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1、Ft Monmouth, ChouinardCRC3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2H 8S2613-998-2500Gerald.chouinardcrc.caVictor TawilMSTV4100 Wisconsin Ave. NWWashington, DC202-360-8941Vtawilmstv.orgAbstractThis document proposes modifications to the new Annex A of Draft 3.0 th

2、at combines the previous version of Annex A and B in an attempt to address the various comments submitted in the 802.22 Draft well as inputs suggested in document dcn/10/22-10-0050-00-0000-towards-resolution-of-comments-4-and-1203-to-802-22-draft-v2-0.docNotice: This document has been prepar

3、ed to assist IEEE 802.22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw mat

4、erial contained herein.Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEEs name any IEEE Standards publication even t

5、hough it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEEs sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.22.Patent Policy and Pr

6、ocedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures , including the statement IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essent

7、ial for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft pub

8、lication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.22 Working Group. If you have questi

9、ons, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at .(t. )_Annex A802.22 Regulatory Domain and Regulatory Classes RequirementsThis Annex describes the various technical parameters and specifications required or recommended by the various regulatory domans for operation of the 802.22 standard in

10、the TV bands.A. 1 Regulatory Domains and Regulatory ClassesTable 290 specifies the regulatory domains and licensing regime where the 802.22 systems are likely to be authorized to operate in the TV bands.Table290Regulatory DomainsGeographicareaRegulatory Domain - IETF Country Code (2 Bytes)Licensing

11、RegimeDocumentsApprovalauthorityUnited StatesUSunlicensedFCCCanadaCAlicensedICUnited KingdomGBOFCOMTable 291 specifies the authorized regulatory classes under their respective regulatory domainsTable291 Regulatory Classes Regulatory DomainRegulatory class and ProfileFixedPersonal Portable1 Stationar

12、y fixed2. Mode I nomadic*The behavioral limits sets for Modes I and II are defined in the FCC Report and Order. However, 802.22 will only operate in portable nomadic Mode 1.A.2 Radio Performance RequirementsA.2.1 Transmit Power Limits and EIRP RequirementTable 292 specifies the transmitted EIRP leve

13、ls authorized by the various regulatory domains for the different regulatory classes described in Table 291Table 292Transmit Power Level by Regulatory Domain and ClassesRegulatory ClassMaximum BS EIRP MaximumCPE EIRP1.(stationary fixed)4 W2. (Portable Modes I)100 mW100 mW Stationary fixedUp to 500 W

14、 as a function of the transmit antenna heightA.2.2 Transmit Spectrum Mask RequirementsTable 293 speficies the transmit spectrum mask requirements authorized by the various regulatory domains for the different regulatory classes described in Table 291Table293Transmit Spectrum Mask RequirementsTransmi

15、t Spectrum Mask1First adjacent channelBeyond the outer edge of the first adjacent channel55 dB below the highest power in a 6 MHz operating channel in 100 kHz bandwidthComply with FCC section 15.209 2 (Portable nomadic Mode I)Comply with FCC section 15.209(f is referenced to the edge of the operatin

16、g channel, Measurement bandwidth is 100 kHz, levels are expressed in dBc, relative to the total power in the operating channel)0.05 f 66 f 1212 f 18f 18 AND within 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz, 470-608 MHz and 614-698 MHzOutside the above cases 44.9 +1.1*( f)1.637.8 + 4.4* f70.2 + 1.7* f100.8BS

17、: 43+10*log(P in Watts)CPE: Comply with RSS 210 Table 2A.2.3 Medium Access RequirementsTable 294 specifies the Medium Access Requirement for the various regulatory domainsTable294 Medium Access RequirementsMax Number of REG-REQ RetriesMin CBP Location IE Transmission Rate 4 (R&O requirement?)15 minu

18、tes (R&N/A?A.3 Device identification RequirementsTable 295 specifies the requirements for device identification by regulatory domainTable 295 Device Identification RequirementsSignalling processTimerMinimum periodMaximum periodcommentsCBP burstTCBP8 seconds (R&The minimum time between transmission o

19、f a CBP packet carrying its MAC address for identification by spectrum monitoring systems to identify potential interference situations. Timing value depends on the regulatory domain where the WRAN system operates.Licensed service where the BS identification and location and the coverage area will b

20、e known.A.4 Spectrum Sensing RequirementsTable 296 list the various types of signals that need to be detected where RF sensing is required by the regulatory calsses as described in Table 291.Table 296 Signal Type ArraySTA IndexSignal TypeUndeterminedIEEE 802.22 WRAN2ATSC3DVB-T4ISDB-T5NTSC6PAL7SECAM8

21、Wireless Microphone9IEEE 802.22.1 Sync Burst10IEEE 802.22.1 PPDU MFS111IEEE 802.22.1 PPDU MSF212IEEE 802.22.1 PPDU MSF313-32ReservedTables 297 and 298 specifies the spectrum sensing requirements authorized by the various regulatory domains and classes described in Table 291 The tables also identify

22、probalility of detection and false alarm values, and reporting priorities suggested in the 802.22 standard. Table 296 Spectrum Sensing Requirements for the Regulatory Domain and ClassesSignal Type ArraySignal Power to be Detected (dBm)Probability of DetectionProbability of False Alarm1 (stationary f

23、ixed)111001001111 (19 0s)-90 -93 -114 x x -114 x x -114 -117 -117 -117 -109 (19 x s)0.9 0.9 0.9 x x 0.9 x x 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 (19 x s)0.1 0.1 0.1 x x 0.1 x x 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 (19 x s)2 (portable-nomadic- Mode 1)111001001111 (20 0s)-90 -93 -114 x x -114 x x -114 -117 -117 -117 -109 (20 x s)0.9 0.9 0.9 x

24、 x 0.9 x x 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 (20 x s)0.1 0.1 0.1 x x 0.1 x x 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 (20 x s)Table 297 Spectrum Sensing Requirements for the Regulatory Domain and ClassesSignal Type Array for urgent incumbent reporting through UCS NotificationSignal Type Array for less urgent reporting through BW requestSigna

25、l Type Array for non-urgent reporting through normally allocated BWSignal Type Array requiring no reporting 0000000011000 (19 0s)0110010011000 (19 0s)0110010011111 (19 0s)1001101100000 (20 0s)A.5 Channel Move Timing RequirementsTable 298 identifies channel move timing specifications authorized or recommended by the 802.22 standard for various requlatory domains Table 298 Channel Move Timing SpecificationsRe

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