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新仁爱版七下《U7T3 Everyone had a good timeD》教案.docx

1、新仁爱版七下U7T3 Everyone had a good timeD教案Section D. Material analysis本节课是第七单元话题三的第四课时。本节课是一节复习稳固课,主要活动是Grammar, Functions 和1。通过听力训练,要求学生注意动词加-ed/-d的正确读音,引导学生自己归纳,培养学生自主学习的能力;Grammar和Functions局部呈现本话题主要的语法点和语言点,进而稳固其用法;另外,通过听力活动,稳固日期的表达法,训练学生获取具体信息的能力;最后通过Project活动让学生运用所学知识与同伴交流自己最难忘的生日聚会,并能对所了解的信息进行记录再给

2、全班汇报,综合开展学生听、说、读和写的能力。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims根据已学语音、音标以及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写Sections AC的重点词汇;引导学生复习稳固表示过去事件的表达方式、不规则动词的一般过去时的用法,如:How was Kangkangs birthday party? Did you sing a song at the party? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. What did Sally do? She danced.引导学生总结一般过去时表达过去的事件、生日庆祝活动的表达等,如: We brought m

3、any presents for him. Kangkang made a wish, and then he blew out the candles. Everyone had a good time. 引导学生稳固谈论关心、建议与抱歉,如: Im afraid it was too late. Dont be so late next time. Im sorry, Dad, I wont do that again. 引导学生掌握以-ed/-d结尾的动词过去式的读音规则。2. Skill aims 引导学生掌握以-ed/-d结尾的动词过去式的语音规则; 能够听懂对过去事件的表达方式;能

4、在课堂活动中交流过去的事件和生日庆祝活动的表达方式; 能够正确地朗读对话和短文,注意语音语调; 能够以日记的形式描述自己难忘的生日庆祝活动。3. Emotional aims 培养学生学好英语的信心; 鼓励学生积极大胆,敢于模仿,克服不愿或羞于开口的心理。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 掌握一般过去时表达过去的事件和生日庆祝活动等,如: We brought many presents for him. Kangkang made a wish, and then he blew out the candles. Every

5、one had a good time.能掌握并运用不规则动词的过去时。2. Difficult points能够掌握规则动词变成过去式的变化规则及动词加-ed/-d的读音规则:1直接加ed;2以不发音e结尾,加d;3末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ed;4结尾是辅音字母+y的动词,先变y 为i再加ed。. Learning strategies让学生学会自己归纳,自主学习。. Teaching aids 多媒体、教学卡片、录音机和黑板. Teaching procedures Step Interaction patternsStudent activityTea

6、cher activityIntroduction (6 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Individual work.3.Individual work and pair work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher and sing the song together.2.Do Grammar and Functions. Say the past forms one by one.3.Fill in the blanks and then share your dialogs.1.Greet students

7、and let students sing the song Happy Birthday together.2.Play a gameShow the word cards one by one and let students say their past forms.3.Give students 1 min to fill in the blanks in Grammar by themselves and make up short dialogues with the sentences in Grammar and Functions in pairs. Then choose

8、some pairs to show their dialogs.Presentation(15 minutes)1.Individual work.2.Individual work.3.Pair work.4.Individual work. 5.Individual work and the whole class work.1.Do 1. Change the verbs into their past forms.2.Read the past forms of the words.3.Talk about the words in pairs.4.Share their ideas

9、.5.Look at the blackboard and try to remember it by yourselves; Then read the words together.1.Show some verbs and let students change their forms into past forms on the screen. Then choose some students to do it.2.Check and let some students try to read the past forms.3.Let students listen and foll

10、ow the tape. Then talk about the words and try to make a summary about the pronunciation rules.4.Choose some students to say the summary.5.Check the pronunciation rules on the screen: 浊、元读/d/ 清读/t/, -t/-d结尾读/id/, then let students remember it;Add more words on the screen and let students read them t

11、ogether.Consolidation (8 minutes)1.Individual work.2.Individual work and pair work.1.Do 2. Answer the questions.2.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks; Listen again and check your answers in pairs; Finally, check your answers on the screen.1.Talk about the questions with students: What did y

