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1、Lesson FifteenSection One:Tapescript.Dialogue 1: What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow? 明天有从伦敦飞往维也纳的航班吗? If youd like to take a seat, Ill find out for you. 如果你想预订一个座位,我会帮你查一下。 Id like to travel first class, please. 我想坐头等舱 BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925, and flies d

2、irect. BEA航班BE502在希思罗机场九点二十五起飞,航班直达 What time have I got to get there? 我需要什么时候到达那里 Youll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 0810 at the latest. 你最晚必须在八点十分到达西伦敦航站楼。Dialogue 2: Another piece of meat pie? 再来一份肉派怎么样? No, thanks, really. Im on a diet. 不用,谢谢啦。我正在减肥。 Please do. Youve hardly eaten an

3、ything. 再吃一点吧。你几乎没吃什么。 Its delicious, but I dont think I ought to. 它很可口,但我认为我不应该再吃了。Dialogue 3: How about a nice cup of tea before you go? 在你走之前喝杯可口的茶怎么样? Yes, Id love one. 好的,我想来一杯 How do you like it? 你想来杯什么样的? A strong one with three spoons for me, please. 放三勺茶叶给我一杯浓一点的茶Dialogue 4: What are you go

4、ing to have to drink? 你想喝点什么? Id like something cool. 我想喝点冰的东西。 Would you care for some cake? 你想要吃一些蛋糕吗 Yes, Ill try a piece of cheese cake. 嗯嗯,我想要一份芝士蛋糕。 It certainly looks tempting. I wouldnt mind some myself. 这看起来确实很诱人,我不介意自己也来一些。Dialogue 5: Have you chosen something, sir? 先生,您已经选好了吗? Yes, I thin

5、k Ill have the curry, please. 是的,我想要一些咖喱 What would you like afterwards? 然后你还要些什么呢? Id like some fruit if you have any. 如果有水果的话给我来一些。Dialogue 6: Would you like a cigarette? 你想抽烟吗 No, thanks. Im trying to cut down. 不用,谢了。我正努力戒烟。 Go on. I owe you one from yesterday. 加油继续。我昨天就欠你一支了 OK, but next time yo

6、u must have one of mine. 嗯,但下一次你必须得抽支我的。Dialogue 7: I wonder if you could help meIm looking for a room. 我想知道你能否帮助我我在寻找一个空房间 I have got a vacancy, yes. 嗯嗯,我有一个空房间 What sort of price are you asking? 你要价多少? Eight pounds fifty a week excluding laundry. 不带洗衣房是每星期8.5英镑 Would it be convenient to see the ro

7、om? 方便去看一下这个房间吗 Can you call back later? Were right in the middle of lunch. 你可以晚点打来吗?我们现在正在吃午饭。Dialogue 8: Will Dr. Black be able to see me at about 9.15 tomorrow? 布莱克医生可以在明天9.15和我见面吗? Sorry, but hes fully booked till eleven unless theres a cancellation. 抱歉,他在十一点之前已经被预约满了,除非有人取消预约。 Would ten to one

8、be convenient? 那在12.50的时候方便吗? Yes, hes free then. 是的,那时他是空闲的。Dialogue 9: Can you fix me up with a part-time job? 你可以为我提供一份兼职吗? Anything in particular that appeals to you? 有什么特别吸引你的工作吗?/你有什么特别喜欢的工作吗? I was rather hoping to find something in a school. 我更希望在学校里找到一些事做。 Have you done that kind of thing b

9、efore? 你以前从事过那种类型的工作吗? Yes, I was doing the same job last summer. 是的,我上个暑假一直从事相同的工作。 I might be able to help you, but Id need references. 我也许可以帮助你,但我需要证明人。Section Two:Tapescript.A. Quick Lunch:Mr. Radford has just dropped in for a quick lunch.瑞德福德先生刚刚顺便去了一家快餐店。Waitress: A table for one, sir? 先生您要张一人

10、坐的桌子吗?Mr. Radford: Yes, please.是的。Waitress: Are you having the set lunch?你想要套餐吗?Mr. Radford: Yes.嗯Waitress: What would you like to start with?那么你想先点什么呢?Mr. Radford: Whats the soup of the day?今天做的是什么汤Waitress: Mushroom.蘑菇汤Mr. Radford: Yes, please. Ill have that.好的好的,我要了Waitress: And for your main cou

11、rse?那您的主食呢?Mr. Radford: The plaice, I think, and apple tart to follow.我要比目鱼,然后是苹果馅饼Waitress: Would you like something to drink with your meal?那你想要些什么喝的来配你的饭菜呢。Mr. Radford: Yes. A lager please.嗯,一瓶贮藏啤酒。Waitress: Thank you.谢谢您B. Dinner:Waiter: Good afternoon.下午好Mr. Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a

12、table for two under the name of Blackmore.下午好,我以布莱克摩尔的名义预定了一张双人桌Waiter: Yes, sir. Would you like to come this way?是的先生,请您往这边走好吗?Mr. Blackmore: Thank you.谢谢你Waiter: Can I take your coat, madam?女士,我可以为您拿着您的外套吗?Mrs. Blackmore: Thank you.谢谢Waiter: Will this table do for you?这张桌子可以吗Mr. Blackmore: That wi

13、ll be fine, thanks.挺好的,谢谢Waiter: Would you like a drink before your meal?在你用餐前需要些喝的吗?Mrs. Blackmore: Yes. A dry sherry, please.嗯,一瓶干雪利酒。Mr. Blackmore: Half of bitter for me.给我上半杯苦啤酒Waiter: Are you ready to order?您准备好点点餐了吗?Mr. Blackmore: Yes, I think so.我觉得可以了Waiter: What would you like for starters,

14、 madam?女士,你想点些什么当开胃菜呢Mrs. Blackmore: I cant decide. What do you recommend?我也不知道,你能给我推荐些什么呢?Waiter: Well, the prawns are always popular. The pate is very good.好的,对虾总是很受欢迎。肉酱也挺不错的。Mrs. Blackmore: The prawns then please, for me.我要对虾Waiter: And for you, sir?那先生您呢Mr. Blackmore: I think Ill try the soup.我

15、将尝一尝这个汤Waiter: Very good, sir. And to follow?好的,先生。那么接下来呢?Mrs. Blackmore: Rack of lamb, I think.我想要羊架Waiter: And for you, sir?那你呢,先生Mr. Blackmore: Ill have the steak.我想要牛排Waiter: How would you like your steak done, sir?你想要你的牛排做成什么样呢,先生Mr. Blackmore: Medium rare, please.三分熟的Waiter: Thank you. Would you like to see the wine

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