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高中英语Module4 SectionⅢGrammar时间状语从句与省略教案外研版选修7Word文档格式.docx

1、从句中的动词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是短暂性动词。侧重指从句的动作与主句的动作同时进行,常译为“一边一边;随着”When she came in, I was doing my homework.当她进来时,我正在做作业。When/while I lived with the Smiths, we used to discuss international issues together.我和史密斯一家住在一起时,我们经常一起讨论国际问题。As she grew older, she lost interest in gardening.随着年龄越来越大,她对园艺失去了兴趣。2由till或u

2、ntil引导的时间状语从句主句形式主句谓语意义肯定句用延续性动词意为“直到为止”,表示主句中的动作截止到从句动作发生时否定句用短暂性动词意为“直到才”,表示主句中的动作开始于从句动作发生时He waited until she had finished speaking.他一直等到她讲完。You cant go home until you finish your work.工作完成后你才能回家。名师点津(1)till和until一般情况下两者可以互换,但till不可用于句首并且在强调句中多用until。(2)如果将“not until .”结构放在句首,那么主句要部分倒装。It was no

3、t until the meeting was over that he began to tell me the secret.直到会议结束他才开始告诉我那个秘密。Not until we pointed out their fault to them did they realize it.直到我们向他们指出,他们才意识到自己的错误。3由since引导的时间状语从句(1)若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是非延续性动词,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。We have been missing them since they left here.自从他们离开这儿以来我们一直想

4、念他们。(2)若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是延续性动词或表示状态的动词,则从句表示的时间是“从延续性动作或状态结束时算起”。How long is it since you lived in Shanghai?你多久不住在上海了?4由before引导的时间状语从句(1)before 意为“在之前”,置于主句前后均可。Before the sun sets, we must go home.太阳落山前,我们必须回家。(2)如果before引导的从句位于主句之后,有时不能译成“在之前”,而要译成“过了多久才”“还未就”等。The struggle lasted four years bef

5、ore the North won in the end.战争持续了4年北方才最终获胜。He almost knocked me down before he saw me.他几乎撞到我时才看见我。She left before I could have a word with her.我还没来得及和她说句话,她就离开了。(3)before常用句型It will be two years before he leaves the country.再过两年他才会离开这个国家。5由意为“一就”的词引导的时间状语从句(1)immediately, instantly, directly, the m

6、oment/instant/minute (that)作连词引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as,表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即发生。常译成“一就”。Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.你只要一开始说话,他就会全神贯注地听。(2)hardly/scarcely .when .和no sooner .than .也表示“一就”。主句用过去完成时,when和than从句中用一般过去时。当hardly/scarcely和no sooner位于句首时,主句应倒装。Hardly had we beg

7、un our walk when it began to rain.我们刚开始散步天就开始下雨了。6由名词短语引导的时间状语从句短语the first/last time, every/each/next time等也可作连词,引导时间状语从句。Every time I catch a cold, I have a pain in my throat.每次感冒我的嗓子就疼。He was writing a letter the first time I saw him.我第一次看到他时,他在写信。7by the time引导的时间状语从句By the time you come here to

8、morrow, I will have finished this work.你明天来这儿的时候,我将已经完成这项工作了。名师点津by the time引导的时间状语从句可用一般现在时表示将来,此时主句应使用将来完成时;当从句中用一般过去时时,主句应使用过去完成时。集中演练111.单句语法填空By the time he was fourteen, Einstein had_learned (learn) advanced mathematics all by himself.The discussion came (come) alive when an interesting topic

9、was brought in.No sooner had he got to the station than the train_left (leave)By the time he is 60, he will_have_retired (retire) from his present position.Great changes have taken place since you told me the technique of singing.John thinks it wont be long before he is ready for his new job.He look

10、ed at the plane taking off till/until it disappeared.Jack was working in the lab when the power cut occurred.The boy burst into tears immediately (immediate) he saw his mother.Remember to send me a photo of us the next time you write (write) to me.12.单句改错How time flies! It has been two weeks after o

11、ur winter vacation began. aftersinceIt wont be long when we have the midterm examination.whenbeforeEvery time when he arrived home at the end of the day, wed greet him at the door. 去掉whenBy the time Jack returned home from England, his son graduated from college.graduated前加had语法点二省略为了避免重复,可以省略句中的一些成

12、分,这种现象叫省略。常可省略句子中的主语、谓语动词、部分谓语(宾语)、不定式符号to后的动词原形及其后的词语和句子中的一部分。1省略主语(1)祈使句中通常省略主语you。(2)在口语交际中常省略交际双方都清楚的主语,如I, you, it等。(You) Leave him in peace!不要去打扰他!(I) Dont know.我不知道。(It) Looks like rain.像是要下雨了。2省略谓语Who (comes) next?谁下一个来?Bob has done his homework, but Tom hasnt (done his homework)鲍勃已经做了家庭作业,但

13、汤姆却没有(做家庭作业)。John was the winner in 2017 and Bob (was the winner) in 2018.约翰是2017年的获胜者,鲍勃是2018年的(获胜者)。3省略表语省略表语的情况比较普遍。Are you ready? Yes, we are (ready)你们准备好了吗?是的,我们准备好了。4动词不定式的省略(1)在并列结构中为了避免重复,可省略后面的不定式符号to。但如果句子前面出现过同样的动词,为避免重复,后面的不定式常省略动词原形,而保留不定式符号to。It is impossible to laugh and (to) cry at t

