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1、Charity organization society 慈善组织协会Charity programs 慈善事业Civil Affairs 民政事务Civil society 公民社会Class 阶级Clinical social work 临床社会工作Closed system 封闭系统Code of ethics 伦理宣言Comfortand compensation 抚恤Commercial insurance 商业保险Common human needs 共同人类需求Community Development 社区建设、社区发展Community participation 社区参与C

2、ommunity service 社区服务Community Services Centers 社区服务中心Community 社区Community-based organization(CBO)社区基层组织Compulsory education 义务教育Compulsory savings model 强制储蓄Contribution 缴费Created environment 人造文化Cross-cultural perspective 跨文化视角Cultural pluralism 文化多元主义Cultural relativism 文化相对主义Culture of poverty

3、贫困文化Decentralization 分权Declassification Deficit 赤字Defined benefit (DB) 确定给付型Defined contribution (DC) 确定缴费型Democratic socialism 民主社会主义Disabled Children 残疾儿童Disabled Staff 残疾职工Disadvantaged groups 弱势群体Disaster prevention 防灾Disaster reduction 减灾Disaster relief 救灾Discrimination歧视Distort 歪曲、不正常Divorce R

4、ate 离婚率Domestic violence 家庭暴力 Economic depression 经济萧条Economic recession 经济衰退Economiceffect 经济效应Efficiency 效率Elderlywelfare 老年福利Eligibility requirements 资格要求Eliminate illiteracy 扫除文盲 Elizabethan Poor Law 济贫法Employee welfare design 职工福利设计Employee 雇员Employeewelfare 职工福利Employer 雇主Employment 就业Endemic

5、diseases 地方病Enrollment rate 入学率Enterprise Annuity 企业年金Entrustment 信托 Equality 公平Equity of access 机会均等Ethics of profession 职业道德 Evaluation 评价Extend coverage 拓宽覆盖面Externalities 外部性Extreme(absolute) poverty 绝对贫困Family insurance 家庭保障Family planning 计划生育Famine 饥荒Finance 筹措资金Financial market 金融市场FiscalPol

6、icy 财政政策Fixed employment 固定就业Formal social welfare program 正式社会福利计划Free-riding 搭便车Full employment 充分就业Fully funding personal accounts 做实个人账户Fund actuarial 基金精算Fund oversight 基金监管Gender inequality性别不平等Gender order性别秩序Gender socialization 性别社会化Gender Studies 社会性别研究General assistance (GA) 普遍救助Gerontolo

7、gical social work 老年社会工作Gerontology老年学Globalization全球化Govern 统治、管理GovernmentIntervene 政府参与Government-affiliated institutions事业单位Government-sponsored programs 政府主导计划 Great Society 大社会Guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises 国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障 Health c

8、are 卫生保健Health insurance 健康保险Holistic approach 整体论方法Life insurance 人寿保险Homeless people 无家可归者Hope project 希望工程Households with Livelihood Guaranteed in Five Aspects 五保户Human resource manager 人力资源经理Human resources 人力资源Humanism 人道主义、人本主义Identity认同Imigrant worker 农民工In kind 实物Income distribution system 收

9、入分配制度Income maintenance programs 收入维持计划Income redistribution 收入再分配Income Tax 所得税Income 收入Indexation 指数化Individual account 个人账户Industrialization 工业化Infant mortality rate婴儿死亡率Inflation rate 通货膨胀率Informal (or natural) helping networks非正式救助网络Informal organization 非正式组织Institutional discrimination制度化歧视In

10、surance funds 保险基金Insurance 保险Internationalization 国际化Investment funds 投资基金Investment 投资Involuntary unemployment 非自愿失业Job insecurity工作无保障Job seeker 待业人员、找工作者Labor market 劳动力市场Labor relations 劳动关系Labor union 工会Laborprotection 劳动保护Legitimacy合法性Life expectancy 预期寿命Life span寿命Lift off poverty; cast off

11、poverty 脱贫 Low- and middle-income families 中低收入家庭Low-rent housing system /cheap-rent housing system 廉租住房制度Macromanagement 宏观管理Male breadwinner男性养家糊口者Management system 管理体制Market failure 市场失灵Marketization 市场化Marriage Rate 结婚率Marriage 婚姻Marxism马克思主义Maternity insurance 生育保险Medicare医疗Methods for social

12、investigation 社会调查方法Micromanagement 微观管理Minors 未成年人Moral hazard 道德风险Motivation 刺激、激励Municipal bond 政府债券National system for basic drugs 国家基本药物制度Natural Disaster Relief 自然灾害救助Natural growth rate 自然增长率 Needs需求Negativeincome tax 负所得税New Deal新经济政策New type of rural cooperative medical care system 新型农村合作医疗

13、Nominal Account System 名义账户制Nongovernmental and Noncommercial Enterprises 民办非企业单位Non-governmental organizations(NGO) 非政府组织Nuclear family 核心家庭Number of Beds 床位数Nursing insurance 护理保险Occupational diseases 职业病Official development assistance (ODA)政府开发援助On-job training 岗位培训 Orphan 孤儿ParetoEfficiency 帕累托效

14、率Participant observation 参与性观察Pay-as-you-go program 现收现付制Payroll taxes 工薪税Pension 养老金People with physical and mental disabilities 残疾人Personal employee retirement accounts 个人退休账户Personal social services 个人社会服务Philosophy 哲学Politics 政治Post-payment 后付制Poverty alleviation 扶贫Poverty line 贫困线Poverty trap 贫

