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1、Visits 2013年8月17日 星期六 12:21:19 前 言Preface2011生态文明贵阳会议(EFG2011)由全国政协人口资源环境委员会、科学技术部、环境保护部、住房和城乡建设部、北京大学、贵州省人民政府主办,中共贵阳市委、贵阳市人民政府承办,中国人民外交学会、中国气象学会、中国市长协会、中国工程院、联合国开发计划署驻华代表处、联合国环境规划署驻华代表处协办。会议在贵阳国际会议展览中心举行,主题为“通向生态文明的绿色变革机遇和挑战”。Eco-Forum Guiyang 2011 (EFG 2011) is organized by Committee on Population

2、, Resources and Environment of CPPCC, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of P.R.China, Peking University, and Guizhou Provincial Peoples Government, and sponsored by Guiyang Municipal Committee of the CPC, Guiyang

3、 Municipal Peoples Government, Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Meteorological Society, China Association of Mayors, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, UNDP and UNEP Resident Reprehensive in China. Held in Guiyang International Conference & Exhibition Center, EFG 2011 highlight

4、s the theme of “Green Changes towards Eco-civilizationChallenges and Opportunities”. 生态文明是人类文明的一种高级形态。党的十七大以来,党中央、国务院多次强调转变发展方式,加快推进生态文明建设,这是中国对人类文明的重要贡献。地处中国西南的贵州省探索生态文明之路由来已久。早在1988年,时任贵州省委书记的胡锦涛同志倡导在贵州省毕节地区建设“开发扶贫、生态建设”试验区,探索生态文明建设的路径和方法。2007年,贵阳市充分发挥空气清新、气候凉爽、纬度合适、海拔适中等比较优势,决定把贵阳建设成为生态环境良好、生态产业发

5、达、文化特色鲜明、生态观念浓厚、市民和谐幸福、政府廉洁高效的生态文明城市,取得了积极成效。2009年6月被批准为全国生态文明建设试点城市,2010年8月被批准为全国低碳试点城市。Eco-civilization is a senior form of human civilization. Since the 17th National Congress of CPC, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have laid much emphasis on transforming the development mode an

6、d accelerating eco-civilization, which is an important contribution to human civilization. Guizhou Province, located in Southwest China, has made long endeavor in eco-civilization. In 1988, Mr. Hu Jintao, the then Secretary of CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, proposed a pilot area for “Poverty-redu

7、ction and eco-construction” in Bijie District, Guizhou, which was an approach to eco-civilization. In 2007, the Guiyang Municipal Government was determined to give full play to its comparative advantages (fresh air, agreeable climate, suitable latitude and altitude) and build Guiyang into a city of

8、eco-civilizationa city with sound eco-environment, developed ecological industries, distinct ethnic culture, strong ecological awareness, harmonious and happy citizens, and honest and efficient government. Much progress has been achieved up till now. In June 2009, Guiyang was authorized to be a pilo

9、t city of eco-civilization construction, and in August 2010, a national low-carbon pilot city. 生态文明贵阳会议致力于搭建官(政府决策者)、产(企业界)、学(高等院校和科研机构)、媒(媒体)、民(公众)等多方共同参与、资源共享、平等交流的合作平台。从2009年开始,每年夏季在中国贵州贵阳举行。2009、2010生态文明贵阳会议分别以“发展绿色经济我们共同的责任”、“绿色发展我们在行动”为主题,形成了2009贵阳共识和2010贵阳共识。中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林向2009会议致信祝贺,对办好

10、2010会议亲笔作出重要批示。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强对会议成果给予了充分肯定。国务委员戴秉国多次听取会议筹办情况汇报并作出重要指示。英国前首相托尼布莱尔两次出席。这两次会议极大传播了生态文明理念,提升了生态文明的影响力;展示了中国生态文明建设取得的巨大成就以及在应对气候变化方面所作出的不懈努力;提出了一系列操作性强的具体行动措施。在各方的共同关注下,生态文明贵阳会议已经成为跨领域、跨行业、跨部门、跨国界合作的重要桥梁,成为交流各方经验和信息、总结各类实践和典型案例、展示各地生态文明建设成果的重要窗口。Eco-Forum Guiyang is a platform for res

11、ource sharing, communication and cooperation, with participation of decision-makers (government officials), the business circles, institutions of higher learning and research, the media, and the mass. EFG is an annual event held in summer (since 2009). EFG 2009 and 2010 were characterized by the the

12、me of “Developing Green EconomyOur Corporate Responsibility” and “Green DevelopmentWere in Action” respectively, and brought about the 2009 and the 2010 Guiyang Consensus. Mr. Jia Qingling, member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and president of the Chi

13、nese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, wrote a congratulatory letter to EFG 2009 and made important instructions on EFG 2010. Mr. Li Keqiang, member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice Prime Minister of the State Council, highly appreciate

14、d the fruitful results of EFG. The State Councilor Mr. Dai Bingguo listened to the reports and made instructions on the preparation for EFG. Mr. Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister, presented at EFG twice. The two EFGs spread the concept of Eco-civilization, expanded its influence, demonst

