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版高考英语一轮课时提升作业 十二 必修3 Unit 2 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、A. Disapproving. B. Tolerant. C. Doubtful. D. Mixed. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段第二句话可知, 一些人抵制, 认为咖啡有害健康; 而另外一些人则支持, 认为咖啡对健康有益, 由此可判断出, 人们的观点是好坏兼有的。2. What does the underlined word “moderate” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Personal. B. Slight. C. Reasonable. D. Heavy. 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。根据第二段“three to five cups pe

2、r day, can be taken as a healthy dietary pattern, along with other healthful behaviors. ”可知, 每天35杯咖啡, 被认为是健康的, 再结合本句中的“less than 4 cups, is not associated with these issues”可判断出, 少于4杯属于适量摄入, 故moderate的意思应该是“适量, 合理的”。3. What can we infer about Harwood?A. Hell keep on drinking coffee. B. He loves his

3、high school life. C. He often falls asleep in class. D. He has some health problems. 【解析】选A。根据最后一段中Harwood所说的话可知, 大多数情况下, 喝咖啡对健康有好处。更不用说, 他需要咖啡来保持清醒。由此可以推断出, Harwood还会继续喝咖啡。4. What would be the best title for the text?A. Peoples Love for CoffeeB. Coffees Effect on HealthC. The Culture of Coffee Drin

4、kingD. The New Findings of Heart Disease【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是咖啡对人体健康的影响。适量饮入咖啡对身体有益, 过度则影响身心健康。【知识拓展】coffee背景知识咖啡是一种饮料, 世界三大饮料之一。全球贸易量仅次于石油, 在世界上它是一种比茶更流行的饮料。咖啡绝对不仅仅只是一种速溶的、味道单调的饮料, 也不只是加了很多牛奶、糖、冰块等的咖啡味道的饮料; 咖啡是一种可以细细品尝、慢慢感受的东西, 就像中国的茶一样富有丰富的滋味。 B (2018河南八市模拟)The worlds population is projected to re

5、ach 11 billion by the end of the century. Feeding that many people will be a challenge, and it is further complicated by the impact of climate change on agriculture. That is why some people advocate an unusual way to boost the food supply and feed people sustainably by eating less meat and more inse

6、cts. About 2 billion people already eat bugs. Mexicans enjoy chilly-toasted grasshoppers. Thais tuck into cricket stir-fries and Ghanaians snack on termites. Insects are slowly creeping on to Western menus as novelty items, but most people remain squeamish(拘谨). Yet there are three reasons why eating

7、 insects makes sense. First, they are healthier than meat. There are nearly 2, 000 kinds of edible insects, many of them packed with protein, calcium, fiber, iron and zinc. A small serving of grasshoppers can contain about the same amount of protein as a similar sized serving of beef, but has far le

8、ss fat and far fewer calories. Second, raising insects is cheap, or free. Little technology or investment is needed to produce them. Harvesting insects could provide livelihoods to some of the worlds poorest people. Finally, insects are a far more sustainable source of food than livestock. Livestock

9、 production accounts for nearly a fifth of all greenhouse-gas emissions, thats more than transport. By contrast, insects produce relatively few greenhouse gases and raising them requires much less land and water. And they eat almost anything. Despite all this, most Westerners find insects hard to sw

10、allow. One solution is to use protein extracted from bugs in other products such as ready meals and pasta sauces. Not having to look at the bugs and emphasizing the environmental benefits might make the idea of eating insects a bit more palatable. 【文章大意】本文主要谈论的是由于未来人口的持续增长, 导致食物供应不足, 所以有人提议吃昆虫, 并且对吃

11、昆虫的好处进行了说明。5. What is the direct reason why some people advocate eating insects?A. Insufficient food supply. B. Climate change. C. The rapid increase of population. D. Insects high nutrition. 细节理解题。根据第二段Feeding that many people will be a challenge, and it is further complicated by the impact of clim

12、ate change on agriculture. That is why some people advocate an unusual way to boost the food supply and feed people sustainably by eating less meat and more insects. 可知, 一些人提倡吃昆虫的最直接的原因就是食物供应不足。6. From the passage, we can infer that _. A. eating insects is healthier than eating beefB. eating insects

13、 is popular among westernersC. eating insects can help people lose weightD. eating insects causes less damage to the environment根据By contrast, insects produce relatively few greenhouse gases and raising them requires much less land and water. And they eat almost anything. 可推断出, 人类吃昆虫对环境造成的危害更少。7. Ho

