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1、Reinforcement 强化Subject Matter Expert(SME) 学科容专家Task analysis 任务分析Verbalism 言语主义Virtual reality 虚拟现实Artificial intelligence 人工智能Audiovisual communication 视听传播Intelligent agent 智能代理Media-oriented 面向媒体Process-oriented 面向过程Situated cognition 情境认知Systematic 系统化Attribute of media 媒体特性Correspondence cours

2、e 函授课程Mainframe 主机,大型机No significant difference 无显著变化The great media debate 媒体大争论Videodisk 视盘Distance education 远程教育Real-time 【计算机】实时的K-12 从幼儿园到12年级的儿童教育Intuitive notion 直观概念Schema theory 图式理论Elaboration theory 精细化理论Metacognition 元认知Classical conditioning 经典性条件反射Verbal behavior 言语行为Cognitive science

3、 认知科学Long-term memory 长时记忆Short-term memory 短时记忆Multiplication table 乘法表Taxonomy of learning 学习分类Verbal information 言语信息Intellectual skills 智慧技能Cognitive strategies 认知策略Rote learning 机械学习Non-arbitrary 非任意性Prior knowledge 先有知识Iterative process 迭代过程Assimilation 同化Verbatim recall 逐字回忆Societal dynamic 社

4、会动力学Communication theory 传播理论Mass communication 大众传播Incoming message 收文Cooperative network 协作网络Sender and receiver 发送者和接收者Innovation Diffusion Theory(IDT) 创新推广理论Instructional development 教学开发Advisory system 咨询系统Automated Instructional Design(AID) 自动化教学设计Authoring tools 著作工具Electronic performance sup

5、port systems 电子绩效支持系统,简称EPSSInformation management 知识管理Intelligent tutoring system 智能导师系统Interactive simulation 交互式仿真模拟Systematic instructional development 系统化教学开放Front-end analysis 前端分析Formative evaluation 形成性评价Summative evaluation 总结性评价Events of instruction 教学事件Learning environment 学习环境Student-cen

6、tered learning 以学生为中心的学习Technology-supported learning environment 技术支持的学习环境Information highway 信息高速公路Information literacy 信息素养Critical skills 关键技能2、填空(书上的图)1、戴尔的“经验之塔” P32、教育技术学的畴 P143、为有意义的学习必不可少的条件P494、格拉奇-伊利模型 P805、Kemp Model P816、Dick and Carey Model P827、ADDIE Model P833、重点句子翻译 第一章: Programmed

7、instruction is a method of presenting new subject matter to students in a graded sequence of controlled steps. Students work through the programmed material by themselves at their own speed and after each step test their comprehension by answering an examination question or filling in a diagram. The

8、y are then immediately shown the current answer or given additional information. 程序教学一种以可以控制步骤按照由易到难的顺序向学习者呈现新的学科容的方法。学生按照合适于自己的速度独立学习程序教学材料,在每一个学习材料完成之后通过回答一个测验问题或者填写一个图表来测量他们对学习材料的掌握程度。他们可以立刻得到正确答案或者补充提示等反馈信息。 第三章: He proclaimed that the medium is the message. In other word, new forms of media ,(m

9、essage) transform our experience of ourselves and our society, and this influence is ultimately more important than the content that is transmitted in the specific messages. 他声称,媒体及讯息(和数据)。换言之,新的媒体形式(数据)改变了我们自己和所处环境的经验,这种影响最终比那些以其特殊讯息所传递的容更重要。Instruction medias are mere vehicles that deliver instruc

10、tion but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck deliver our groceries (goods) and causes changes in our nutrition. 教学媒体都仅仅只是传递教育而不会影响学生完成学习活动,就像卡车运输我们的生活用品但不会改变我们的营养一样。 Kozma believes that Clarks view of media as “delivery trucks ” creates an unnecessary schism between medium a

11、nd methods. From Kozams perspective, media has an important role in learning. Different technologies can process or operate on the available symbol systems. 考兹曼把克拉克的媒体观看做送货卡车,在媒体和教学方法之间制造了一个不必要的分裂。 考兹曼认为,媒体在学习中起着至关重要的作用,不同种类的技术可以处理或操作其可利用的符号系统。第五章: Regardless of the differences among psychological p

12、erspectives on learning, a solid foundation in various learning theory is undoubtedly the most essential element in the preparation of ISD professionals. They must be familiar with the theory and research on learning and must be able to apply them to actual practice. 尽管心理学上对学习的观点存在差异拥有一个坚实的学习理论基础无疑是

13、教学系统设计专业人员职前培训中最基本的要素。教学系统设计人员必须熟悉关于学习的理论与研究,并将之付诸实践。 Cognitive science is making a major contribution to our understanding of how humans perceive, elaboration ,metacognition ,automaticity ,expert/ novice studies, and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that

14、have important implications for the deign of instruction. 认知科学在解释人类如何感知、加工、存储和重现信息等方面做出了巨大的贡献。图式理论,精细化,元认知,自动化,专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要的启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究中的一小部分。Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a learning theory based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through condition

15、ing. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. According to behaviorism ,behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with on consideration of internal mental states. 行为心理学,也称为行为主义,是一种基于所有行为都是通过条件刺激而产生的学习理论。条件刺激就是重现与环境的相互作用。根据行为主义的观点,可以通过系统方法和观察的方式来研究人的行为,而不用考虑人的

