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1、7. I dont think this software is appropriate _ the newly designed production line.A. at B. in C. of D. for8. By the time you get to the office I _ all the documents for the meeting.A. was preparing B. prepared C. had prepared D. will have prepared9. As he _ to submit the accounting report before 4:3

2、0 am, the assistant hurried to Mr. Smiths office.A. was required B. had required C. requires D. required10. Few companies are interested in providing the software we need _ the market is small.A. although B. since C. so that D. as if 2. never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, not only, not until, n

3、or, little, nowhere, hardlywhen, no sooner than, by no means, under no circumstances1. The company (be) _ in the land market since 1990 and it is now taking the lead in this field.2. If you give us any opportunity to deal in your products, the result will be (entire) _satisfactory.3. It is reported

4、that the construction of the new subway (complete) _ next month.4. The manager stressed the (important) _ of developing a long-term plan for the company.5. If he (take) _ my advice at that time, he would have got the job he applied for.6. We (impress) by the high quality and fine workmanship of your

5、 products when we visited your factory.7. Working from home is flexible and beneficial not only to the employees but also to the (employ).8. Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments did they succeed in (solve) the problem.9. The local government has decided to spend more money on the (e

6、quip) of the hospitals in the rural area.10. I tried to fix the computer myself, but that just made it (bad) _ than I had expected.Unit 11. Lets start with two examples.2. To most students, English is one of the most important courses in college.3. Courage is all you need.4. The law does not apply t

7、o this case.5. Astonishingly, I found the place described in the book.6. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.7. Her aunt died last year and left her with three million dollars.8. I cant stand this increasingly heavy coursework.每一个人的智力不一样,这就意味着有人花五年学的东西,别人可能只用一年就学会了。学生应该尊重这种能力并且知道自己的能力限度,因此在多数情况

8、下要准备花几年时间学习,而不是几个月。甚至在几年之后关于英语方面的知识还有很多要学的东西。学习一门语言就是这么一回事。Unit 21. Ive seen Jane with them on several occasions.2. I have been offered a job in Japan.3. He likes ball games, (and he likes) table tennis in particular.4. Young children enjoy playing outdoors.5. He is interested in political issues.6.

9、 I just cant figure her out; shes a mystery to me.7. The heavy snow delayed the opening of the schools for two days.8. Johnson is keen on collecting Chinese stamps.世界上各个国家都有各式各样的快餐店,在那里,人们可以既快又便宜地吃一顿饭。在前面,我们已经提过了快餐店和咖啡馆。在美国,还有一些自助餐厅。在自助餐厅里,你一边排队,一边挑选你要吃的东西。自助餐厅很受美国人的欢迎,尤其是午餐的时候。2010年12月1. We investi

10、gated other companies in the market to discover_ they handled complaints from their customers.A. that B. how C. what D. where2. The Human Resources Department, as well as the other departments, will have its budget _ to $ 2 million this year.A. increased B. being increased C. to increase D. to have

11、been increased3. The term is going out to hold a party tomorrow after it _ the project.A. completes B. completed C. will complete D. will have completed4. Dont risk any of your money in the business _ you are not afraid of losing it.A. after B. before C. unless D. when5. By the end of next year, I _

12、 for the company for 10 years.A. work B. am working C. had worked D. will have worked6. _ arriving at the meeting room, Tina discovered that she had left the sample products in her office.A. By B. Through C.On D. In7. Not until yesterday _ anything about the new advertising campaign.A. I learned B.

