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高中英语同步练习外研版必修1Unit 6 Section 4课时达标训练 Word版含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、Chow sad they are Dhow they feel3If you want to understand the emoticon, youd better look_Aupside downBin the faceCfrom the upside Dfrom the side4How can you shorten the words that you use?ATake out any letters that you use.BTake out unimportant letters, usually vowels.CUse numbers instead of words.

2、DUse words instead of numbers.5From the passage, we know that_Ait is easy to understand some short messages if you are a ChineseBit is hard to understand the emoticons if you dont know EnglishCthe short messages cannot be made by ChineseDshort messages sometimes make us puzzled15BDDBD.拼写单词1Its a fan

3、tastic (极好的) place, really beautiful!2Have you seen the latest statistics (统计资料) on crime?3We had to write three essays (文章) in the history exam.4Then they walked sideways (侧身) through a narrow passage.5The average (平均的) temperature in Oxford last month was 18 .6The street was so crowded that cars w

4、ere unable to pass (超过).拓展词汇1concentrate v集中(注意力、思想等)concentration n集中;专心2definite adj.明确的definitely adv.明确地3independent adj.独立的independence n独立;自主;自立4disadvantage n弊端;缺点advantage n优点;优势5shorten v缩短shortage n短缺;不足short adj.短的6frequently adv.时常;经常frequent adj.经常的;频繁的巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨definitedefinitely形容

5、词加-ly构成副词advantagedisadvantage加前缀dis-构成其反义词Shortshorten形容词加-en构成动词.补全短语1concentrate on 集中于2compared with 与相比3take out_ 除去,减去4a series of 一系列5communicate with 与交流,沟通6point out 指出;指明7instead of 而不是;代替8agree with 同意;适合9as . as possible/one can 尽可能地10wrap up 包装1教材原句Our English teacher is excellent, but

6、she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes. 我们的英语老师很优秀,但她不能在50分钟内帮助班里的每个人。句型点拨not everyone表示部分否定。佳句赏析我同意你对这座城市未来的大部分预测,但并不是一切都同意。I agree with most of your predictions about the city of the future, but I dont agree with everything.2教材原句It would be much better if we spent time working on a comp

7、uter. 如果我们把时间花在计算机上,情况会好很多。句型点拨虚拟语气。佳句赏析如果我们错过航班,我们将不得不在这里再待一天。If we missed the flight we would have to stay here for another day.Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it even che

8、aper by shortening the words that you use. You can do this by taking out “unimportant” letters in the words (usually vowels) and using numbers instead of words (2to, 3free, 4for, 8ate, so h8hate, etc.)You can also avoid using punctuation like inverted commas. Here is an example: Im hm nw, why nt gv

9、me a cll?(Im home now, why not give me a call?)What do you think these text messages mean?Whr hv U bn?Iv bn wtng hrs fr a cllDo U wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite?I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes hvng a prty on Strdy. Do U wnt 2 cm?Mobile phone users have developed a series of symbols to show how they feel

10、. They are called emoticons, and there are some examples below. To read an emoticon, you have to look at it sideways.For example, if you say something in a text message which is a joke, you can follow it with a smiling face. Like this:Why didt u call me? Im so sad.)Here are some others. Can you thin

11、k of text messages where you could use them?)laughing (sad really sad V shouting|asleep O shocked 8|surprised o bored,用手机打电话很贵,所以很多人发短信。发短信比用手机打电话便宜得多,而且你可以通过简化用词使之更便宜。为了达到简化的目的,你可以去掉单词中“不重要”的字母(通常是元音字母)并用数字代替单词(2to, 3free, 4for, 8ate,那么h8hate,等等)。你还可以省去引号之类的标点符号。如:Im hm nw, why nt gv me a cll?你认为下面

12、这些短信表示什么意思呢?手机用户已发明了一系列的符号来表达他们的感受。它们被称为表情符号,下面有一些例子。阅读表情符号时,要斜着看。例如,如果你在短信中开玩笑,你可在短信后来个笑脸。可以像这样表示:下面是一些其他的例子。你能想出一些能用到这些表情符号的短信吗?)笑 (伤心 非常伤心 V 大喊大叫|睡着 O 震惊 8|惊讶 o 厌烦1Concentrate on the good things about the Internet.(P54)关注因特网好的方面。concentrate v集中(注意力,思想等)I cant concentrate with all that noise going

13、 on.吵闹声不绝入耳,我无法集中精力。concentrate on sth全神贯注于,专心致志于concentrate ones thought/effort/attention on 集中思想/精力/注意力于concentration n. 集中;This firm concentrates_on the European market. 这公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场。We should concentrate_all_our_efforts_on_improving education.我们应该集中精力努力改进教育工作。Stress and tiredness often result