14、w can we make it more acceptable to eat insects?A. By closing your eyes when eating insects. B. By eating insects together with other food. C. By putting insects nutrients into other food products. D. By considering the environmental benefits of eating insects. 根据One solution is to use protein extra

15、cted from bugs in other products such as ready meals and pasta sauces. Not having to look at the bugs and emphasizing the environmental benefits might make the idea of eating insects a bit more palatable. 可知, 把昆虫的营养放入其他食物里, 这样我们更容易接受吃昆虫。. 完形填空 世纪金榜导学号79060296I allowed myself to receive these flowers

16、. They were 1 to me by our local florist(花商). I had placed an order with him for flowers to be delivered to a close 2 overseas. For reasons 3 to us, the flowers were never delivered and after many 4with the overseas supplier with no 5, we canceled the 6 at last. My florist called to 7 and said he wa

17、nted to send me some flowers to 8 the mistake. Even if I assured him it wasnt his 9 in my order, he 10 he wanted to send me flowers. We went back and forth on this and 11 I realized this was something that would make him feel 12 and that I should just say thank you and let him 13 it! I am always say

18、ing allowing ourselves to 14. It took me a while here to 15 what I said!Having learnt the story, my friend overseas said perhaps the universe felt I needed the 16 more. She made me smile. Immediately after writing this passage, I received a(n) 17 from this friend, telling me she had just received my

19、 flowers! In fact, our emails 18, because I had sent her a copy of my passage at the same time she sent me her email!When I called my florist, he told me he would not charge me for the flowers because he was sorry for the 19 I had with my order!Looks like the universe wanted 20 of us to have flowers

20、!【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。有一次作者给海外朋友寄花时, 由于意外情况花并没有送到。花商因为愧疚决定送花给作者, 而作者一直不愿意接受。最后作者才发现接受可以使对方心安, 从而告诉我们, 生活中要学会接受。1. A. sent B. sold C. donated D. showed前后照应题。根据第二段中My florist. . . said he wanted to send me some flowers to make up for the mistake. 可知, 花商送给作者花以表达歉意。故选A。2. A. relative B. friendC. teacher D. co

21、lleague词汇复现题。根据第四段中Having learnt the story, my friend overseas. . . 可知, 作者想要送花给一位海外的朋友。故选B。3. A. impossible B. unfairC. unknown D. obvious词语辨析题。作者和当地的花商不知道为什么所订的花一直没有送达朋友处。unknown未知的。4. A. appointments B. agreementsC. challenges D. contacts根据语境可知, 此处应该表示“与海外供应商联系”。contact联系。5. A. expectation B. sugg

22、estionC. discussion D. results逻辑推理题。根据后文中we canceled the order at last 可知, 与海外供应商多次联系之后, 没有任何结果。6. A. order B. journeyC. invitation D. request作者最终取消订单。order订单。7. A. congratulate B. greetC. apologize D. complain订单被迫取消, 花商打电话向作者表示歉意。8. A. get rid of B. make up forC. put up with D. take advantage of花商送

23、花是为了弥补自己所犯的错误。get rid of摆脱; make up for弥补; put up with提出; take advantage of利用。9. A. excuse B. faultC. responsibility D. business即使我安慰他说这个订单并非他的错。fault错误, 过失。10. A. insisted B. predictedC. realized D. pretended根据前文中Even if I assured him. . . 可知, 尽管作者确定花商没有过失, 但他坚持要送给作者一些花。11. A. finally B. naturallyC

24、. immediately D. gradually多次来回推让, 最后作者意识到, 接受会使他感受更好, 作者应该说声谢谢你, 让他送!12. A. worse B. poorer C. busier D. better作者接受礼物会使花商的愧疚少一点, 心情好一点。13. A. leave B. go C. do D. fail作者决定让花商送给自己一些花。14. A. present B. shareC. receive D. collect根据文章第一句话I allowed myself to receive和后文中It took me a while here to practice what I said可知, 作者一直认为要允许自己接受给予的礼物。15. A. reply to B. practiceC. correct D. take back这一次作者践行了自己所说的话。practice践行。16. A. flowers B. friendshipC. money D. appreciations当作者的朋友知道了这个故事时, 她说上天可能觉得作者更需要花。17. A. gift B. warningC. letter

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