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1、(2)与老师同学融洽相处。(3)与父母之间的沟通。_【参考范文】Dear Li Tao,Im glad to share something with you. I think its the most important to listen to the teachers carefully in class. Its not necessary to do too many exercises. We should try to find the right method to solve them. We can collect the problems we havent worked

2、 out correctly. Go over them at times. The harder you work,the better grades you will get. We should get on well with our teachers and class to keep us happy. Try to be more active and help each other. Wed better not argue with our parents when were in disagreement. Have a talk with them. We should

3、help them do housework after school. Dont spend too much time on the Internet. Its not good for our health. Good luck!【解析】试题分析:这是个给材料作文。提示中已经给出了作文的写作要点。在写作时,注意将要点理清,不要遗漏。在整理文章的结构后,用正确的语言把意思表述清楚。文章可使用一般现在时,并且注意主谓一致。句子之间可适当的使用连词,使文章逻辑更紧密。写作亮点:短文叙述清楚,层次分明:第一点是关于学习方法上建议;第二点介绍如何与老师同学相处,最后介绍如何处理与父母之间的关系。T

4、he harder you work,the better grades you will get. Wed better not argue with our parents when were in disagreement.都是比较经典的句子。(二)你的好朋友Linda, 现在面临很多压力,爸爸妈妈总是把她与其他同学相比较,因此她最近心情很不好。请你给她写一封信,建议她1.与父母好好沟通,2.通过做运动,听音乐等方式学会放松。要求:1. 语句通顺,符合逻辑,2. 70词左右。Notes:compare with 与.相比较; learn to relax 学会放松;get on well

5、 with 与.相处融洽;in a bad mood 心情不好;pressure;stress压力。Hi! Linda, I am sorry to hear that you are stressed out these days and your parents often compare you with your classmate. I have the same problems as yours. I am very sad,too! But I know my parents want me to study harder and get better grades so th

6、ey are strict with me. So I communicate with them. And now I understand them and they understand me. So you can try to communicate with your parents. Or you can listen to some quiet music and watch some games to relax yourself. And I hope you will become happy later!根据题目要求可知,本文主要以第一人称书写,主要使用一般现在时态,在

7、写作时可适当使用一些连接词,使文章前后连贯,符合逻辑。要注意把每个要点都表达出来,不可遗漏任何一个。本文首先对朋友的烦恼表示同情,同时说出自己也有类似的烦恼,并讲述自己解决的一些方法。符合本题要求及要点提示。同时,本文中多次使用连词如and、or、so为文章增色不少。在微信上,Jack 跟Bruce谈到他跟父母关系不好,并向Bruce寻求帮助。假设你是Bruce,请根据下面的提示,给Jack回复信息。1) 必须包括所有相关信息,可作适当发挥(至少两点);2) 词数:100左右(开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。内容提示:现象我过去经常跟父母吵架,有时几天不说话。原因父母过分担心我的成绩,给我太

8、大的压力。我不帮父母做家务,也没有意识到帮父母的重要性。相反地,我每天花至少两个小时玩电脑游戏。措施现在我能和父母相处得好。我认为我们该和父母沟通。Jack, dont worry! I didnt get on well with my parent either. _Best wishes to you.t get on well with my parents, either. I used to argue with my parents, sometimes we didnt say a word for a few days. Because my parents really w

9、orried about my grades, it gave me too much pressure. I didnt help them do any housework, because I didnt think it was important to do housework. On the other hand, I spent at least two hours playing computer games every day. But now I can get on well with my parents. I think we should often communi

10、cate with my parents. In our free time, we can do some housework with parents. We can also spend weekend with our parents. We can share our happiness and sadness with our parents. In this way, we can get on well with our parents.这篇作文要求我们以Bruce的身份给Jack写一封信,背景是Jack与他的父母关系不好,想寻求你的帮助。题目中用表格的形式呈现了具体的写作内容


