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1、Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-

2、Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms

3、Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合2、气象用语天气预报 weather forecast晴 clear 阴天 cloudy day炎热 scorching heat闷热天气 muggy weather 反常天气 freakish weather 虹 rainbow 雾 fog凉 cool 霜 frost露 dew雪 snow雹 hail 雷 thunder冰 ice雪堆 snowdrift雪花 snow flake 闪电 lightning零

4、度 zero寒冷 chilly冰点 freezing point冰柱 icicle地形雨 local rains 雨量 rainfall 雨季 rainy season 雨点 raindrops间歇雨 intermittent rain大雨 heavy rain 甘霖 welcome rain滂沱大雨 downpour风级 wind scale 气压 barometric pressure 气团 air mass风眼 eye of a storm 气旋 cyclone 低气压 low-pressure 高气压 high-pressure锋面 frontal edge暖锋 warm front

5、冷峰 cold front3、风的名称恒风 constant wind 微风 breeze无风 calm轻风 light breeze信风 trade wind 微风 gentle breeze和风 moderate breeze逆风 headwind 台风 typhoon清风 fresh breeze强风 strong breeze西北风 northwester 疾风 near gale大风 gale狂风 squall 烈风 strong gale东北风 northeaster 狂风 storm暴风 violent storm东北信风 northeast trades 飓风 hurrican

6、e东南风 southeaster 龙卷风 tornado西南风 southwester 北风 north wind 疾风 gusty wind 顺风 favorable wind 东风 east wind4、浪的名称热浪 heat wave强浪 high seas微浪 smooth wavelets细浪 light seas小浪 moderate seas中浪 rough seas大浪 very rough seas巨浪 very high seas微波 rippled狂浪 monster waves5、自然灾害自然灾害 Natural Disaster 地震 earthquake火山地震 v

7、olcanic earthquake海啸 tidal wave山崩 landslide雪崩 avalanche火山泥流 lahar泥石流 mudflow/landslide超级火山爆发 supervolcano洪水 flood大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom海啸 Tsunami 干旱 Drought 雹暴 Hailstorm飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, andTyphoons 冰雹 ice storm龙卷风 tornado冰河时代 ice age森林大火 wildfire流行病 Epidemic 饥荒 Famine 太阳耀斑 Solar fla

8、re6.气候种类山地气候 mountain climate 冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate 季风气候 monsoon climate亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate高原气候 plateau climate 海滨气候 littoral climate极地气候 polar climate热带气候 tropical climate温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate热带季风气候 tropical monsson climate大陆气候 continental clima

9、te沙漠气候 desert climate 沿海气候 coastal climate 高地气候 highland climate 海洋气候 marine climate 森林气候 forest climate温带气候 temperate climate 湿润气候 humid climate温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate 热带雨林气候 tropical rainy climate 热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate各科医生的英文表达medical specialist 专科医生2. physician (internist) 内科医生3.

10、 surgeon 外科医生4. paediatrician 儿科医生5. ophthalmologist 眼科医生6. pharmacist 药剂师7. general practitioner 全科医师8. clinician 临床医师9. gynecologist 妇科医生10. plastic surgeon 整形外科医生11. dentist 牙医12. psychologist 心理医生13. therapist 理疗师14. cardiologist 心脏病科医师15. dermatologist 皮肤科医生16. podiatrist 足病医生17. allergist 过敏症专

11、科医生18. obstetrician 产科医生19. ENT doctor 耳鼻喉科医生20. orthopedist 骨科医生21. veterinarian 兽医22. houseman 实习医生纺织品calico 白布;本布serge 哔叽camel hair cloth 长毛骆驼绒plush 长毛绒tweed 粗(花)呢overcoating 大衣呢corduroy 灯芯绒satin 缎子flannel 法兰绒worsted flannel 精纺法兰绒canvas 帆布valetin 凡立丁tartan 格子呢admiralty cloth 海军呢cotton prints 花布ga

12、bardine 华达呢pongee 茧绸brocade 锦缎khaki drills 卡其布reversible khaki 双面卡cashmere 开司米anti-pressing standing velvet 抗拉力绒sheetings 阔幅平布;被单布faille, bengaline, tussore 罗缎melton 麦尔登呢wool serge 毛哔叽cotton cloth, cotton piecegoods 棉布bleached cotton cloth 漂白棉布cotton serge 棉哔叽cotton sateen 棉缎cotton poplin 棉府绸cotton

