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1、 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(三十一) 162.He is looking for a job that will give him greater _ for career development. A)insightB)scopeC)momentum D)phase 163.The high school my daughter studies in is _ our university. A)linked byB)relevant toC)mingled withD)affiliated with 164.The Browns lived in a _ and comfortably

2、furnished house in the suburbs. A)spaciousB)sufficientC)wideD)wretched 165.A membership card _ the holder to use the clubs facilities for a period of twelve months. A)approvesB)authorizesC)rectifies D)endows 166.They have done away with _ Latin for university entrance at Harvard. A)influentialB)indi

3、spensableC)compulsory D)essential 167.It is no _ that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. A)coincidenceB)correspondenceC)inspiration D)intuition 168.Ones university days often appear happier in _ than they actually were at the time. A)retentionB)retrospectC

4、)return D)reverse 169.She _ through the pages of a magazine, not really concentrating on them. A)tumbledB)tossedC)switchedD)flipped 转贴于:CET-6考试_考试大 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(三十二) 170.Scientists are pushing known technologies to their limits in an attempt to_more energy from the earth. A) extractB) inject C) dis

5、chargeD) drain171.The Chinese Red Cross_a generous sum to the relief of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. A) administered B) elevatedC) assessedD) contributed172.The first sentence in this paragraph is_; it can be interpreted in many ways. A) intricateB) ambiguousC) duplicatedD) confused173.T

6、hey used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely_with each other. A) reconciledB) negotiatedC) associatedD) accommodated174. The local business was not much_by the sudden outbreak of the epidemic. A) intervenedB) insulatedC) hamperedD) hoisted175.The most important_for assessment in this conte

7、st is originality of design. A) threshold B) partitionC) warrantD) criterion176.The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins. but her doctor_her that it is absolutely harmless. A) retrievedB) released C) reassuredD) revived177.We cant help being_of Bob who bought a luxurious sport

8、s car just after the money was stolen from the office. A) skeptical B) appreciativeC) suspiciousD) tolerant 转贴于:CET-6考试_考试大 答案:ADBACDCC170. 参考译文:科学家将技术用到极致,试图提取地球上更多的能源。A) extract提出,取出,extract sth. from sth.从某物中提取某物B) inject注射,注入,inject sth. into sb./sth.给某人/物注射药物或其他液体,不与from连用 C) discharge 释放某人,排放液

9、体,气体,电流等,discharge sth. into.将某物排放到.,不与from连用D) drain 使液体流走,drain sth. from sth.从.中放走某物171. 参考译文:中国红十字会为救济土耳其地震灾民捐赠了大笔资金。A) administered给予,管理,administer sth. to sb.正式发放或给予某人某物,注意题中to后为the relief of the victims,而不是表示人的victims B) elevated举起,提拔,elevate sb./sth. to sth.将某人或某物举起提到更高的位置C) assessed评价,评估D)

10、contributed172.参考译文:这段的第一句话有歧义,可以有多种解释。A) intricate复杂精细的,难以理解的B) ambiguous含糊的,不明确的,有多种意思的C) duplicated 复制的D) confused 混乱的,不清楚的,主语通常为人,使人迷惑应为confusing173.参考译文:他们以前常吵架,现在完全和好了。A) reconciled调解,和好,和解,常与with连用,be reconciled with sb.和某人和好B) negotiated谈判,商量,negoticated with sb.与某人商议C) associated 联合,结交,asso

11、ciate with sb.和某人结交D) accommodated 提供,供给住宿,accommodate sb. with sth.供给某人某物174.参考译文:当地的商业并未受到流行病突然爆发的太大影响。A) intervened干涉,干预B) insulated隔离,使绝缘C) hampered 阻碍,妨碍D) hoisted 升起,提升175.参考译文:这项比赛的最重要的评比标准是设计的原创性。A) threshold门槛,开端,on the threshold of 在.的开端 B) partition分割,分裂,常与of连用C) warrant 理由,原因,搜查令 warrant

12、 for sth./doing sth.做某事的理由D) criterion 标准,通常与for连用176.参考译文:这位妇女担心阿司匹林的副作用,但医生安慰她说安全无害。A) retrieved找回,收回,挽回B) released放出,释放 C) reassured 使安心,使放心D) revived 使再生,使再流行177.参考译文:我们忍不住怀疑鲍勃,因为他在办公室失窃后买了辆豪华跑车。A) skeptical对.持怀疑态度的,不相信的,be skeptical of sth.怀疑某事 B) appreciative欣赏的,感激的,be appreciative of sth.感激某事

13、C) suspicious 怀疑的,引起怀疑的,be suspicious of sb.怀疑某人或某事D) tolerant 容忍的,宽容的,be tolerant of sb./sth.容忍某人某事 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(三十三) 转贴于:CET-6考试_考试大178.He greatly resented the publication of this book. which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his _. A) privacy B) moralityC) dignity D) secrecy 179.In fact as he approached this famous statue, he only barely resisted the _to reach into his bag for his camera. A) impatienceB) impulseC) incentive D) initiative 180.He suggested that we put the scheme into effect,

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