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本文(新版牛津译林版春六年级英语下册Unit2Goodhabits教案Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、第四课时:Culture time , Checkout time and Ticking time第五课时:Review and do some exercises第六课时:Finish exercise bookThe first period 教学内容:Story time 教学目标:1. 能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: tidy, messy, habits, in order, finish always sleepy bedtime.3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。4. 能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。5. 能分清好坏习惯

2、,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。教学重点:教学难点:1. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。2. 能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。3. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。教具准备: ppt教学过程Step1 Warming-up1.T: Lets look what do we learn today. Show the learning aims.2.T: Do you want to know me well?3.Listen to my chant carefully.(初步感知新的短语词汇。)Chant:Im Judy,I a

3、m twenty-seven. I get up early, never go to bed late.I keep my room clean and tidy.I often put my things in order.I finish my work before nine o clock.Step2 Presentation You know in my chant , I say, I get up early ,never go to bed late. Think about :never go to bed late, means A or B?(show the pict

4、ures)Read the new word并板书。 Do you get up early and go to bed early? I think we should go to bed early. And I often put my things in order. I want to know do you often put your things in order?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont. Good .Because I often put my things in order, so I can keep my room clean and tidy

5、.Teach: clean and tidy.= not messy. In my chant, do you remember when do I finish my work? You finish your work before nine oclock. (Show the sentence)Teach the new phrase. When do you always finish your homework? I finish my homework at2. Look at the four sentences. What are they about? They are ab

6、out my habits. So today well learn a new lesson good habits.(揭示并带读课题)出示图片录音引导学生问答。3. T: You know a lot about my habits. Look, here comes Liu Tao and Wang Bing. What habits do they have? (请学生讨论) First lets read the choices together. Now, lets listen to the tape and try to find the answer.Listen and a

7、nswer:What habits do they have? Lets discuss in groups. Then you can write the answer in the balloons. Who can answer? Liu Tao does his homework late at night4.T: You did a very job. But I think there are more habits in the story. Please read the test again and try to find them out. Wang Bing brushe

8、s his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. Here bedtime means brushes teeth He brushes teeth before he goes to bed. Liu Tao listens to his teachers and keeps his room clean and tidy5. T: Good. They have a lot of habits here. But what are the good habits? And what are the bad habits? Talk about i

9、n groups. Then say the answer. We know Liu Tao often does his homework late at night and goes to bed late, so he often feels in the morning. So he often feels sleepy in the morning.5. Reading time. Lets read the test please. Look at the signs here.(注意读音的降调符号,提示学生在肯定句和感叹句要用降调来读)6.Listen to the tape ,

10、read it one by one.7.Read it together.8. Retell the story Time to retell the story. First, lets retell it together. You can choose one student to describe. Maybe you can say it one by one, or you can say it together. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Ask some groups to retell

11、 it.Step3 Consolidationa. Think and talk Hello, class. We know Liu Tao has three good habits, and two bad habits. He wants to do better. Can you help him to change the bad habits? Now lets talk about some good habits. What good habits do you know? Lets discuss in groups. I know is a good habit.(小组讨论

12、然后介绍你知道的好的习惯) b. Try to write. You say a lot of things about good habits. Now lets make a video to let all of us have more good habits.First, lets open your envelope.Then, write the good habits on the card. At last, share your cards in class.Enjoy the video.Step 4 Homework1. Review story time and re

13、tell the story. 2 .Make a poster(海报)of the good habits.3. Copy some important phrases and sentences板书设计:Unit 2 Good habitsWang Bing: Liu Tao:get up early, neverlisten to the teachersbrush teethkeep the room put things in order do homework latefinish the homeworkfeel sleepyThe second period 教学内容: Rev

14、iew story time &learn Fun time and Grammar time1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you .”/”Yes, I do./No, I dont.”进行问答。3.培养学生养成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。Step 1 Free talk Do you get up early in the morning?. Thats a good/bad habit!I have some habits too, Can you ask me?(出示动作图片) Do you have your meals in the mor

15、ning? Yes, I do. I always . Do you read books? Yes, I do. I usually. Do you clean the room Yes, I do. I sometimes . I have some good habits but I have bad habits too. Look at my panda eyes, I always go to bed late at night, it is a bad habit, you should go to bed early.Step 2 Presentation As a good

16、students, we should have good habits, lets make a good habits proposal step by step.1. Step 1 is how to ask others. You know my habits, how about you? lets play a game. Who want to be my partner?Fun time-(1) T: Pick one. (2)S: pick one.(3)pair work Now ,its your turn, pick one picture from the envel

17、ope and practice in pairs!Magic box-T: Good job, boys and girls, you can ask other about their habits. Lets have a rest.2. Step 1 is how to make. First, Pick 4 different color papers from the box.Second, discuss in groups and make them into a sentence, then stick it to the long paper.Third, read in

18、group and show us in your own way.评价:its interesting/funny.Here are some sentences for you, can you read them?Look, these words are subjects/adverb of frequency/verb/adverbial modifier. Do you understand?Step 3 Consolidation1. Step 3 do a survey T:Great, lets move to step 3 do a survey. First, lets

19、make a survey form.Here is an example, fill one word into the blank and make it a good habit.S:early. Can you read it Go to bed early at is another form, can you fill this line with your group memberLets check together. The first one is early, please read it.The first one is well, please

20、read itThe first one is early, please read itThey are all good habits. Now, lets do a survey.Do you go to school early in the morning?(随机问一名学生) Yes, i do.(将该学生姓名填入表格)Do a survey in your groups with this form.提示句型: Do you . ?Yes, i do./no, i dont. Ok , times up, i am going to be the first one.(教师示范).

21、Its time for you, who want to tell us about your group members2. Step 4 make a good habits proposal Lets make a good habits proposal according to your group survey.Here is my good habit proposal. work in group to finish your good habits proposal. Here are some tips for you.If everyone in your group

22、say one sentence ,you will get 3 stars.If all the members in your group say together, you will 2get stars.If only group leader say, you will get 1 star. 1.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Put up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.3. Review the two par

23、ts and then copy the sentences in Grammar time.Unit 2 Good HabitsA: Do you .?B:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.alwaysusuallyoftensometime neverThe third periodsound time & cartoon time1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2. 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践3. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活3. 能锻

24、炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力,PPT 练习纸Step 1 Preparation1 Greeting and make a self-introductionShow a picture of me and let Ss ask me questions about my English name, hobby, best friend, and favourite colour.2 Tinas e-mailMy best friend Tina invited me and other friends to her house.We should bring some presents. E

25、ncourage the Ss to get my apples and flowers for Tina.1. Sound timeChallenge1: Reading.Rule: You can get my flowers by reading the words correctly and well.Lets enjoy a rhyme about my favourite animal horses.Lets read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “or”.Make a conclusion: or/:/Lets read the rhyme and words in four. ( Flowers)Challenge2: Picking apples. You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of “o

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