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最新高中英语人教版全面复习1718版 第1部分 必修4 Unit 4 Body languageWord下载.docx

1、舒适vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑)12likely adj. 可能的记住词义1statement n. 陈述;说明2dormitory n. 宿舍3canteen n. 食堂4cheek n. 面颊5dash vi. 猛冲;突进6crossroads n. 十字路口7facial adj. 面部的8false adj. 错误的;假的9yawn vi. 打呵欠10hug vi.& vt. 拥抱11rank n. 等级;军衔12cassette n. 磁带13misunderstand vt. 误解;误会写出短语1defend .against 防御;保卫以免受2be likely to 很可能;有希

2、望3in general 总的来说;通常4at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在5lose face 丢脸6turn ones back to 背对;背弃7be curious about 对好奇8put up 举起;升起;搭建;留宿联想拓展否定前缀mis1mislead 误导2misjudge 误判3mistrust 不信任;怀疑4mishandle 处理不当短语串记1as a rule 通常;一般说来2generally speaking 一般说来3on an/the average 一般说来4in a word 总之5in conclusion 总之6in short/brief 总之;简

3、言之7to sum up 总之8on the whole 总的来说9be anxious about 为焦虑10be cautious about 对谨慎11be particular about 对挑剔12be crazy about 对疯狂13be nervous about 对紧张14save ones face 挽回面子15make a face 做个鬼脸16face to face 面对面17in the face of 面对18be faced with 面对19with ease 轻易地;毫不费力地20feel at ease 感到心情放松21put ease 使某人

4、放松22ease sb.of sth. 减轻 (痛苦等)经典例句I thought he was her husbandI must have misunderstood.我以为他是她丈夫我一定是误会了。On the whole,Im in favour of the idea.大体说来,我赞成这个想法。He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。Ted was very particular about the colors he used.特德在用色上非常讲究。Hes still crazy

5、about both his work and his hobbies.他对工作和个人爱好依然保持狂热。He was unable to deny the charges in the face of new evidence.面对新的证据,他无法否认被控告的罪。He didnt feel completely at ease in the strange surroundings.他在陌生的环境中感到不那么自在。词汇异空间派生词汇原词词义派生词associate vt.把联系起来association n1.社团;anger n怒气;怒火angry adj.angrily adv.2.生气的

6、3气愤地fly vi.飞行;飞翔flight n4.飞行;curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.curiosity n5.好奇地6好奇;好奇心defend vt.保护;defence/defense n7.防御;major adj.主要的majority n8.大多数;大部分understand vt.& vi.明白;理解misunderstand vt.&misunderstanding n9.误解;10误解;true adj.真实的truly adv.truth n11.真实地;真诚地;真正地12真实;真理state vt.陈述;statement n13.陈述;说明;

7、声明face n脸facial adj.14.面部的原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)A terrorist attack killed 14 people and injured more in New York.The president decided to fly there to figure out the 1.truth (true)When he arrived at the airport with a serious 2.facial (face) expression,scores of people,the 3.majority (major) journalist

8、s,soon stood around him,many overcome with pain and 4.anger (angry)Before boarding the 5.flight (fly) to New York,the president made a 6.statement (state) that he would never hesitate to use military power,if necessary,in 7.defence (defend) of the nations security.He added that any individual or org

9、anization having some 8.association (associate) with terrorist groups would face severe punishment. 【导学号:11470073】词法新图谱核心词汇灵活多变的动词词汇词性意义现在分词过去分词greetvi.& vt.迎接;greetinggreetedrepresentvt.代表;representingrepresentedapproachvt.&接近;approachingapproacheddefenddefendingdefendedfunctionvi.起作用;functioningfu

10、nctionedease减轻(痛苦、忧虑)easingeasedmisunderstand误解;misunderstandingmisunderstooddash猛冲;dashingdashedhug拥抱hugginghugged.原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)After class I came 1.dashing (dash) down the stairs to the school gate,where a simple welcoming ceremony would take place.Three other students and I were picked out

11、 represent (represent) our school to receive the guests from China.As they 3.were approaching (approach),we quickened our steps forward greet (greet) them.We had learned that Chinese culture differed from ours.5.Hugging (hug) comes naturally in our country,6.functioning (function) as a symb

12、ol of the warmest welcome.But that day we shook hands as we said hello to each other.原创语境改错When my son was approached the dog,most likely it misunderstood for him and intended to attack.My son quickly was eased his pace and stepped backward to our courtyard.Meanwhile he took up a stick to defend him

13、self with the dogs bites.Suddenly,he turned around and started to dashing across the yard to our house.He had shut the door before the dog could reach him.【答案】When my son was the dog,most likely it misunderstood him and intended to attack.My son quickly eased his pace and stepped backward to our cou

