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1、2.N-COUNT A mailbox is a metal box in a public place, where you put letters and small packages to be collected. They are then sorted and delivered. 邮筒 美国英语3.N-COUNT On a computer, your mailbox is the file where your e-mail is stored. 电子邮箱例:The prank crammed his mailbox with computer-delivered electr

2、onic junk mail.该恶作剧病毒把他的邮箱塞满计算机发送的电子垃圾邮件。botanical英 btnkl 美 btnkladj. 植物学的n. 植物性药材Atlanta Botanical:亚特兰大botanical park:植物园Botanical Extracts:植物提取物;物萃取精华;草本提取物;植物萃取物Botanical Illustration:植物学图谱;动物学图谱Botanical Glass:植物学的杯子botanical character:植物学性状;植物学特征botanical pen:植物笔Botanical Painting:彩铅教材书籍介绍1.ADJ

3、 Botanical books, research, and activities relate to the scientific study of plants. 植物学的 ADJ nThe area is of great botanical interest.该地区很有植物学研究价值。mediator英 midet 美 midetn. 调停者;传递者;中介物cultural mediator:文化中介者Mediator Variable:中介变项;中介变量;居间变量Mediator Dei:天人中保Accredited Mediator:调解员electronic mediator:

4、子媒介物local mediator:局部介质agent mediator:仲裁代理electron mediator:电子媒介体dynamic英 danmk 美 danmkadj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的n. 动态;动力dynamic equilibrium:动态平衡;动平衡;Dynamic DNS:动力平衡;dynamic balance:动态均衡Dynamic rope:动态DNS;动态域名;动态域名解析;动态域名解析服务Dynamic Memory:Dynamic Binding:防尘罩dynamic inconsistency:编织绳;动力绳的构造dynamic soar

5、ing:动态内存;1.ADJ If you describe someone as dynamic , you approve of them because they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas. (人) 有活力的; 有创新思维的 表赞许He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.他看来是个富有创新力与活力的领导。2.dynamically ADV 有活力地; 有创新思维地Hes one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pian

6、ists of our time.他是我们这个时代最具活跃想像力的爵士乐钢琴演奏家之一。3.ADJ If you describe something as dynamic , you approve of it because it is very active and energetic. (事物) 有活力的 表赞许South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.南亚仍然是世界上最具活力的经济区。4.ADJ A dynamic process is one that constantly ch

7、anges and progresses. 动态的.a dynamic, evolving worldwide epidemic.一次不断变化发展的、世界范围内的疾疫流行。5.N-COUNT The dynamic of a system or process is the force that causes it to change or progress. 动力The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.市场的动力要求有不断的变化和调整。6.N-PLURAL The dynamics of a situa

8、tion or group of people are the opposing forces within it that cause it to change. (引发变革的) 反动力What is needed is insight into the dynamics of the social system.所需要的就是对社会制度反动力的洞悉。water skiing滑水water r skiing:水橇;滑水;划水runing water-skiing:water-skiing:划水;滑水运动;整Water-skiing rope:滑水绳go water-skiing:去滑水surf

9、-riding and water-skiing:冲浪;Wet suits for water-skiing:滑水防潮服water and snow skiing:游泳;滑雪No water skiing:禁止滑水peer英 p 美 prn. 贵族;同等的人;同龄人vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视vt. 封为贵族;与同等n. (Peer)人名;(英、巴基)皮尔peer pressure:朋辈压力;同辈压力;同伴压力;同侪压力Ralph Peer:拉尔夫皮尔;夫皮尔peer teaching:同学互教;同伴教学;同伴影响法Peer Learning:同伴学习;同侪学习peer adviser:高年级学

10、生顾问Peer Mentor:朋辈辅导员Peer Relationships:同伴关系;同事关系;注重同事关系peer dashboard:对等仪表板Peer mentoring:学长姊辅导制;同侪师徒制;同伴指导1.V-I If you peer at something, you look at it very hard, usually because it is difficult to see clearly. 费力地看; 盯着I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.我一直在费力地看一份

11、不知所云的电脑打印稿。2.N-COUNT Your peers are the people who are the same age as you or who have the same status as you. 同龄人; 同等地位的人His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.他迷人的个性使他很受同龄人欢迎。3.N a member of a nobility; nobleman 贵族pillow英 pl 美 plon. 枕头vt. 垫;枕于;使靠在vi. 枕着头;靠在枕上n. (Pillow)人名;(英)皮洛ai

12、r pillow:空气枕;充气枕头;气枕;空气枕头Pillow woman:枕边女人pillow sham:枕头饰套;枕套;传统式枕套;带边枕套Auto pillow:汽车座垫;汽车坐垫;汽车坐垫儿pillow splint:枕头夹glo Pillow:光亮唤醒枕头;发光枕头pillow bag:枕袋;背封袋;棉被包装袋;枕头包1.N-COUNT A pillow is a rectangular cushion that you rest your head on when you are in bed. 枕头be likely to do可能作某事;很可能be more likely to

13、 do:更有可能这样做;更可能要做;更有可能做到;be not likely to do:很有可能不做某事be e likely to do:很有可能be likely to do sh:可能做什么事情likely be likely to do:有可能做某事be likely to do sth:可能做某事;很可能;有可能做某事;之后常跟不定式be likely to do something:可能做somebody be likely to do:某人很有可能做enormous英 nms 美 nrmsadj. 庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的enormous implications:影响很

14、大;感化很年夜enormous pressure:巨大压力;承受很大压力;巨大的压力enormous influence:巨大影响enormous splash:巨大的闪屏;巨大的飞溅;极大的飞溅;巨大轰动Enormous Nose:大鼻子王子enormous number:巨大的数字;巨大的数量Bangladesh enormous:孟加拉极大enormous flame:大火enormous data:大批量数据;庞大数据1.ADJ Something that is enormous is extremely large in size or amount. 巨大的The main be

15、droom is enormous.主卧室大极了。2.ADJ You can use enormous to emphasize the great degree or extent of something. (程度、范围) 极大的 强调It was an enormous disappointment.这是件令人极为失望的事。3.enormously ADV 极其地This book was enormously influential.这本书影响极大。suit英 sju:t; su:t 美 sutvt. 适合;使适应n. 诉讼;恳求;套装,西装;一套外衣vi. 合适;相称space su

16、it:宇航服;航天服;太空衣;tailored suit:太空服ski suit:女式西服;西装式套装;女式洋装;西装afternoon suit:滑雪服;翻译;滑雪装weightlifting suit:日常套装;同样平常套装;午后简式女服;午后服WET SUIT:举重服sport suit:湿式防寒衣;防寒衣;潜水衣;潜水湿衣suit sb:运动服;运动衣;运动套装;套装JUST SUIT:适合某人;合适某人;合某人的身1.N-COUNT A mans suit consists of a jacket, trousers, and sometimes a vest, all made f

17、rom the same fabric. (男) 套装.a dark pin-striped business suit.一套黑色细条纹男职业装。2.N-COUNT A womans suit consists of a jacket and skirt, or sometimes trousers, made from the same fabric. (女) 套装I was wearing my tweed suit.我那时穿着我的花呢套装。3.N-COUNT A particular type of suit is a piece of clothing that you wear fo

18、r a particular activity. (特定活动时穿的) 服装The six survivors only lived through their ordeal because of the special rubber suits they were wearing.6位幸存者因穿着特殊橡胶服度过了大难。4.V-T If something suits you, it is convenient for you or is the best thing for you in the circumstances. (某事物) 适合 (某人) no contThey will only release information if it suits them.他们只会发布合他们意的消息。5.V-T If something suits you, you like it. (某事物

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