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1、77套讲座+ 324份资料./Shop/49.shtml员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料./Shop/42.shtml工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 13920份资料./Shop/43.shtml财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料./Shop/45.shtml销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料./Shop/46.shtml销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料./Shop/47.shtml Multiple Choice 词义选择要求:理解句子意思,掌握关键词。Chapter 2: Careers in mercial Banking1. mercial ban

2、ks are in the business of providing banking services to individuals, small businesses and large organizations. 2. To be good in banking you need a broad understanding of business because your job will most likely involve interacting with businesses. 3. Banking is going through a period of tremendous

3、 consolidation with frequent mergers and layoffs. Chapter 5: Central Bank4. A central bank is responsible for the moary policy of a country or a group of member states.5. A central banks primary responsibility is to maintain the stability of the national currency and moary supply, but more active du

4、ties include controlling loan interest rates.6. To enable open market operations, a central bank must hold foreign exchange reserves (usually in the form of government bonds) and official gold reserves.7. The central bank acts as an adviser to the government, particularly in the area of internationa

5、l finance. Chapter 6: The Foreign Exchange Market8. The foreign exchange market is a place to trade foreign exchange currency, or it is a place for the transaction of all foreign currency. 9. A foreign exchange rate is the relative value between two currencies. In particular , it is the quantity of

6、one currency required to buy or sell one unit of the other currency. 10. An investor has to understand how to interpret currency quotes and other basic terminology of the Forex market before trading currencies with real money.Chapter 7: Business Financing11. Debt financing means borrowing money that

7、 is to be repaid over a period of time, usually with interest. 12. Equity financing describes an exchange of money for a share of business ownership.13. A corporation is a separate legal entity that can be created only by pliance with state statutes.If you have too much debt, your business may be co

8、nsidered overextended and risky and 真的不掉线吗?、?14. unsafe investment. Chapter 8: Financial Statements15. Financial statements paint a picture of the transactions that flow through a business. 16. A balance sheet, also known as a “statement of financial position” , reveals a panys assets, liabilities a

9、nd owners equity ( worth). 17. The ine statement (IS), also referred to as a profit and loss statement (P&L), shows a panys revenues and expenses for a given period of time. Chapter 9: Investments18. An investment can be defined as the mitment of funds to one or more assets that will be held over so

10、me future time period. 19. Marketable securities are financial assets that are easily and cheaply tradable in organized markets.20. Underlying all investment decisions is the tradeoff between return and risk.Chapter 12: Stocks Basics21. Stock is a share in the ownership of a pany, so it represents a

11、 claim on the panys assets and earnings.22. An extremely important feature of stock is its limited liability, which means that, as an owner of a stock, you are not personally liable if the pany is not able to pay its debts.23. Taking on greater risk demands a greater return on your investment.24. Th

12、ere are two main types of stocks: mon stock and preferred stock.25. Stock prices change every day as a result of market forces. Share prices change because of supply and demand. Term Translation 术语翻译 熟记下列术语,做到英汉互译。1. mercial banks2. international finance3. work ethic4. credit analyst5. interpersonal

13、 skills6. detail-oriented真的不掉线吗?7. accounting8. moary authority9. money supply10. moary policy11. interest rate12. policy instrument13. open market operations14. reserve requirement15. financial market16. basis point17. interbank rates18. currency pair19. base currency20. quote currency21. currency

14、quote22. bid price23. ask price24. cross rate25. business financing26. debt financing27. short-term debt28. long-term debt29. equity financing30. ownership interest31. proprietorship32. partnership33. corporation34. balance sheet35. current assets36. intangible assets37. long-term liabilities38. sha

15、reholders equity39. Profit & Loss Statement40. accounts receivable41. retained earnings42. capital gain43. statement of cash flows Investment44. financial assets45. portfolio 46. institutional investor47. expected return48. realized return49. mon stock50. mutual fund51. corporate bond 52. default ri

16、sk53. limited liability54. initial public offering (IPO)55. preferred stock56. Price/Earning Rate57. stock quote58. dividend per share59. trading volume60. appropriationSentence translation 句子翻译理解句义,保证译文准确无误,表达清晰。1. 良好的个人修养和职业道德,正直、敬业、遵纪守法是银行职员的基本要求。2. 具有较强的客户需求理解能力、市场营销策划能力和能够根据不同市场客户的特点有针对性地进行产品规划

