound!sound n 声音sound v 听起来adj 合理的 等于reasonable adj.合理的, 有道理的, 通情达理的, 讲道理的I have a piece of sound advice.我有一个合理的建议Soundly adj 香甜的: sleep soundly任何声音都可以说 : sound n voice n 人的声音noise n 和周围不和谐的声音, 躁音excitement n 激动, 兴奋to ones excitement : 令某人激动的是the most exciting thing is that : 最令人激动的是the most

20、 surprising thing about it is that : 最令人惊讶的事情是it excited me that : 让我激动的是handsome adj 漂亮的, 美观的you look beautiful一般形容人, 形容人的时候表示内在和外在美的统一, 完美的概念She is are beautifulpicture is beautifulpretty美丽(用于女孩或小孩), 有柔美的意思pretty boy / pretty girl / pretty womannice (天气, 食物, 物品的品质等)you are nice.你长得不

21、错lovely可爱的This is a lovely story.这是一个可爱的故事lovely girlgood-looking 很好看的smart 小巧而美丽的(物)或时髦而美丽的(人) : she is smart.cute adj.漂亮, 常用来形容小孩the baby is cuteWhat a cute baby! 多漂亮的宝宝啊!How cute you are! 你多漂亮啊!(可爱啊!)handsome adj.形容男孩, 英俊, 一般与男孩子连如 : handsome boy.handsome与人连用有阳刚的美, 与物相连表示美观大方, 并表示制作精良. Your husba

22、nd is handsome./Your wife is pretty.pretty跟男性连用就表示没有阳刚气, 女性化handsome跟女性连用的时候就表示这个女孩子有阳刚气, 类似女侠的概念explosion n 爆炸, 轰响explode vt.使爆炸 vi.爆炸, 爆发, 破除, 推翻, 激发如 : decision n / decide vexplosive n.爆炸物,炸药 adj.爆炸(性)的, 爆发(性)的, 暴露bomb n.炸弹 vt.投弹于, 轰炸the bomb exploded.course n 跑道, 行程on the course按照轨道运行off course

23、偏离轨道of course 当然course n 课程This term,I took/take seven courses这学期我学了七门课rival n 对手competition n 竞争, 竞赛competitor n.the person who takes part in the competition竞争者, 对手opposite n.相反的事物 adj.相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的opponent n.对手, 反对者(持反对意见的人, 如辩论赛上的和政治上的) adj enemy敌人rival adj 势均力敌的 n 势均力敌的对手 vspeed v

24、 疾驶speed sped spedspeed 速度at the speed of 以.的速度the car goes at the speed of 40 miles an hour / at 40 miles an hour.在车后的3 speed/4 speed表示档位blow up风力的增加speed up速度的增加, 加速slow down减速downhill adv 下坡downstairs下楼upstairs上楼go down stairsgo downhill 下山downtown (n adj adv) 市中心的商业区 反意词 : uptown 远离商业区Ill go to

25、the downtown.How fast did the winning car go?获胜的车子走得有多快?race车赛Once a year,a race is held for old cars.也可以 : Old car race is held once a year.enter for报名参加a great deal of 大量的+不可数名词a great number of +可数名词a great many +可数名词a large amount of +不可数名词There was a great deal of excitement.人们非常激动There is a gr

26、eat deal of excitement.Just before : just 起强调作用关于one of :(lesson 28)如果在定语从句中出现了one of作为先行词, 它后边的关系代词指代的是后面的复数名词如果在one of前面还有一修饰词only,那么后边的关系代词将指代one这个词, 才作单数看He is the only one of those rare people who believes in ancient of 直接作主语的时候, 它是做单数看待的One of the answers is ture.One of those people

27、is good.A Benz : 许多Benz 中的一辆Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. It 是主语The car was built in 1885.Taking part 理解为 : taking part inBuilt in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part (in the race).A great many 许多After explosions 许多爆炸声之后break down车子抛锚many cars许多车子many of the cars 车子当中的许多many students许多学生

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