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1、 Peggy急于想表明她可以算出这道题。16. Roger appeared very upset. Roger 显得很难过。17. I appreciated his help when we moved. 我感激他在我们搬家时(给的)帮助。18. “Thanks, boys. I appreciate it.” 谢谢了,男孩们。我很感激(你们的帮助)19. Asking your boss for a pay rise shows that you are an excellent employee (雇员) 向老板请求加薪表明你是个优秀的雇员。20. Did you ask your b

2、oss for a pay increase? 你向老板要求加薪过么?B21. We could hear the rain beating on the roof. 我们可以听到雨水正敲打着屋檐。22. Hes aliveI can feel his heart beating. 他还活着,我可以感觉到他的心脏在跳动。23. I could always beat my brother at chess. 在下象棋方面我总能打败我哥哥。24. Try to follow the beat. 试着跟着节拍。25. She didnt believe such things mattered m

3、uch. 她不相信这种事情会很要紧。 26. Will there be anyone else we know at the party besides Will and Janet?除了Will 和 Janet以外,派对上会有我们认识的别的人吗?27. I dont like those shoes;besides,theyre too expensive. 我不喜欢那些鞋;而且,他们还太贵了。28. He is good at describing things. 他擅长于描述事物。29. He is in good health.(= He is very healthy.) 他身体状

4、况良好。30. Your mother will be very pleased with you. 你妈妈将会为你感到高兴/满意。31. We have similar opinions. My opinions are similar to hers. 我们有相似的观点。我的观点和她的相似。32. She is very strict with her children. 她对她的孩子们很严格。33. Were not supposed to smoke here. 我们不应该在这抽烟。34. How much are they willing to pay? 他们乐意付多少钱?35. Y

5、ou can borrow the book from the library. 你可以从图书馆借这本书。36. Danny, stop bothering me while Im trying to work. 丹尼,当我正努力工作的时候请不要打扰我。37. A piece of china breaks easily. 一件瓷器很容易被打碎。38. Im exhausted- I need a break. 我累坏了-我需要休息。39. The sun shone through a break in the clouds. 阳光从云朵的间隙中照射下来。40. The lifts in t

6、his building are always breaking down. 这栋楼里的电梯经常停止运转。41. Another bridge has been built over the river. 这条河上又修了一座桥。42. He is in the wool business. 他是做羊毛生意的。43. His parents promised to buy him a new bike. 他的父母允诺给他买辆新自行车。C44. Do you think we should call at Bobs while were in London? 你认为当我们在伦敦的时候要去拜访鲍勃家

7、吗?45. The government called in the police to deal with the problems. 政府把警察叫来解决这些问题。46. I called him up and told him the news. 我打电话给他,告诉他这则消息。47. The sound of happy laughter called up memories of his childhood. 欢乐的笑声唤起了他童年的记忆。48. Cross the road with care. 过马路时要小心。49. I dont think she cares about what

8、 happens to her children. 我认为她并不关心她的孩子发生什么事了。50. Would you care for a drink? 你想不想要来点喝的?51. She cares for her father through his long illness. 在她的父亲久病期间她照顾他。52. Be careful not to fall. 小心点不要掉下来。53. I was so careless with my things. 我对自己的东西很粗心。54. These bags carry easily. 这些包很容易拿。55. They are carrying

9、 out urgent repairs. 他们正在进行紧急修理。56. We carried out her instructions to the letter. 我们执行了她对这封信的指示。57. She threw the ball and I caught it. 她扔球我接住了。58. The cat catches mice. 猫捉老鼠。59. The police had to drive very quickly in order to catch the train. 警察不得不将车开得非常快为的是赶上火车。60. Youll catch (a) cold if you do

10、nt put a sweater on. 如果你不穿上毛衣你会得感冒的。61. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood. 大雨是导致洪灾的原因。 = The flood was the result of the heavy rain. 洪灾是大雨的结果。62. Where can I change my English money for U.S. dollars? 在哪可以把我的英镑兑换成美元?63. They spent the day (in) cleaning out the garage. 他们花了一整天把车库打扫干净了。64. The

11、mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决定彻底清理全城。65. Hows Martin coming along with his English? 马丁的英语进展如何?66. When the right opportunity comes along, shell take it. 当好的机会出现的时候,她会抓住它。67. Jobs are hard to come by these days. 最近工作很难找/得到。68. The magazine comes out once a month. 这本杂志每个月出版一次。69. The d

12、ream comes true. 这个梦想实现了。70.He came up with a good idea to solve the problem. 他想出了一个好点子来解决这个问题。71. He cant compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 作为一个写悲剧的作家,他不能和莎士比亚相提并论。72. She complained to me about his rudeness. 她向我抱怨他的无礼。73. Mum is the best cook in the world. 妈妈是世上最好的厨师。74. Please se

13、nd a copy of this letter to Mr. Grey. 请把这封信的副本送给格雷先生.75. Jean always copies the way I dress. Jean总是抄袭我穿衣服的方式。76. Careless driving cost him his life. 粗心驾驶使他丢了性命。77. The cost of living is going up. 生活费用在上涨。78. She covered the table with a cloth. 她用一块布把桌子盖起来。79. She cut her finger on a piece of glass.

14、她的手指被一块玻璃割伤了。80. Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm. 血从他胳膊的伤口处喷出来。D81. Is there any danger of fire? 有发生火灾的危险吗?82. If you ever dare call me that name again,youll be sorry. 如果你敢再叫我那个名字,你会后悔的。83.“Are you going to visit them?” “Well, it depends.” “你将要去拜访他们吗” “嗯.视情况而定吧。”84. The country depends hea

15、vily on its tourist trade. 这个国家(的经济)主要依靠其旅游业.85. I hated to disappoint her. 我不想让她失望。86. I drew my chair up to the table. 我把椅子拖到桌子上。(draw-drew-drawn)87. Can I drew $50 from the bank? 我能从银行提取50美元吗?88. There is no need to dress up - come as you are.没必要打扮-就你平常的样子来吧。89. He is driving me mad. 他快让我发疯了。90.