14、he same time.同时又哭又笑是不可能的。You can do it this way if you care to (do it)如果你愿意可以这样做。(2)在let, make, have等使役动词后和在see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch等感官动词后用作宾语补足语的动词不定式一般省略to。但变为被动语态时,to要保留。You have made me (to) feel secure.你使我感到安全。The boy was noticed to enter the office.男孩被注意到进入了办公室。(3)but表示“除了之外”时,其

15、前若有实义动词do的某种形式,but后的不定式须省略to。We have nothing to do but (to) wait.我们现在除了等没有别的事可做。5省略句子中的一部分在特定语境中,常省略与前面相重复的部分。Who gave you that CD?Dad (gave it to me)谁给你的那张唱片?爸爸(给的)。I lent it to someone but I cant remember who (I lent it to)我把它借给某个人了,但我记不起是谁了。If the weather is fine, we will go. If (the weather is)

16、not (fine), (we will) not (go)如果天气好,我们就去。如果天气不好,我们就不去。名师点津当后句与前句的用词和句式完全相同,只是前句为肯定,后句为否定时,常省略后句中与前句相同的部分,只保留否定词not。6从句中的省略(1)宾语从句中若有两个或两个以上的that从句时,只能省略第一个that。(2)定语从句中作宾语的关系代词that, which和whom是可以省略的。(3)在时间、地点、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中,若从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语部分含有系动词be或状语从句中有it is结构时,通常省略“主语be动词”或“it is”。He acted

17、 as if (he was) certain of success.他表现的就像一定会成功一样。Unless (this law/it is) changed, this law will make life difficult for farmers.除非加以修改,否则这条法律将给农民的生活造成困难。Though (he was) exhausted, he went to bed very late.虽然他已筋疲力尽,但还是很晚才睡觉。集中演练221.单句语法填空Did anyone notice a stranger come (come) into the bank?The next

18、 year, after growing (grow) much taller, Tom entered the school basketball team eventually.These workers must wear their uniforms and the masks to keep the environment clean while working (work)When completed (complete), the amusement park will be open to the public next summer.Unless invited (invit

19、e) to go to his birthday party, I will buy nothing for him.22.句型转换Though his family was poor, his family managed to send him to school.Though poor,_his family managed to send him to school.While I was walking along the street, I heard my name called.While walking along the street, I heard my name ca

20、lled.You shouldnt come to his party unless you are invited.You shouldnt come to his party unless invited.He looked everywhere as if he was in search of something.He looked everywhere as if in search of something.If it is possible, John would like to study Chinese in Beijing in the future.If possible

21、,_John would like to study Chinese in Beijing in the future.John worked hard but his brother didnt work hard.John worked hard but his brother didnt.I meant to write to you, but I forgot to write to you.I meant to write to you, but I forgot to.He hasnt finished his homework, but he ought to have fini

22、shed it.He hasnt finished his homework, but he ought to have.链接高考单句语法填空1(2017北京高考) If you dont understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people untilyou figure it out.解析:考查状语从句。句意:如果你无法理解某个东西,你可能会探索、研究以及和其他人交谈,直到你把它弄明白。根据句意,此处应用until引导时间状语从句,表示主句动作一直持续到until从句所表达的时间才结束。2(2016全

23、国卷)Over time, as/when the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly.慢慢地,随着人口的增加(当人口增加时),为了使食物熟得更快,人们开始把食物切成小块。根据句意可知,空格处填as或when,引导时间状语从句。3(2016天津高考)As the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.随着人口平均寿

24、命的延长,越来越多的老年人需要照顾。此处as引导时间状语从句表示“随着”。4(2015天津高考)We need to get to the root of the problem before_we can solve it.我们需要找出问题的根源才能解决问题。before“在之前”,在此引导时间状语从句。5(2015北京高考)If accepted (accept) for the job, youll be informed soon.考查状语从句的省略。如果你被接受做这项工作的话,你将很快得到通知。条件状语从句中省略了的主语you与accept之间构成被动关系,故用过去分词accepte

25、d。6(2014湖南高考)Children, when accompanied_(accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.有家长陪伴时,孩子们才被允许进入体育场。在状语从句中,当主句主语与从句主语一致,且谓语动词含有be动词或be动词的某种形式时,可以省略从句中的主语和be。设空处的完整形式为when they are accompanied by .,省略了they are。针对演练.句型转换1He may not be at home then. If he is not at home, leave hi

26、m a note.He may not be at home then. If so,_leave him a note.2She fell asleep while she was doing her homework.She fell asleep while doing her homework.3When Tom saw Mary for the first time, he was impressed with her.The _first time Tom saw Mary, he was impressed with her.4Dont hesitate to call me w

27、hen you are in trouble.Dont hesitate to call me when _in_ trouble.5Immediately he came home, he told me the news.As _soon _as/The_ moment he came home, he told me the news.6She will not go to bed until her son returns. (not until置于句首)Not _until _her_ son returns_ will_ she go to bed.7She opened her mouth as if she wanted to speak.She opened her mouth as if to speak.8He has nothing to do. He has to sleep.He has nothing to do but _sleep.9When they were first introduced to the market, the

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