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人教版高一英语必修二unit3 computers单词详解Word格式文档下载.docx

1、通用的;宇宙的 e.g. Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口过多是全球性的问题。 universe n. 宇宙simplify vt. 简化 e.g. Simplify the instructions so that children can understand them. 简化指示便于儿童理解。simple adj. 简单的 simply adv. 简单地sum n. 总数;金额 vt.& vi.总计;总结 e.g. He was fined the sum of 200. 他被处以200英镑罚金。in sum 总而言之 e.g. In s

2、um, the plan failed. 总之,计划告吹了。sum sth. up 概括 e.g. Now sum your ideas up in a few words. 现在把你的观点用几句话来概括一下。sum up =add up 总结;合计operator n. 操作员 operate vt.& vi.运转;操作;经营 vi.(对)动手术 operate on 给做手术;产生作用 You brought me here to operate on you. 你带我来这里给你做手术。logical adj. 合逻辑的 e.g. the logical outcome 合情合理的结果 a

3、 logical mind 善於推理的头脑 logic n.逻辑性;逻辑学 logically adv. 符合逻辑地 revolution n. 革命; revolutionary adj. 革命的;重大变革的;创新的;旋转的 n.革命者,革新者artificial intelligence 人工智能intelligence quality (IQ) 智商 solve vt. 解决 solvable adj.可解决的 solution n. 解决;解答mathematical adj. 数学的 math=maths=mathematics 数学fromon 从时起 e.g. from then

4、 on 从那时起 from now on 从现在起reality n. 事实 e.g. The plan will soon become a reality. 这计划不久就要化为现实。in reality 事实上,实际上 e.g. The house looks very old, but in reality its quite new. 这房子看起来很旧,实际上很新。real adj. 真实的really adv.真正;实际上designer n. 设计师 e.g. dressed by a leading New York designer 穿着纽约领衔设计师设计的服装design v

5、. 设计 personal adj. 个人的;私人的 e.g. Please leave us alone we have something personal to discuss. 请让我们单独在一起-我们有点私事要谈 in person 亲自;当面 Did you tell her in person?你当面跟她说的?as a result 结果 e.g. As a result, they suffered heavy losses. 结果,他们受到了严重损失。 as a result of 由于;因为China also faces an ageing population as a

6、 result of its birth-control policies.由于推行计划生育政策,中国还面临着人口老龄化问题。 result in 导致 result from 因为This may result in unpredictable output.这可能会造成不可预测的结果。total adj. 总的 e.g. The firm made a total profit of 200,000. 该公司的利润总额达200000英镑。in total 总共 e.g. That will cost you 7.50 in total. 你总共要花7.50英镑。totally adv. 完

7、全地 e.g. Im afraid I totally forgot about it. 很抱歉,我把这件事忘得干干净净了。application n. 应用 ;申请 e.g. the application of science to industry 科学在工业上的应用apply vi./vt.应用,运用;申请;涂;敷(药)apply to sb for sth 向sb 申请sthapply to应用apply A to B 把A应用在B上,把A涂在B上 These passwords apply to the entire workbook. 这些密码可应用于整个工作簿。apply fo

8、r 申请Id rather you didnt apply for that position.我倒觉得你不去申请那个职位的好。finance n. 金融;财政;资金 (for sth. ) e.g. the Minister of Finance 财政部长 adj. financial 金融的mobile adj. 可移动的;机动的 charge my phone 给手机充电rocket n. 火箭give sb./get a rocket 严厉斥责某人/受到严厉斥责v. 迅速增加 e.g. House prices are rocketing (up). 房价在飞涨。explore vt.

9、 & vi. 探索;探究 e.g. Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent. 哥伦布发现了美洲,但没有考察这块新大陆。 expose 曝光 explode 爆炸=blow upanyhow / anyway adv. 无论如何;即使如此 e.g. Anyhow, you can try. 至少你可以试试。 somehow =someway 不知怎么;以某种方式 E.g. She got lost.goal n. 目标;球门 achieve /reach/arrive at ones goal 达成某人的

10、目标 e.g. One often has to work hard to achieve ones goal. 若要达到目标,就得努力工作。human race 人类 =mankind(谓单三) e.g. I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race. 我不把经纪人当作是人类的一个成员。 human =human being 可数n.(复数+s)download vt.下载 (+sth. from sth.) e.g. I download music from the Internet. 我从网络上下载音乐。 load vi.

11、/vt 装货 n.负担;工作量 unload v. 卸货virus n. 病毒 anti-virus 杀毒的;抗病毒的 anti-virus software 杀毒软件signal vi.& vt. 发信号 n. 信号 signal to sb. 向某人示意type n. 类型 vt. & vi. 打字 typewriter n. 打字机 a type of 一种;一类in a way 在某种程度上 e.g. The work is well done in a way. 这工作还算做得不错。 by the way 顺便说一下 in the way 妨碍;挡道 on the way 在路上;即

12、将来临arise vi. ( arose, arisen) 出现;发生;起床 e.g. Use this money when the need arises. 有需要时就使用这笔钱。How did the quarrel arise? 争吵是怎么引起的?He arose at 6:30 a.m. as usual. 同往常一样,他在早上6:30起了床riseraiseelectronic adj. 电子的 electricity n.电力;电流appearance n. 外观;外貌;出现(全身整体) look n.外表(脸) e.g. Dont judge a person by his a

13、ppearances. 不要以貌取人。 put in an appearance 露一下面 e.g. I dont want to go to the party but Id better put in an appearance, I suppose. 我不想参加那个聚会,可是我最好还是要露一下面。v. appear 出现 e.g. The news appeared next day on the front page. 那则消息次日刊登在头版上了。character n. 性格;特点 e.g. What does her handwriting tell you about her c

14、haracter? 你从她的画法中看到她有什么个性? n.性格,特征;品行;字母,符号;人物 vt.刻,印;使具有特征characteristic adj.特有的;显示的特征的 n.特征,特色mop n. 拖把 vt. 用拖把拖 mop ones face 擦脸deal with 处理 (how) e.g. I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation. 我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。do with 处理 (what)do sth. with deal with sth./sbwatch

15、over 看守;监视;照顾 e.g. She offered to watch over the child. 她主动要帮助照看孩子。niece n. 侄女 nephew 侄子spoil vt. 损坏;宠坏 spoilt/spoiled e.g. The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village. 新修的路彻底毁掉了那个村庄的特色。 That little girl is terribly spoilt/spoiled . Her parents give her everything she asks for. 那个小女孩真惯得不像话-父母对她是有求必应。be spoiling for sth. 憋足了劲儿要 e.g. Hes spoiling for trouble. 他憋足了劲儿要找麻烦。

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