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1、天津外国语大学国际商学院本科生课程论文(设计)题 目:The components of marketing management姓 名:张瑞桐学 号:1307714011专 业:旅游管理年 级:2013级班 级:13715任课教师:潘康宇20 15 年 5 月ContentsummaryEvery marketing program contains four key components: products and services, promotion, pricing and distribution. Basedonthisclassificationisdivided intotw

2、oparts,thefirstpartwill reviewthemarketing,thesecondpartwassplit intofourparts, respectively, anin-depthanalysisofthefourelements.Key words:Marketing program;key components;Analysis IIThe components of marketing management 一、marketing conceptSales management refers to the achievement of corporate or

3、 organizational goals, establishing and maintaining mutually beneficial exchange with the target market, and design projects in the analysis, planning, implementation and control. The essence of marketing management, demand management, that is, on the level, timing, and nature of demand for effectiv

4、e mediation. Marketing management practice, companies often need to preset a desired level of market demand, however, the actual level of market demand and the expected level of demand is not the same. This requires marketing managers for different needs, different management strategies and effectiv

5、ely to market requirements to ensure the achievement of business objectives.二、the key components(一)products and servicesProductisanimportantcomponentofmarket.Marketersdefineaproductasabundleofphysical,serviceandsymbolicattributesdesignedtosatisfycustomerswantsandneeds.Whilegoodsaretangibleproductsth



8、二)promotionPromotion is also defined as one of five pieces in the promotional mix or promotional plan. These are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five factors, and how much money to b

9、udget for each.Becauseofthedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology,peoplearegettingmoreandmorewaystocommunicate.Itprovidesagreatplatformforsellingproducesorservices.Peopleknowsell-thingsinformationthroughsomeways,suchasinternet,phonecalling,advertising,followingupaletterwithavisit,settingupshopsandsoon. (

10、三)pricingPricing is a science, strategy and tactics of pricing requires certain, from pricing objective, pricing means to achieve marketing objectives. Pricing is not only a science, and the need for a set of strategies and tactics. Pricing methods focus on the products base price, pricing tips and

11、strategies focus on the specific circumstances of the market, starting from the pricing objectives, using price means, to adapt them to the different situations of the market and achieve marketing goals. Product pricing is an important element of marketing mix strategy, from wave after wave of price

12、 wars of recent years can be seen in the enterprise, the consumers attention and concern of it.Under the conditions of market economy, the prices of most products have been liberalized, but the price is not a casual working, it must take into account the competitive environment, product cost, the im

13、pact of such factors as supply and demand and pricing objectives. In fact, pricing is a result of these factors.There are three basic methods of pricing: cost-oriented pricing, demand-oriented and competitive pricing. Different enterprises shall, as the case may determine which method you take and w

14、hat kind of calculation type.(四)distributionDesign refers to the establishment of distribution channels distribution channels that have never existed or to change the already existing channels of marketing activities. Design channels typically include analysis services output level, determine goals,

15、 defining channel structure and evaluation of main channel programmes in four aspects.Distribution channel constituted by the five processes, namely ownership entity processes, processes, payment processes, information flow and the promotion process.Entity process refers to the entity transfer of raw materials and finished products from the manufacturer to the end customer processes. Process refers to the o

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