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1、语言目标Hi,I amHello,I am话题呈现任务设计介绍自己的名字能力目标能够用英语告诉对方自己叫什么情感目标培养学生对英语的喜爱,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点能够用I am句型进行简单的自我介绍教学难点课型新授课教具objects,cards,a tape,record学具Cards教法愉快教学法、情境教学法、活动教学法、任务教学法、师生互动教学法。学法调动自己的视觉、听觉等多种感官主动运用所学英语进行交流板书设计:happy English happy timeHi ImHomework:教学效果反馈:Teaching Procedure(教学过程)教学流程具体教学环节设计意图及

2、教具Step one:Warm-upStep two:Presentation1、 Listen to a English song.展示英语的无穷魅力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2、Inroduce myself A、To show the picture Tiantian JinJin CoCoIntrotuce themAsk the pupil whether they want to know their name.B、play the recorderHello, I am TiantianHello, I am JinjinHi Im CoCoHi Im Amy 愉快情境Pictu

3、res师生互动A rcorderStep threepracticeStepfour: additional activities C、read after the recording D、老师指导学生的发音 E、practice in pairsF、Ask them act out the scene. Make up short dialogues Come to the front and act out Play a short game3、为孩子们取英文名字,并且引导学生用新的英文名字在课上与同学合作交流。4、课堂小结师生互动教学法、愉快教学法愉快教学法、任务型教学法、师生互动教学法

4、Unit 1 My familylook, mum, dad, grandma, grandpa掌握 look, mum, dad, grandma, grandpa的英文发音Can listen speak read the words:My familyCan greeting in Englishthe new words and sentencesmake some new sentences. the tape-recorder unit 1 my familyLook,mymum dad1. Listen to the tape and sing the “Hello” song

5、2. Show the cards: TV, WTO, HK, Email, CD, cool 1. Teacher says: Hello! Hi!Students say:2. Teacher says: Im Miss Qin. Put on the headgear and say : Im Li Yan ( Peter)3.Ss: Im Li Yan,(Peter)Say it themselves or in pairs. 4. Look at the pictures:Girls put on the headgear and say :Hi! Im Coco. Hello! I

6、mMary(RitaAmyKitty Betty Ann Rose Linda Jinjin)5.Listen to the tape look and read them again and again.6.Boys put on the headgear and say : Im Tiantian. Hello! I am Mike(Tim Robin David Tom Bob jack Henry William)Step3PracticeStep4AssessmentHomework:1. Put on the headgear make up the dialogues:2. Pl

7、ay a game :Introduce yourself1.Do the exercise 2. Listen and do 3.Say the sentences 4. Listen and readListen and say the dialoguesHello! Im(I am) Hi! Im(I am) .Fruit Lesson1a peach, a banana, a watermelon, an orange, an appleFruit能够将用简单的英语讲述每个可爱的水果,并将所学的语言运用到实际的生活当中。培养一年级学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心.1 “watermelon”

8、 的发音2 将新的词汇融入语言情境中,达到词汇在情境中活用。1. 能听、说单词:2. 培养一年级学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心自制PPT、图片、小卡片等。Lesson1 Fruit :1、Lets sing :“Boy and Girl ”a、师生一起边拍手边唱。b、男女同学按角色来唱。2、日常口语练习Say a chant and do the action.1、 Tell a story 2.Jinjins Adventures In Wonderland3 See a big house.4 Introduce the fruit family.5 Try to learn the new

9、words:. 1、Play a memory game with the cards.2、Have a competition (Listen and touch).3、Design their own fruit kingdom.(Draw and say)4、Share the fruit with their families.A recorderLesson2 “Lets chant.”A banana for you. Thank you. 让学生通过本课说唱,复习巩固有关水果的单词,充分感受歌谣的韵律和语言之美。主要句型: 日常用语:Thank you.对歌谣的跟唱、跟说和理解。

10、 Unit 2 FruitLets chant.A/ An for you. Share your good things with your good friends.chant 的内容比较好掌握,但是由于单词较长,学生的速度不够快,有些跟不上带子,需要进行多种形式的练习,采取竞赛的方式激励学生尽快掌握。(1) Greeting:(2) Introduction: Teachers name(1) Show four new friends:Amy Tom Betty Robin(2) Review the words:an apple / an orange / a banana / a

11、peach/ a watermelon(3) Give Ss the fruit cards:Introduce the sentence:(4) Use the fruit cards to show the sentence: A banana for you.(1) Play the game : Pass it Practice the sentences:A/ An for you.(2) Listen to the chant.(3) Let Ss practice the chant.(4)Today we learn (3) Greeting:(4) Introduction: Teachers nam

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