12、ou do yesterday? What didnt you do yesterday? Choose some students to answer the questions.2.Play the tape and help the students check the answers.Practice(10 minutes)1.Individual work and pair work.2.Group work.3.Individual work.1.Do 3. Make up phrases by yourselves and make up short dialogs in pai

13、rs. Then share your dialogs with the whole class.e.g.Did you play the guitar at Kangkangs birthday party? Some pairs to show your dialogs.2.Talk and add more phrases on the blackboard.3.Try to remember the phrases and then read the phrases correctly.1.Show 3 on the screen. Let students match the wor

14、ds with the phrases and let students use the phrases make short dialogs in pairs.2.Point out one question: Can you add more phrases? Let students talk about it in groups and have a match on the blackboard.3.Give students some time to remember the phrases by themselves. Then point out the phrase and

15、choose some students to read the phrase quickly on the blackboard.Production(6 minutes)Group work.Talk about one of their unforgettable birthday parties in groups using the questions in project;Write a passage and report it to the whole class.1.To be a good listener. Select the best passage from eac

16、h group and let the student who wrote it report their passage to the whole class.2.Assign the homework:Review the whole topic;Preview the new words and expressions in Section A Unit 8.Teaching reflection: 本节课围绕本话题的重点内容展开复习:1.规则动词变成过去式的变化规则;2.用一般过去时表达过去的事件,生日庆祝活动;3.利用听力内容,复习稳固本话题的语言点。 另外,我们一起探讨了规则动词加

17、-ed、-d的读音规则,让学生自己发现,自己总结读音规则,使学生成为课堂的主人。. Blackboard designTopic 3 Everyone had a good time.Section D规则动词加-ed/-d的读音规则:浊、元读/d/,清读/t/,-t/-d结尾读/id/ play the guitar sing English songs perform Chinese kung fu make a wish have a good time 第二课时The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。. Teach

18、ing aims and demands 教学目标1. (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn.(2) Learn some new words:Miss, this, is, Mr.=mister, see, my,mom, teacher, how, do2. Learn about greetings and introductions:Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang.Nice to see you.Nice to see you, too.How do you do?How do you do

19、?. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/教学挂图/录音机/字母卡片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过复习字母Aa-Gg和上节课所学功能用语,导入本节课主要功能用语。1. (让学生做上节课的字母接力游戏,复习字母Aa-Gg。也可以让两位学生在黑板上听写,要求遵守四线格上书写的规则。特别强调学生在书写时要用手写体。)2. (教师用小黑板展示上节课所学功能用语,让学生配对。)T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.(教师给以

20、适当汉语提示。) A B1.Hello! a.Thanks.2.Welcome to China! b.Nice to meet you, too.3.Good morning! c.No, Im not. Im Wei Hua.4.Nice to meet you. d.Hello!5.Are you Kangkang? e.Good morning!(核对答案,教师讲解并让学生两人一组练习所学功能用语。)3. (师生对话,导出新词。)T: Good morning, S1!S1: Good morning, T: Oh. Im , you can call me Mr./Miss (教师给

21、以汉语提示。)(教师板书并教学Mr./Miss,要求学生掌握。)Mr. = misterMissT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mr./Miss T: Hi, S2! Nice to see you.S2: Hi, Mr./Miss Nice to see you, too. (如果学生答错或答不出来,教师给以帮助。)(板书并教学see,要求学生掌握,并能熟练运用问候语。)seeNice to see you.Nice to see you, too.4. (教师用多媒体出示其他老师的照片作介绍,引出This is 这一句型。

22、)T: This is Mr. /This is Miss (板书并教学,要求学生掌握。)This is 5. (出示1a教学挂图,导入新课。) T: Now Kangkang, Michael and Miss Wang meet at the school gate. What are they saying? Do you want to know? Lets come to 1a together. (教师给以汉语提示。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)在语境中呈现功能用语,让学生三人一组操练、模仿和表演,培养学生的听说技能。1. (放1a录音,让学