14、rtyard.Meanwhile he took up a stick to defend himself the dogs bites.Suddenly,he turned around and started / across the yard to our house.He had shut the door before the dog could reach him.came dashing down the stairs“冲下楼梯”;dash across the yard“冲过庭院”。approach的同义表达有:get close (to)“接近;走近”;draw close/

15、near“临近;快到了”。greet sb.“与某人打招呼;迎接某人”;greet sb.with sth.“用/带着向某人打招呼/欢迎某人”。function as“用作;起作用”,与serve as,act as,work as同义。ease ones pain/stress/burden减轻某人的疼痛/压力/负担;ease ones mind使某人安心或放心;s pace放缓脚步。ease sb.of sth.减轻某人的。defend.against/from.“保护免受;使抵御”;defend oneself“自卫”;defend court“在法庭上为某人辩护”。相依为命

16、的词搭配搭配例释、联想、拓展动介major in主修专业;专攻I majored in chemistry at university.我在大学学的是化学专业。动副put up举起;张贴;reach out (for) 伸出手(去拿)When you come to Wuhan,I can put you up for the night.你来武汉时,我给你提供住宿。动名lose face丢脸shake hands握手;shake sb.s hand与某人握手动名介turn ones back to背对close/shut ones ears toturn a deaf ear to(对)充耳

17、不闻/置之不理;s eyes toturn a blind eye to(对)视而不见形介(be) curious about 对好奇be curious to do sth.极想做某事名介an approach to (doing) sth.解决的方法access to通往的道路;获得/接触的权力介名at ease舒适;in general 总的来说;in defence 辩护;防御in anger 愤怒地;生气地at a/the crossroads 在十字路口;处于关键时期feel at ease感到放松;feel at home感觉自在in defence of为了保卫Everyone

18、 is buying more clothes but in general we are not spending more money on them.大家都在购买更多的衣服,而我们一般不打算在衣服上花太多钱。His company is at a crossroads and he needs our help.他的公司正处于关键时期,他需要我们的帮助。.原创语境填空(填入一个适当的词)I am very curious 1.about how Tom does so well in his studies.He majors physics,which is a diffic

19、ult course at college.It seems that he can always find an approach solving the problems while others still feel puzzled as if standing a crossroads.Before an important exam,when most students are cramming for it,he puts him ease by listening to music or playing tennis,never reaching o

20、ut 6.for pens or books.He will get the highest marks general,which makes it very easy for him to get a scholarship. 【导学号:11470074】I am not feeling at the ease these days because I noticed you weeping the other day.I curious about what has happened to you.Did anybody start gossiping again? I kno

21、w you are a sensitive girl,never turning a deaf ear with gossips.Did you feel you had lost your face with your classmates?If so,we need to do something for defence.As the saying goes,“A good offence is the best approach to defend ourselves.”I am not feeling at ease these days because I noticed you w

22、eeping the other day.I curious about what has happened to you.Did anybody start gossiping again? I know you are a sensitive girl,never turning a deaf ear gossips.Did you feel you had lost face with your classmates?If so,we need to do something defence.As the saying goes,“A good offence is the best a

23、pproach to ourselves.”句法新天地重点句型as if省略句教材原句She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence.她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。as if in defence是省略的状语从句,相当于as if she was in defence。当as if从句含有“主语be动词”时,可省略主语和be动词,这样as if后就直接跟名词、形容词、介词短语、不定式、现在分词或过去分词等形式。He paused as if (he was) to l

24、et the sad memory pass.他停了下来,就似乎要把悲伤的记忆抹去。From time to time,Jason turned round as if (he were) searching for someone.贾森不时地转过身来,好像在找人。They all stood there staring,as if (he had been) frozen to the spot.他们都站在那儿发愣,就像被冻僵在那里似的。when,once,if,though等引导的从句也常用省略句。Children,when accompanied by their parents,are

25、 allowed to enter the stadium.孩子只有在父母陪同下才可进入体育馆。序数词动词不定式教材原句The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅史密斯。当中心词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级、the next,the only,the last等修饰时,常用不定式作后置定语。She is the first woman in China to win

26、 the Nobel Prize.她是中国第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女士。The last one to arrive pays the meal.Agreed!最后一个到的请客。同意!抽象名词后常常使用动词不定式作定语,常见的抽象名词有:ability,chance,ambition,offer,anxiety,answer,reply,attempt,belief等。The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself.表达思想的能力和思想本身一样重要。be likely to教材原句However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.不过,来自西班牙、意大利和南美等国的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且可能(用身体)接触对方。sb./ likely to do sth.its li

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