12、是一篇优秀的作文。首先短文内容完整,包含了题目中要求的所有信息,没有遗漏要点。短文内容主要包括三个方面:首先作者介绍了过去他和父母相处的情况;接下来分析了自己与父母相处不好的原因然后介绍了他与父母现在关系好了,并结合自己的具体做法给Jack提了一些建议。整篇文章层次清晰,叙述有条理。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,文章以第一人称为主,使用了一般现在时态和一般过去时态,符合语言的表达需要,谓语动词形式准确,尤其是注意了不规则动词过去式的形式,语法规范。第三,文章句式准确,符合英语的表达习惯,短文中既有简单句,也有复合句或并列句,如Because my parents really worrie

13、d about my grades, it gave me too much pressure. I didnt help them do any housework, because I didnt think it was important to do housework.中两个原因状语从句。其他的较好的句型和短语有On the other hand, I spent at least two hours playing computer games every day.、I think we should often communicate with my parents.、In th

14、is way, we can get on well with our parents.等。假如你是班长,学期结束时你要给同学作简短的评价。你班的李华这个学期变化很大,请你根据提示写一篇简评。过去功课不好,常与同学争吵,垃圾被他撒的满地都是,课桌总是一团糟。现在自从老师和他沟通后,有了很大变化。(学习、与同学相处、生活)结果父母、老师对他很满意。希望在即将到来的考试中取得好成绩。注意:短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;括号部分须用3、4句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;词数80个左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Li hua has improved a lot this term

15、.In the past he didnt do well in his subjects. He often quarreled with his classmates. Rubbish was spread all over the floor by him. His desk was always in a mess. He has changed a lot since the teacher had communication with him. Now he works hard at his lessons. He gets along well with his classma

16、tes. He often sweeps the floor. His parents and teachers are satisfied with him. I hope he will get good grades in the coming exam. 本文的写作对李华的过去的情况进行描写,不擅长于功课he didnt do well in his subjects.与朋友吵架quarreled with his classmates. 垃圾被他撒的满地都是Rubbish was spread all over the floor by him. 课桌总是一团糟His desk wa

17、s always in a mess.然后对他现在的情况进行描写,如与同学能很好的相处gets along well with his classmates.等,再对现在的结果是父母、老师对他很满意His parents and teachers are satisfied with him.最后提出希望I hope he will get good grades in the coming exam.点评:本文不难写,对于作文的写作要注意详略得当,学生在平时的练习、学习生活中要善于积累常用的表达多个好处的句型。英语的写作过程中切忌使用重复的表达,对于不会表达的意思要学会替换,同时注意用平时在

18、课本中或是阅读中积累的单词句型来自如的表达自己的意思,这样文章才能写出新意,写出文采。(三)我们的生活中处处充满着爱,有父母的爱,有老师的爱,有同学的爱,有朋友的爱请以“Love Around Me(我身边的爱)”为题,写一篇短文。内容要点如下:爱你的人爱的表现父母为你做早餐;送你上学老师传授知识;照顾你同学一起学习;和睦相处朋友在网上交流;分享快乐与烦恼写作要求:1. 根据表格提示父母的爱、老师的爱、同学的爱和朋友的爱都要写齐。2. 词数90词左右,不得出现真实姓名、校名参考词汇: receive love; get on .with; chat online; There is lots

19、of love around me in my everyday life. _Love around meThere is lots of love around me in my everyday life. Every day I can receive love from my parents, my teachers, my classmates and my friends. In the morning, my lovely mother cooks delicious food for me. Then my father drives me to school. At sch

20、ool all the teachers not only look after me well but also teach me lots of useful knowledge. My dear classmates and I study together happily, getting on well with each other. I chat online with friends in my spare time. They often share my pleasure and trouble. I often feel happy and excited when I get love from them. I make a decision to study hard and make great progress. Here, I should say to them, “Thank you for all your love.”这是一篇给材料作文,以“Love Around Me(我身边的爱)”为题,写一篇短文。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时,人称为单数第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:There is., Every day I can, my l

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