23、生结合挂图了解1a对话的大致内容,必要时可放两遍。)2. (再放1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调,然后找两位同学一起对话表演。) T: Listen to 1a again and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice the dialog with me. S1: Good morning, Miss Wang! T: Good morning, S1! S1: Miss Wang, this is S2. S2, this is Miss Wang. S2: Nice to meet you

24、. T: Nice to meet you, too.3. (让学生三人一组练习1a对话,然后找23组同学表演,对表演好的小组给予表扬和鼓励,完成1a。) T: Please practice 1a in groups, then act it out.4. (让学生根据1a,介绍自己的新同学给其他同学,完成1b。) T: Introduce your new classmates to others, using “This is . Then make your own conversations according to 1a.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 稳固(时间

25、:10分钟)通过看、听、说,练习目标语言,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. (教师出示3a教学挂图,让学生根据图中情境,猜出How do you do?的意思。) (板书并教学How do you do?的用法,要求学生掌握。)How do you do?How do you do?2. (让学生听3a录音,结合图片理解对话情境。)3. (再放3a录音,让学生跟读,并模仿语音语调,然后进行人机对话。) T: Listen to 3a and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice the dialo

26、g with the tape.4. (让学生三人一组,分角色练习3a对话,然后表演,完成3a。) T: Please practice 3a in groups. Then act it out. (指导学生根据3a对话,完成3b中的对话,稳固练习重点句式This is 和How do you do?的用法。找几组同学表演所填的对话。) T: Please complete the conversation in 3b. Then act it out.5. (学生独立完成4。核对答案。) T: Read the sentences in 4 and match them.6. (根据4,学

27、生两两对话,复习重点句型,稳固4。) T: Practice some dialogs according to 4 in pairs. Please practice after the example. Example: S1: How do you do? S2: How do you do? S3: Welcome to Beijing! S4: Thank you. S5: Nice to meet you. S6: Nice to meet you, too. S7: Are you Jane? S8: Yes, I am. S9: Good morning! S10: Good

28、morning!Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过听、说、读、写等方式教学字母Hh-Nn,做游戏进行稳固,培养学生的合作精神。1. (做Which one is missing?游戏,复习字母Aa-Gg。)游戏规则:以小组为单位,人人参与。打乱字母卡片Aa-Gg,并把它们贴在黑板上。每一次成心拿掉一张字母卡片,让学生以最快的速度找出来。给最快的小组加分,直到稳固完Aa-Gg卡片,评出优胜组。T: Now, lets play a game together: Which one is missing?2. (教学字母Hh-Nn,让学生掌握字母大小写的笔画顺序,完

29、成2a。) (1)(播放录音,让学生看2a并逐个跟读字母,学习Hh-Nn的发音,直到学生非常熟悉为止。停止播放录音,学生齐读字母Hh-Nn。)T: Please look at 2a, listen to the tape and repeat, then read together. Later Ill ask some of you to read these letters by yourselves. (2)(板书字母Hh-Nn, 教学字母的写法。可参见Section A中教学Aa-Gg的方法。) T: Please look at the blackboard, lets learn

30、 how to write these letters.(3)(利用英文字母卡片,做字母抢答游戏,激发学生学习字母的兴趣。) (教师举起一张字母卡片Kk;学生迅速说出Kk前面和后面的字母;最先答对的获胜。) T: Lets play a game. Ill show you some letter cards. Then you must say the neighbours of the letters as quickly as you can. The one who says the right letters first is the winner.3. (写出大写字母的小写形式和小

31、写字母的大写形式,让学生完成2c。) T: Please rewrite the words using small or big letters in 2c.4. (听录音,完成2b。)T: Listen and circle the letters you hear in 2b.5. (播放5录音,让学生跟读,鼓励学生说出其中文含义,教师给以适当帮助和补充,完成5。)T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Then tell me their meanings in Chinese, please.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)通过游戏,培养学生的想象力和合作学习的能力。1. (明星会:把班里同学分成假设干组,每组十人左右,请每位同学各自模仿一位“明星,开一个聚会,在聚会上,明星相互介

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