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1、山东省高职高专英语应用能力考试样卷四 21. Many people feel that they _ to spend a lot of time doing something useless.A) are being forced B) are forcingC) force D) to be forced22. Despite the fact that the rich _ much richer in the recent past, large numbers of other citizens are becoming poorer.A) isbecomingB) have b

2、ecomeC) becomes D) has become23. If only I_to what he was saying. Maybe he was trying to tell me how he left. A) have listenedB) had listened C) listenedD) would listen24. I dont know why, but I see that _ now than I ever did at that time.A) clearlyB) most clearly C) more clearly D) clear25. She loo

3、ked _ she didnt know what I was talking about, which was OK.A) as if B) that C) whenD) where26.She will always remember the day _ her father returned form Canada.A) whenB) whereC)whichD) why 27. They watched her closely _ a cat watches a rat.A) asB) like C) whereD) when28. With the house _, the vill

4、agers became homeless.A) burning down B) having burned downC) being burned down D) burned down29. _ like that again, she would be punished.A) If she acts B) Does she act C) Should she act D) If she had acted30. - Has he finished reading the book? - I hope _.A) it B) so C) that D) one31. You d better

5、 _ a doctor since your son felt very uncomfortable.A) send out B) send in C) send off D) send for32. The hotel offers its guests a wide _ of amusements.A) variable B) vary C) various D) variety33. We _ importance not only to our development in this century, but even more to our development in the ne

6、xt.A) attempt B) attach C) attend D) attack34. He has an energetic young secretary who is _ of hard working.A)capableB) able C) enable D) liable35. You will be informed when the book becomes _.A) comfortable B) avoidable C) available D) considerable36. Lack of time forbids any further discussion at

7、the point.A) prohibits B) allows C) avoids D) prevents 37. Ive always believed that happiness counts more than money.A) considers B) treasures C) matters D) values38. After so many attempts, they have already abandoned all hope.A) given awayB) given upC) given offD) given in39. He made a terrible mi

8、stake, but he refused to admit it.A) acknowledge B) account C) admire D) adopt 40. After we have made many attempts, we find there appears to be no other alternative.A) choice B) selection C) election D) choosePart III Reading Comprehension (30 points, 30 minutes)Passage One1975, Microsoft: Bill Gat

9、es founded Microsoft with a group of school friends. Gates is worth 25 billion.1976, Apple: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs built the first ready-made PC in a garage, selling a scientific calculator and a Volkswagen microbus to pay for it. Apple is now worth 6.3 billion.1984, Dell: Michael Dell, 39, fo

10、unded the Dell Computer Corporation, now the worlds biggest PC manufacturer, by selling custom-built PCs directly to customs. It is worth 37 billion and Dells personal wealth is believed to exceed 10 billion.1994: Linux Torvalds created the Linux operating system while studying at Helsinki Universit

11、y. From the start, the code was freely distributed, It is becoming more popular as an alternative to the Windows operating system. He has become wealthy with his company Transmeta.1998, Google: Sergey Brin and Larry Page began their search engine in a friends garage. It is now reputedly worth about

12、25 billion.1999: Napster: Shawn Fettings quit college at 19 to create a music download site with his uncle. By 2000 it was worth 42 million.1999: Evan Williams, 28, founded www. Blogger. com. It now has more than a million registered users. In 2003 he sold it to Google.41. The underlined word “it” i

13、n paragraph 3 refers to _.A) customers who buy PCs B) Dell computer corporation C) Michael Dell D)Selling custom-built PCs42. From the passage, we can infer the following EXCEPT_A) www. belongs to Google nowB) Gates personal wealth is larger tan that of DellsC) Shawn Fettings creates a music downloa

14、d site all by himselfD) Microsoft has a longer history than Apple43. Which of the following match is NOT correct?A)Linux- Transmeta, Evan-www. BB) Steve Jobs- Apple, Shawn- NapsterC) Larry Page- Google, Bill Gates- Microsoft D) Sergey Brin- Google, Linux-Dell44. What would be the best title for the passage?A) Famous Computer Companies B) Net MillionairesC) How to Run a Computer Company Successfully D) Being SuccessfulPassage TwoThe young people who talk of the village as being “dead” are tal

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