17、是银行管理者的能力要求。3. The number one attribute most corporate employers are looking for is initiative. If you can give examples in interviews of situations where you did something plain useful even though no one asks you, you will be a hot modity.4. Banking is going through a period of tremendous consolida

18、tion with frequent mergers and layoffs.5. 中国人民银行运用的货币政策工具包括准备金率、中央银行基准利率、再贴现率、中央银行贷款、公开市场操作和其他由国务院规定的政策工具。6. 每个有完整金融体系的国家都有中央银行,广义而言,中央银行是政府的银行。7. To enable open market operations, a central bank must hold foreign exchange reserves (usually in the form of government bonds) and official gold reserves

19、.8. Central banks actions affect interest rates, the amount of credit, and the money supply, all of which have direct impacts not only on financial markets but also on aggregate output and inflation.9. 外汇交易市场,也称为“Forex”或“FX”市场,是世界上最大的金融市场。10. 外汇交易投资者可以对经济、社会和政治事件而导致的外汇波动随时做出反应。11. A foreign exchange

20、 rate is the relative value between two currencies. In particular, it is the quantity of one currency required to buy or sell one unit of the other currency.12. Where US dollars are not used to express an exchange rate, the term “cross rate” is usually used to express the relative value s between tw

21、o currencies.13. 债权性融资主要有向金融机构贷款和发行企业债券两种形式。14. 企业融资是为了满足企业战略调整、产业扩张和资金周转等方面的需要。15. Debt financing is attractive because you do not have to sacrifice any ownership interests in your business, interest on the loan is deductible, and the financing cost is a relatively fixed expense.16. A corporation i

22、s a separate legal entity that can be created only by pliance with state statutes.17. 资产负债表是一张静态报表,反映了该报表截止时间时公司的资金来源及分布情况。18. 通过财务报表人们可以对一个公司的财务状况和经营状况有一基本了解。19. If a pany fails to provide meaningful disclosure to investors about where it has been, where it is and where it is going, a damaging patt

23、ern ensues.20. The ine statement covers a specific period of time。It is usually released every financial quarter, and at the end of the fiscal year (FY).21. 组合投资原则,即将风险资金按一定比例投向不同行业、不同企业(项目),或联合几个风险投资公司共同向一家企业投资。22. 随着社会经济的快速发展,如何投资、如何理财已经成为商业人士关注的焦点。23. In investment it is critical to distinguish b

24、etween an expected return and a realized return.24. What investors actually earn from their holdings may turn out to be more or less than what they expected to earn when they initiated the investment.25. 公司管理层应该是为股东增加公司的价值。26. 股票的一个十分重要的特征是有限责任,意思是公司不能支付债务时,股票持有者没有负债责任。27. The two most important cha

25、racteristics of mon stock as an investment are its residual claim and limited liability.Stock prices change every day as a result of market forces. By this we mean that share prices 真的不掉线吗?28. change because of supply and demand. If more people want to buy a stock (demand) rather than sell it (suppl

26、y), then the price moves up. Questions 理解题意,回答简明扼要。1. Why are banks getting aggressive? 2. A typical job in banking in the lending or branch management area would require some skills. What are those skills?3. What are the main policy instruments available to a central bank?4. What is meant by open m

27、arket operations?5. What are the mon methods to express a foreign exchange rate?6. What is a currency pair?7. What is the major disadvantage of equity financing?8. What are the major forms of business organizations?9. What are the three types of assets? Explain by giving examples.10. When can a bala

28、nce sheet be “balanced”?11. What is the investment process? What are the two major steps involved in the investment process?12. What is a mon stock? What are the main features of the mon stock?13. Explain how the market forces cause the stock price to change?What is a bear market and what is a bull market? 真的不掉线吗?14. 法国留学费用预算参考各地学费以及外币汇率经常变动,本文数据仅供参考,费用详情以有关官方机构最新公布为准,最新费用参考欢迎咨询启德顾问。法国作为西方国家经济四强之一,政府投入财政预算的20%用于教育。法国政府每年补贴80%的教育经费, 用于改善教学设施及增强师资力量, 因而学费比其它欧美国家低廉得多。学生通常没有学费负担, 留学生同样享受此项优惠。1998年法国放开了留学政策,使各国的留学生都可以享受公立大学免学费、住房补助等的福利政策。赴法前的国内所需各种费用预算法语学习:5,0007,000元RMB(500学时)TEF考试报名费:1000元RMB

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