16、部心理状态。Behaviorism had its earliest start with the work of Russian psychologist named Ivan Pavlov. Pavlovs research on the digestive systems of dogs led to his discovery of classical conditioning process, which demonstrated that behaviors could be learned via conditioned associations. Pavlov demonstr

17、ated that this learning process could be used to make an association between environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. 最早从事于行为主义研究工作的是俄罗斯的生理学家巴普洛夫。他的关于狗的消化系统的研究也导致了经典条件反射过程的发现,这个发现证明了行为都能通过关联的条件刺激来学习。巴普洛夫还证明了这个学习过程可以用于创造环境刺激与本能刺激间的相关联。 However ,even while accepting such behavioristi

18、c concepts, cognitive theorists view learning as involving the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive structures through which humans process and store information. 然而,尽管他们接受行为主义的某些观点,但是认知主义家们 认为学习是认知结构的获得和重组即人们加工和存储信息的过程。According to the cognitivist, knowledge occurs in internal structures

19、called schemas. When new information comes in through the senses ,it is compared with the schemas already present, and the schemas may then be combined or changed in light of the new information. 认知结构的观点看,知识是重现在结构的图式。当感知到新的信息时,先与当前已存在的图式相比较,人后进行整合或者将信息作出改变。Constructivism is a type of learning theory

20、 that explains human learning as an active attempt to construct meaning in the world around us. Constructivists believe that learning is more active and self-directed than behaviorism or cognitive theory would postulate. 建构主义学习理论是这样一种学习理论,即他认为学习是人们对周围世界的积极的有意义的建构。建构主义认为,与行为主义与认知主义相比,学习应该是更加积极和自主的。 C

21、onstructivism divides learning into two types : accommodation and assimilation . The focus is on the individuals desire and ability to learn., and the teacher and therapist is there to help guide self-directed learning. 建构主义将学习分为两种类型:顺应和同化。重点在于个人的学习意愿和学习能力,并且老师或者专家仅仅帮助指导自主学习。 Constructivists believe

22、 that learners construct their own reality or at least interpret it based upon their perceptions of experiences, so an individuals knowledge is a function of ones prior experiences ,mental structures ,and beliefs that are used to interpret objects and events. 建构主义认为,学习者建构事实或者至少在解释事实时都是基于他们的感知经验,因此,个

23、人的知识是缘由感知经验,心理结构和揭示事物信心的集合。第6章: As it evolved, then, Gagnes theory of instruction came to comprise three components:1.a taxonomy of learning outcomes that defined the types of capabilities humans can learn.2.internal and external learning conditions associated with the acquisition of each category o

24、f learning outcome.3.nine events of instruction that each facilitates a specific cognitive process during learning. 随着理论的不断完善,加涅的教学理论逐渐发展成三部分容:1、定义人类学习能力类型的学习结果分类理论。2、与所习得各种类型学习结果相关的部和外部学习条件理论。3、在学习中促进具体认知过程的九段教学法。The nine events of instruction: 1. gaining attention: a stimulus change to alert the l

25、earner and focus attention on desired features. 2. Informing the learner of the objective: a statement or demonstration to form an expectancy in the learner as to the goals of instruction.3. stimulating recall of prior learning: a question or an activity to remind the learners of prerequisite knowle

26、dge. 4.presenting the stimulus: an activity or information that presents the content of what is to be learned 5.providing learning guidance: a cue or strategy to promote encoding 6.eliciting performance: an opportunity to practice or otherwise perform what is learned 7.providing feedback: informatio

27、n of a corrective nature that will help the learner to improve their performance.8.assessing performance: an opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned 9.enhancing retention and transfer: examples or activities that prompt the learner to go beyond the immediate context of instruction. 九段教学法:1、

28、引起注意:刺激性变化已引起学习者的注意,使其集中精力于所期望的特征。2、明确学习目标:通过描述或展示使学习者形成对教学目标的期望。3、刺激回忆先前的学习:设计问题或活动使学习者回想起以前所学的知识。4、呈现刺激:用活动或信息来呈现即将学习的容。5、提供学习指导:促进编码的线索或策略6、引出作业:提供实践活动的机会或执行所学容7、提供反馈:正确的信息反馈将会帮助学习者提高绩效8、评估作业:提供评价所学知识的机会9、促进保持和迁移:提供案例或活动以促进学习者对当前教学知识进行迁移。第7章: The process of communication: 1.the act of human commu

29、nication begins with a sender, who decides to initiate a message with a specific set of intended meaning 2.the sender than encoded the intended meaning by selecting specific words or gestures that the receiver will presumably understand 3.the message then transmitted spoken or written-as to cross th

30、e space between sender and receiver.4.the receiver, the individual to whom the message is directed ,attend to and perceives the incoming message as a specific pattern of symbols.5.the receiver then decode the message by constructing his or her own interpretations of the meaning of the symbols. a result of interpreting the message, the receiver is influenced in some way. That is ,the communication has some effect.传播过程: 1人类沟通的行为开始发送谁决定触发一个信息以具体的目的意义。2.然后,发送者的目的意义编码选择特定的接受者会明白的词和手势。3、然后信息就在发送者和接受者之间的空间,以口头的或书写的形式传送。4、接受者,信息传递的对象,注意并感觉到收文作为一种特定的符号模式。5、接受者译码信息然后建构他或她自己

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