14、 in a lack of concentration. 紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。联想发散表示“集中精力”的短语:fix_on/upon,_be_absorbed_in,_focus_on,_be_devoted_to_.,_bury_oneself_in/be_buried_in,_be_lost_in,_apply_oneself_to,_put_ones_heart_into等。2I agree with this idea,especially on the subject of learning English.(P56)我同意这个想法,尤其是在学英语这门课程上。agree wi

15、th同意,赞成;与一致;(气候、食物等)适合一词多义写出下列句中agree with的含义Do you agree with me about the need for more schools? 同意,赞成Your account of the affair does not agree with mine. 与一致The wet climate doesnt agree with him .(气候)适合agree on 商定;达成共识(主语通常是复数)agree to sth. 同意(建议、安排等)agree to do sth. 同意做某事Do you agree_to this pla

16、n? 你同意这个计划吗?We couldnt agree_on the date. 关于日期,我们未能取得一致意见。名师点津(1)不可说agree sb. to do sth.,但可说agree to do sth.,agree with sb. to do sth.。(2)不可说agree doing sth.,但可说agree on doing sth.。3Our English teacher is excellent, but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.(P56)我们的英语老师非常优秀,但是在50分钟内她不可能在

17、课堂上帮助每一个人。部分否定本句not与everyone构成部分否定,意为“并非每个人”。Everyone is not here. Not everyone is here.并非每个人都在这儿。英语中表示全体意义的代词与not连用,表示部分否定,这样的代词有:both, all, every(thing/one/body/where),这些词与not连用时,表示“并非都,不是所有的都”。Not every student passed the exam.并非所有的学生都通过了考试。All people dont see the problem with the sense of urgenc

18、y. 不是所有的人都认为这个问题很紧急。名师点津全部否定:(1)常用于全部否定的词(组)有:no, nor, none, never, neither, neither .nor ., nobody, nowhere, nothing, not at all等。(2)not与 any, anybody, anyone, anything, either, anywhere等连用也表示全部否定。We both fell, but fortunately neither of us was hurt.我们两个都摔倒了,但幸运的是都没有受伤。We will be exploring differen

19、t approaches to gathering information, maybe none of them serving as a solution. 我们将会探究收集信息的不同方法,也可能没有一个会解决问题。4What are the advantages of having a mobile phone? What are the disadvantages ?(P57)有手机有什么好处?有什么坏处?disadvantage n弊端,缺点The other candidates main disadvantage is her age. 另一候选人的主要不利条件是她的年龄问题。(

20、1)at a disadvantage处于不利地位to ones disadvantage 对某人不利(2)advantage n. 优点have/gain an advantage over 胜过;优过take advantage of 利用They argued that singing in their own language would put them at_a_disadvantage他们说道,用本国语言唱歌会使他们处于不利地位。He has_an_advantage_over me in chemistry, but I gain_an_advantage_over him i

21、n physics. 他的化学比我学得好,但我的物理比他学得好。They took_full_advantage_of the hotels facilities. 他们充分利用旅馆的设备。5Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.(P57)与美国的45%和日本的15%相比,中国有2%的人能上网。compared with/to . 和比起来,与相比Chinese ne

22、w traffic rules in 2016 gave more severe punishment to offenders compared with those carried out in previous years.与前些年执行的交规相比,2016年中国新交规对违规者实施了更严厉的惩罚。compare A with/and B把A和B加以比较compare A to B 把A比做Bbeyond compare 无与伦比The number of the students in our school has increased 4 times compared_with 1980.

23、 我们学校的学生人数比1980年增加了三倍。Chairman Mao compared_the_young_to_the_morning_sun毛主席把青年人比作早晨的太阳。Compare Wuhan with Shanghai, to be frank, and youll find its more convenient to live in the former. 坦率地讲,把武汉和上海相比,你就会发现住在前者更方便。6The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week.(P57)中国人平均花在网上的

24、时间是每周17个小时。average adj.平均的;普通的 n平均数;平均水平The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.4、5、9三个数的平均数是6。an average of 平均为on average 平均算起来above average 在平均水平以上below average 在平均水平以下House prices have gone up by an_average_of 2%. 房价平均上涨了2%。We fail one student per year on_average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。Although prices have been

25、dropping over the past few days, they are still well above_average虽然价格在过去几天已经降下来了,但仍然比平均价高很多。7If you need any help, dont hesitate to call us.(P58)如果你需要帮助,尽管给我们打电话。hesitate v踌躇,犹豫Id hesitate before accepting such an offer. 我得先斟酌一下, 才能决定是否接受这样的提议。(1)hesitate to do sth.不愿做某事,对做某事有顾虑hesitate about/over

26、sth. 对某事犹豫,迟疑不决(2)hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing . 做不犹豫Dont hesitate_to_tell us if you have a problem. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。Hes still hesitating_about joining the expedition. 他对是否参加考察队仍拿不定主意。I have_no_hesitation_in_recommending Mr. Green for the job.我毫不犹豫地推荐格林先生做这项工作。8Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages.(P59)v.ing形式作主语Playing basketball is a sport where working as a tea

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