13、have I learned C. did I learn D. that I learned8. Miss Smiths assistant enjoys _ for her although she treats him very strictly.A. work B. working C. to work D. worked9. Tom might not have made such a serious mistake if he _ your advice.A. followed B. follows C. had followed D. has followed10. Jack s

14、aid the construction of the subway would be completed in October, _ is a great surprise to us.A. this B. what C. that D. which1. I have to work part time to earn some money to continue my (educate) _.2. More than half of the staff say they wont feel (comfort) _ when talking to their boss.3. The stud

15、ent asked the librarian for help because he couldnt find the book he (need) _.4. At that time, I worked for a company that (consider) _ as the best both nationally and internationally.5. All types of water pollution are (harm) _ to the health of humans and animals.6. If the investment is done (caref

16、ul) _ and intelligently you can earn huge wealth.7. Among all the Internet Service provides in the world, Kingston Communications is considered to be one of the (good) _.8. Companies are legally required (keep) _ records of all their financial transactions.9. Please read through the information belo

17、w before (fill) _ in your application.10. At the meeting I made some proposals, but no one seemed to be (interest) _ in them.2010年6月1. Our companys visitors decided to stay in our city for _ two days as they wanted to have a look around.A other B. the other C. another D. others2. According to the ti

18、me table, the train for Beijing _ at 9:10 p.m. from Monday to Friday.A. was leaving B. is leaving C. leaves D. has left.3. The new drug will not be put on the market _ it has proved safe on humans.A. if B. until C. since D. when4. Students are expected to pay the loan back _ they are earning enough.

19、A. so far as B. now that C. even if D. as soon as5. Immigrants have to adapt themselves culturally and physically to the new surroundings _ they have moved.A. on which B. by which C. into which D. from which6. The proposal _ at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.A. being discus

20、sed B. to be discussing C. having discussed D. been discussing7. It was because of his good performance at the interview _ he got the job with the big company.A. so B. what C. that D. while8. It is reasonable for people to pursue a career in fields related _ their favorite hobbies.A. on B. for C. at

21、 D. to9. There is no evidence _ he was on the site of the murder.A. where B. that C. which D. how10. Only when we hurried to the airport _ the flight was cancelled.A. we found B. did we find C. have we found D. we have found1. Nowadays, electronic (pay) _ is a more convenient way to pay for purchase

22、s than cash and checks.2. Most of the high school students who (interview) _ yesterday believed that they should continue with their education.3. According to the survey (conduct) _ recently, 52% of American business people booked their business travel online last year.4. The (grow) _ of online shop

23、ping is producing a fundamental change in consumer behavior.5. The total output of this factory (double) _ since it was put into operation in 2006.6. It is the (responsible) _ of the Human Resources Department to employ new staff members.7. It was reported that the (injure) _ people were taken to th

24、e hospital immediately after the accident.8. The bank refused (accept) _ my application for the loan because they werent convinced by my business plan.9. It is important to realize how (quick) _ this disease can spread over the globe.10. Of all the marketing plans proposed at the meeting, this one i

25、s believed to be the (practical). Writing (25 minutes) 2010年12月Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Resignation according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Shee

26、t.说明:假设你是某公司的员工Susan Waters, 根据下列内容给公司人事部经理Ms. Bush 写一封辞职信。写信日期:2010年12月19日内 容:1. 表示要辞职; 2. 解释辞职的原因(自拟); 3. 告知离职的时间(一个月后); 4. 对于在工作期间所得到的指导和帮助表示感谢。Words of reference:辞职:resign v/ resignation n.注意信函格式!日期-Dec.19th, 2010Dear Ms. Bush- 称呼Please accept my resignation from your company (表示要辞职) as an after

27、-sales manager. As you know, my primary interest has been in commerce, I have accepted an offer by China Office Equipment Import & Export Co. Ltd. (辞职原因) and have decided to send in my resignation. I will resign my employment with your company a month later.(告知离职时间)Thank you for my being given instr

28、uctions and much help during my working in your company in these several years. (表示感谢) I wont forget the friendship and profession growth Ive experienced as an employee here.Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.Your early reply will be appreciated. 客套结束语- Yours Sincerely,署名-Susan Wa

29、ter2009年12月1. We find a way to cut prices_ reducing our profits too much.A. without B. despite C. with D. for2. She didnt know_ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.A. which B. why C. what D. how3. _ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.A. As B. Since C. While D. Unless4. We are happy at the good news _ Mr. Bla

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