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1、剑桥雅思10听力中英文双语test 1 测试1Section 1 第一节(1) You will hear a woman and a man talking about the work of library. First, you have some time to look at the questions 1-5. (1)你会听到一个女人和一个男人讨论图书馆的工作。首先,你有时间看看1 - 5的问题。You will see that theres an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the con

2、versation relating to this will be played first. 你会发现有一个例子,已经完成。在这种情况下,谈话有关这将是第一次玩。Hello, Im Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, arent you? 你好,我是菲利普斯太太,图书管理员,你是新图书馆助理,不是吗?Yes, Im Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob. 是的,我是罗伯特Hawscow但请叫我鲍勃。The woman introduces hers

3、elf as the head librarian Mrs. Phillips, so the name Mrs. Phillips is been written in. 女人介绍自己是头的图书管理员菲利普斯太太,菲利普斯太太的名字被写在。Now, we should begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, because you will not hear the recording the second time. 现在,我们应该开始。你应该回答问题你听,因为你不听录音第二次。Listen carefully and a

4、nswer questions 1-5. 仔细听并回答问题1 - 5。Hello, Im Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, arent you? 你好,我是菲利普斯太太,图书管理员,你是新图书馆助理,不是吗?Yes, Im Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob. 是的,我是罗伯特Hawscow但请叫我鲍勃。All right, Bob. Let me take a few minutes to explain how the library work

5、s and what your dutieswill be. 好了,鲍勃。让我花几分钟来解释图书馆是如何工作的以及你dutieswill。First, the library opens at 8:30 in the morning; so naturally, we expect you to be here and ready to work by then. 首先,打开图书馆早上八点半,所以很自然的,我们希望你在这里和准备工作。Of course. 当然可以。And you can go home at 4:30 when the library closes. Now let me e

6、xplain where everythings kept. 你可以在四点半回家当图书馆关闭。现在让我解释一切的。It looks like here on the ground floor is where the reference books are. 它看起来像在一楼的参考书。Yes, thats right. Upon the second floor is where the adult collection is, both fiction and non-fiction. 是的,这是正确的。在二楼是成人收藏在哪里,小说和非小说。And the childrens books a

7、re there too, arent they? I thought I saw them in the room by thestairway. 和孩子们的书也有,不是吗?我以为我看见他们thestairway在房间里。No, those are magazines and newspapers for adults. 不,这些都是为成人杂志和报纸。Childrens books are up one more flight on the third floor, well take a look at them later. 儿童书籍是一个飞行在三楼,稍后我们会看一看他们。Let me

8、show you how we organize our work. Do you see that brown book cart over there? 我来带你去看看我们如何组织我们的工作。你看到那边的布朗的书车吗?The one at the door? 一个在门口吗?Yes, that one, those books have been shacked in and need to go back on the shelves. 是的,那个,那些书一直在群,需要回去在货架上。Okay, so the brown book cart has books to re-shelve, w

9、hat about the black cart by the desk? 好,布朗的书车re-shelve书,桌子上的黑色车呢?Those books have torn pages or damaged covers; theyre all books that need to be repaired. 这些书页面或受损的封面破了,他们所有的书需要修理。Okay, I know how to do a lot of that and Im very good at mending torn pages and covers. 好吧,我知道怎么做,我很擅长修理破损的页面和覆盖。Thats g

10、reat, because we really need help with that. 这很好,因为我们真的需要帮助。And the white cart over the corner, what are those books for? 和白色的车的角落,那些书是什么?Those were old books that weve taken off the shelves to make room for new ones. 这是老书,我们已经下架,为新的。We sell them as used books to raise money for the library. 我们卖书筹集资

11、金用于图书馆。So, they are all ready to sell. 所以,他们都准备出售。Yes, thats right. So, now you know what to do with the books in the carts. 是的,这是正确的。所以,现在你知道如何处理的书车。Lets talk about out activity schedule. 让我们来谈谈活动安排。 (2) Now listen and answer the questions 6-10. (2)现在听并回答问题6 - 10。I understand this library has a num

12、ber of interesting activities every week. 我理解这个图书馆每周都有许多有趣的活动。Yes, our activities are quite popular; the most popular one is Story Time for the children. 是的,我们的活动是很受欢迎,最受欢迎的一个是故事时间的孩子。Do a lot of children show up for that? 很多孩子来吗?Yes, a good many. It takes place in childrens room on Thursday morning

13、s at 11:00. 是的,很多。它发生在周四早上11点孩子的房间。Isnt there a family movie night too? 没有一个家庭电影之夜吗?Yes, but its not at night anymore. 是的,但这不是晚上了。We used to have family movies on Fridays when the library opened until nine. 我们曾经有过家庭电影在星期五的时候图书馆开了直到9。But now, we have a different activity at that time. 但是现在,我们有不同的活动。S

14、o we have to switch family movies to the weekend, Saturday afternoon. 所以我们必须开关家庭电影周末,周六下午。How much do you charge for the movies? 你收费多少钱看电影吗?They are all free. The movie always starts at 2:30 in the reference room. 他们都是免费的。这部电影总是在两点半开始在资料室。But you dont have to worry about that since you dont work on

15、weekends. 但是你不需要担心,因为你在周末不工作。And what takes place on Friday evenings? 周五晚上发生什么?Weve just started our weekly lecture series. 我们刚刚开始我们的每周系列讲座。We have a different speaker every week and the lectures cover all different kinds of topics. 我们每周都有不同的扬声器和讲座涵盖所有不同种类的主题。That sounds like something Ill be interested in attending. 这听起来像是参加我会很感兴趣。Good, because well need your help with that. 好,因为我们需要你的帮助。You l be working Friday evenings and one of your duties would be to set up the meeting roomon first floor for the lecture. 你l周五晚上和你的工作职责将会设立会议roomon一楼的讲座

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