15、rated Chinas great progress and unremitting efforts in eco-civilization and in coping with global climate change, and proposed a series of practical action schemes. With the joint efforts from all circles, EFG has now served as an important bridge for cooperation among various fields, industries, de

16、partments and countries, and also as a window for the exchange of experience and information, the analysis of all kinds of practice and typical cases, and the demonstration of eco-civilization achievements of different regions.2011年是“十二五”开局之年,生态文明建设进入新的历史时期。2011生态文明贵阳会议将再次汇聚富有历史使命感和战略远见的各界精英,突出城市为核心


18、一届生态文明建设试点城市经验交流会”。The year 2011 marks the beginning of the 12th Five-Year Plan period and a new historical period for eco-civilization construction. EFG 2011 will pool from different circles the elites with sense of historical mission and strategic vision, and highlight the development mode transfo

19、rmation, with cities as the core, science and technology as the leading force, enterprises as the key factor, education as the essence, the media as driving force, and social organizations as the base. In-depth discussion will be made on the strategic and prospective issues such as green jobs, green

20、 industries, green consumption, green transportation and green trade. EFG 2011 has invited more than 600 guests, including officials from the state government, ministries and departments, former important officials from foreign countries, representatives from international organizations, municipal o

21、fficials, domestic and foreign experts in science, university presidents, heads of enterprises and the media. Sub-forums of EFG 2011 will include Science Panel, Technology Panel, Education Panel, Entrepreneurs Panel, High-tech Industry& Finance Panel, Transnational Corporations Panel, Case Study of

22、Urban Planning and Best Practice, Green Civilization and Media Communications, Youth Pioneer Roundtable, Forest Carbon Sinks Panel, Ecological Restoration Panel, and TV Summit. In EFG 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission will organize the National Symposium on Low-Carbon Development,

23、 and Ministry of Environment Protection, the 1st Experience Sharing Session on Pilot Cities of Eco-civilization Construction.这次会议实现了论坛与展览的结合。国家环保部、贵州省人民政府、中国工业节能与清洁生产协会将主办“全国生态文明建设成果展”和“中国贵阳节能环保产品和技术展”。国家环保部、贵州省以及杭州、贵阳、深圳、珠海、无锡、昆山等46个城市将集中展示生态文明建设的最新成果,中节能、远大、中铝、中石化、中石油、南方电网等国内140家企业将展示清洁能源、低碳技术、固体废

24、弃物处理、污泥和水处理等技术和产品,极大丰富了会议内容。EFG 2011 combines forums and exhibitions. Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guizhou Provincial Peoples Government, China Industry Energy Conservation and Clean Production Association will hold China National Eco-civilization Construction Achievements Exhibition, and G

25、uiyang (China) Energy-Saving and Environmental Products & Technology Exhibition, in which Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guizhou Province, and 46 cities such as Hangzhou, Guiyang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Wuxi, Kunshan, will exhibit the latest achievements in the field of eco-civilization constructi

26、on, and 140 domestic enterprises, including China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group, Broad Group, Chinalco, Sinopec Group, PetroChina Company Limited, and China Southern Power Grid, will exhibit their technology and products on clean energy, low-carbon technology, and solid wast

27、e, mud and sewage disposal. 会议期间,还将举办名人生态环保公益活动,演艺界知名人士冯小刚、王中军、姚晨、张涵予、宁静、陈思思、赵文瑄、薛伟、成龙及其徒弟“新七小福”、刘承俊、JRY组合将出席活动,通过授予生态文明宣传大使、签订生态文明承诺书、讲述环保故事等形式,向公众传递生态文明理念,倡导践行低碳、绿色生活方式。同时,与会重要嘉宾还将开展“留住绿色我们在行动”培育生态公益林活动,为增加森林碳汇作贡献。During the Forum, celebrities from the entertainment circle will take part in activi

28、ties on ecology and environmental protection. Feng Xiaogang, Wang Zhongjun, Yao Chen, Zhang Hanyu, Ning Jing, Chen Sisi, Zhao Wenxuan, Xue Wei, Cheng Long and his 7 apprentices, Liu Chenjun, JRY Group will participate in the activities, spread eco-civilization concept to the mass, and propose a low-

29、carbon and green way of life, by authorizing eco-civilizationpropaganda ambassador, signing letter of commitment on eco-civilization and telling stories. Besides, the distinguished guests will attend the activity of “Conserving the Green, Were in Action”-planting ecological forest and contributing t

30、o forest carbon sink.从“责任”到“行动”,再到“变革”,体现了生态文明贵阳会议主题的不断深化。我们相信,在各方的共同努力下,生态文明贵阳会议将会成为一个增进共识、凝聚力量、推动发展、引领未来的论坛,为中国乃至世界转变发展方式、改善生态环境、实现人与自然和谐相处、促进可持续发展作出积极贡献。The Change from Responsibility to Action and then to Reform reveals the furthering in the theme of Eco-Forum Guiyang. Its our belief that, with

31、our joint efforts, EFG will be a forum for bringing about consensus, pooling power, promoting development and leading to a prosperous future, and make positive contribution to the transformation of development mode, eco-environment improvement, harmonious relationship between human and nature, and sustainable development for China and the world.

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