16、The noise is driving me out of my mind. 噪音快让我抓狂了。91. The bottle dropped and broke. 瓶子掉下去摔碎了。92. She dropped a postcard to her grandma. 她给她奶奶寄了张明信片。93. Drop everything and come here! 放下所有事情,到这里来。94. I just dropped by to see how you were getting on. 我只是顺便拜访来看看最近你怎么样了。E95. There is a line of trees on e

17、ach/ either side of the river. 在河的每一边都有一排树。96. We hope for an early production of the play. 我们希望这部话剧早日出产。97. He sat in the car with a policeman on either side of him. 他坐在车里,(两侧)身旁各坐着一个警察。98. Either you come in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 要么你亲自来,要么你委托某人来解决问题。99. He ended up taking

18、 the train. 他最终乘了火车。100. A new idea entered his mind. 他想出了一个新主意。101. Two men have escaped from Durham jail. 两个人从Durham监狱逃跑了。102. Please make my excuses to your friend. 请替我想你的朋友表示歉意。103. Hes been out celebrating and expected his wife to drive him home. 他在外庆祝,预料到了妻子会赶他回家。104. Its 20 for dinner, and dr

19、inks are extra. 这是午餐的20英镑,饮料钱额外算。F105. This is my favourite among his novels. 在他的所有小说当中,这是我最喜爱的。106. She fed the child with a spoon. 她用勺子喂孩子。(feed-fed-fed)107. Fetch me some bread. 去给我拿些面包来。108. He has a lot of fight in him. 他很有斗志。109. Could you fill in the application form, please? 你能把这张申请表填写一下吗?11

20、0. I finished typing the report just before you called. 就在你打电话来之前我打完了这个报告。111. Her height fitted her for basketball. 她的身高很适合打篮球。112. The electricians coming to fix up the cooker. 电工会来修理炉灶。113. We fixed up the guest bedroom before my parents came to stay. 在父母来住之前,我们整理好了客房。114. Well have to fix up a t

21、ime to meet. 我们得安排一个时间见面。115. They tried to fool you into coming after us. 他们想要愚弄你来跟着我们。116. Hes friendly to us all. 他对我们所有的人都很友好。G117. If you two are going to share a room, youd better learn how to get along. 如果你们两个要共用一个房间,你们最好学会怎样相处。118. Hows your son getting along at University? 你儿子在大学里过的怎么样?119.

22、 Do you get on well with your parents? 你和你的父母相处得好吗?120. Get on with your homework. 继续做你的家庭作业。121. How on earth did the dog manage to get out? 这只狗到底是怎样逃出来的? (manage to do sth : 设法做成某事)122. Can you help me get out of the meeting tomorrow? 你能帮我逃避明天的会议吗?123. She still hasnt got over the shock of her mot

23、hers death. 她仍然没有从母亲过世的惊吓之中恢复过来。124. If you want to watch TV, get your lessons over first. 如果你想要看电视,先完成你的作业。125. I dont want to take the test yet, Im not ready for it. 我不想参加考试,我还没有准备好。126. John gave me a lift home. John开车稍我回家。127. Ive given away most of the childrens toys. 我已经捐赠/分发了大部分的儿童玩具。128. Ive

24、 tried to remove the stain in the carpet but it wont go away. 我已经很努力的去掉地毯上的污渍,但它就是去不掉。129. Suddenly the kitchen light went out. 突然厨房的灯熄灭了。130. How does she keep smiling after all shes gone through that? 在经历了那件事之后她怎么还能保持微笑?131. Paris was so expensive, we went through/ used up/ ran out of all our mone

25、y in one week. 巴黎(消费)太贵了,我们在一个星期里就用光了所有的钱。132. I went through the whole house looking for my purse. 我检查了整个房子来找我的钱包。H133. Please hand in your exercise books at the end of the lesson. 请在这课堂结束的时候交练习册。134. The teacher handed out the examination papers. 老师把试卷发下来了。135. You dont happen to know his name,do

26、you? 你不是碰巧知道他名字的,对吗?136. Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 我特别讨厌塑料花。137. The sun was hidden by the clouds. 太阳被云朵藏了起来。( hide-hid-hidden )138. The girl was holding her fathers hand. 这个女孩正抓着她父亲的手。139. The meeting will be held in the Town Hall. ( hold-held-held ) 会议将在市政厅举行。140. Our hopes fo

27、r the fine weather were not disappointed. 我们想要拥有好天气的希望没有落空。141. Hurry him up. 让他快点。142. Im seriously hurt in the leg. 我的腿严重受伤。143. I didnt want to hurt his feelings. 我不想伤害他的感情。I144. There were twelve of us, including me and Tom. 有我们当中的12个,包括我和汤姆。145. For fuller information, please contact our local

28、agent. (想要获得)更丰富的信息,请联系我们的本地代理商。J146. A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. 笑话从来不会(让你)增加一个敌人,但常常会(让你)失去一个朋友。147. He is a just and honourable ruler. 他是一个公正的并且值得尊敬的统治者。K148. Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold. 暖和的衣物有助于御寒。149. The children have been warned to keep out of the fields while the crops are growing. 在庄稼正在生长的时候,孩子们被警告不得进入农田。150. If the door wont open, give it a kick. 如

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