13、pongee 棉茧绸cotton plush 棉织长毛绒cotton gabardine 棉织华达呢palace 派力斯seersucker, blisger crepe, plisse crepe 泡泡纱georgette 乔其纱herringbone 人字呢;海力蒙flannelette 绒布taffeta 塔夫绸cotton venetians 泰西缎broche quilts 提花床单布mosquito netting 蚊帐纱grass cloth 夏布mackintosh cloth 橡胶防雨布drills 斜纹布embroidered gauze 绣花纱罗linen, linen

14、cloth 亚麻布linen canvas 亚麻帆布linen checks 亚麻格子布iondanthren cloth 阴丹士林布camblet 羽纱tapestry satin 织锦缎crepe satin 绉(背)缎bobbin net 珠罗纱化学纤维acrylic fibres 腈纶artificial cotton 人造棉artificial silk, rayon 人造丝artificial wool 人造毛capron, kapron 卡普纶dacron, terylene 的确良modelon 毛涤纶nylon 锦纶(耐纶nylon chiffon 尼龙薄绸orlon 奥纶t

15、erylene 涤纶trueran 棉涤纶vinylon 维尼纶客运porter 搬运工人ticket inspector 查票员ticket 车票single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票platform ticket 站台票railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅information desk 服务台waiting room 候车室passenger station 客车站time-table 时刻表arrival time-table 到站时刻表departure

16、time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket office, booking office 售票处junction 枢纽站rail and water terminal 水陆联运站platform bridge 天桥luggage barrow 推行李车enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站label 行李标签luggage office 行李房left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口barrier 栅栏门platform 站台

17、(electric) platform truck 站台车platform tunnel 站台地道platform roofing 站台顶棚station-master 站长terminal; terminus 终点站escalator 自动扶梯The train leaves the station at., The train is due out at. 火车在(某时)离站to have ones ticket punched (给检票员)检票10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟to change trains at . 在(某地)换车The train is

18、 due at . 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车车辆dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车pantry 餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车carriage, coach, car 车厢roof 车顶concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板gangway (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒tank wagon 罐车mixed train 混合列车freight trai

19、n, goods train 货物列车engine, locomotive 机车window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train 客车express train, express 快车refrigerator wagon 冷藏车car attendant; train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长slow train, way train 慢车covered wagon van, box car 棚车ordinary train 普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车up

20、 train 上行车livestock wagon 牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper 卧车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车rack, baggage rack 行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车mail car 邮政车mail and luggage van 邮政行李车through train 直达车special train 专车机车coupler 车

21、钩coach wheel 车轮transmission system 传动系统driving gear 传动装置electric locomotive, conductor engine 电力机车double electric locomotives 电气双机shunting locomotive, switcher 调车机车dynamic system 动力系统frost precautions 防冻设备articulated locomotive 关节式机车rail guard, life guard, fender, cowcatcher, locomotive pilot 机车排障器c

22、ar inspector 检车员emergency brake 紧急闸cooling system 冷却系统, 散热系统wheel flange 轮缘diesel locomotive 内燃机车fuel system 燃料系统engine-driver, engineer 司机drivers cab 司机室ventilator 通风器steam locomotive 蒸汽机车indicated horsepower 指示马力brake system 制动系统线路pointsman, switchman 道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signa

23、l 闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号warehouse 仓库siding, sidetrack 侧线, 旁轨turnout 岔道weighing machine 秤重机derailing (火车)出轨single line (track) rail 单线points, switches 道岔switch lock, point lock 道岔锁wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场dispatching 调度dispatcher 调度员crossover 渡

24、线, 转线轨道rail 钢轨track 轨道sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕rail chair 轨座buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot 货棚goods station 货运站, 货站container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库station warning sign 进站预告标clearance 净空(signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥barrier (道口)拦路木section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信

25、号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标platform car, flat car 平车, grade crossing, level crossing, (道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机double line (track) rail 双线volume of railway freight 铁路货运量railway connections 铁路交叉点, 铁路联络线railway warning sign 铁路警告标志railway clearance 铁路净空railroad be

26、d 铁路路基railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道railway line, railroad line 铁路线stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp) 信号灯signal box, signalmans cabin 信号房signalman 信号员wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机back-turning sec

27、tion 折返段frog 辙叉, 岔心turn-table 转车台, 旋车盘point (box), switch (box) 转辙器switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号广播radio station 广播站radio engineering, radio-technology 无线电技术radio receiver, radio set, receiving set, wireless 收音机radio engineer 无线电工程师radio transmission 无线电广播radio transmitter 无线电广播发射机radio frequency 无线电广播频率dial 刻度盘to dial, to tune in 调谐sign

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