15、困陷阱Poverty 贫困Preferential Treatment 优抚Prejudice偏见Premium 保险费Primary education 初等教育Private social welfare programs 私人社会福利计划Privatization 私有化、民营化Profession 职业Public assistance 官方政府援助Public finance 公共财政Public goods 公共物品Public health service system 公共卫生服务体系Public health 公共卫生Public hospitals 公立医院Public h

16、ousing 公共住房Public opinion公众舆论Public pension 公共养老金Public sector 公共部门Public social programs 公共社会计划PublicDebt 公债Goods 公共产品Race 种族Rate of unemployment 失业率Real estate industry 房地产业Real estate market 房地产市场Reduce poverty 减贫Re-employment 再就业Reform of social security system 社会保障制度改革Reform of the system of ph

17、armaceuticals and health care 医药卫生体制改革Registered Marriages 婚姻登记Rehabilitation Services 康复服务Relative poverty 相对贫困Religion 宗教Replacement rate 替代率Resettlement安置Residential Committees 居委会Retire 退休Retiree 退休人员Right to employment 就业权Risk management 风险管理Risk select 风险选择Risk society 风险社会Risk 风险Routine surve

18、illance 日常监管Rural migrant workers in cities 进城农民工Rural 农村的Saving 储蓄School-age children 学龄儿童Security for education 教育保障Servicefor elderly 老年服务Services Facilities 服务设施Single parent family 单亲家庭 Skimming 撇沫、撇取(奶油)Social Administration 社会行政Social assistance programs 社会救助计划Social assistance system 社会救助制度S

19、ocial cases work 个案社会工作 Social change 社会变革Social community work 社区社会工作Social Donations 社会捐赠Social effects 社会效应Social environment 社会环境Social exclusion 社会排斥Social fact社会事实Social group work 团体社会工作 Social inequality 社会不平等Social inquiry 社会调查Social Insurance Base 社会保险缴费基数 Social insurance model 社会保险模式Soci

20、al insurance 社会保险Social integration 社会融合Social justice 社会正义Social mobility 社会流动Social Mutual Aid 社会互助Social order 社会秩序Social Organizations 社会团体Social policy 社会政策Social pooling 社会统筹Social problem 社会问题Social protection 社会保护Social reform 社会改革Social Relief 社会救助Social role 社会角色Social safety net 社会安全网Soci

21、al security benefits 社会保障津贴Social security system of “three guarantees” 社会保障“三条保障线”制度 Social security system 社会保障制度Social security tax 社会保障税Social services 社会服务Social stratification 社会分层Social structure 社会结构Social Support 社会支持Social survey 社会调查Social veterans special treatment 社会优抚Social welfare age

22、ncy 社会福利组织Social Welfare Enterprises 社会福利企业Social welfare fund 社会保障基金Social welfare program/ work/service 社会福利事业Social work 社会工作Social security handicapped 残疾人社会保障problem 社会问题research 社会调查resources/capital 社会资本securitylevel 社会保障水平management 社会保障管理welfarelegislation 社会福利法制policy 社会福利政策worker 社会工作者Soc

23、ialization 社会化Special education 特殊教育Specialtreatment 优待Standard of need 需求标准Standard 标准State welfare model 国家福利模式Status社会地位Stock 股票Street Communities 街道办事处Subsidize 补贴、资助Subsidy 补助Supervision by public opinion 舆论监督 Supplemental pension insurance 补充养老保险Surplus labor剩余劳动力 Survival of the fittest 适者生存S

24、urviving spouse 未亡配偶Sustainable development 可持续发展The minimum livelihood guarantee system 最低生活保障制度Target 目标定位、受益对象识别Temporary assistance system 临时救助制度The elderly 老人The housing accumulation fund system 住房公积金制度The old-age insurance system 养老保险制度 The social security system in urban areas 城镇社会保障体系The sys

25、tem of medical insurance for urban workers 城镇职工医疗保险制度 The well-being of the people 民生Third way politics 第三条道路政治Total accumulation system 完全积累制Towns 乡Townships 镇Trade union 工会Traditional Chinese medicine 中药Transferring social security accounts 转移社会保障账户Tuition 学费Underclass 下层阶级Underfinance 资金短缺的、财力不足的

26、Under-insure 不完全保险Unemployed 失业者Unemployment insurance 失业保险Universal benefits 普遍补助Unworthy poor 穷人不配Upper class 上层阶级Urban community-based medical and health service system 城市社区医疗服务体系Urban ecology 城市生态学Urban 城市的Urbanization 城市化Values 价值观Villagers Committees 村委会Vocational rehabilitation 职业康复Vocational

27、 training 在职培训Voluntary private plans 个人自愿计划 Voluntary unemployment 自愿失业Volunteerism 志愿精神Wage 工资War on Poverty消除贫困战争Welfare dependency 福利依赖Welfare Lottery 福利彩票Welfare state model 福利国家模式Welfare State 福利国家Work welfare 职业福利Workers compensation 工伤保险Worthy poor 值得穷人Collective consumption 集体消费Bureaucracy 科层制Democracy 民主制Demography 人口统计学Division of labour 劳动分工Functionlism 功能主义Human resource manageme

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