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1、( ) 7. The little boy s schoolbag is heavy and he has _h_o_m_e_w_o_r_k to do every day.A. too much; much too B. too much; too muchC. much too; too much D. much too; much too( ) 8. Hi, John. Can I help you? You know one cannot lift a small stone. Thanks, Lin. I m trying to get someone tomhe.lpA. hand

2、 B. person C. finger D. member( ) 9. I saw Mr. Li go into that building just now.It be him .He has gone to Beiji ng on bus in ess.A.must B. mustn t C. may D. can t( )10. Why does John look so sad?Lin gli ng ice cream on his new shoe.A.lost B. fell C. dropped D. left( )11. Be quiet, please! I have to

3、 you.A. someth ing importa nt B. anything importa ntC. importa nt someth ing D. importa nt anything( )12. Mr Brow n to work by bus, but know he goes to work on foot.A. used to going B. used to goC. was used to go D. was used to going( )13. This is room. The twin sisters clea n it every day.A. Lina s

4、 and May s B. Lina s and MayC. Li na and May s D. Lina and May( )14. Do you thi nk Peter is free today? . Recen tly he has bee n busy prepari ng for the final exam.A. The same to you B. Me too C. Of course D. I don t think so( )15. Is Mrs White really badly ill? . She s in hospital.A. All right B. I

5、t doesn t matter. I m afraid sQ. I hope not二、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)With our part ners, we can cha nge lives.The Stude nts Con servatio n Associatio n cha nged my 16 one summer while I was work ing in a n atio nal park.So 17 was my life cha nged?I was 18 a smell mountain town. I moved to the city of Los An

6、geles at the age of 10. 19 the next tenyears, I grew up in a slum (贫民窑)area. I often got into trouble with others.One day a friend 20 me to a Student Conservation Association meeting. I went there with him _21years old.found work ing in then ati onal park 24 and I wascrazy about it. After that summe

7、r, I 25 I should go to Uni versityen ter the Un iversity of California. Now I become a ranger(护林员)at Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park.With the help of these orga ni zatio ns, I can have a good life now()16.A. nameB. lifeC. familyD. home)17 .A. whatB. whichC. howD. whe n)18 .A. bornB. educ

8、atedC. no ticedD. heard)19.A. ForB. BeforeC. AfterD. By)20.A. taughtB. stoppedC. showedD. i nvited)21A butB. soC. thoughD. because)22.A. fight ingB. livi ngC. worki ngD. eat ing)23.A. reas onsB. projectsC. giftsD. challe nges)24.A. bori ngB. excit ingC. frustrati ngD. tiring)25.A. agreedB.succeededC

9、. worriedD. realized三、阅读理解(共15小题,计24分)Food health-keep ing method speechComputer areaE-Photography and Tech no-MusicHow to find useful in formati on on the pageHow to desig n an easy web pageLecture areaLear n En glish will in vite experts from En glish-speak ing countries to hold lectures from 18:3

10、0 to20:30 on October 1to 6 and in the daytime on October 7Charity areaCollect money for poor childre n.Bring your old things and sell them!Come on and buy some thin gs!( )26. You can lear n in Classroom area.A.history B. America n En glish pronun ciati onC. e-photography D. Tech no-Music( )27. In Co

11、mputer area, you can .A.learn to send emails B. learn to desig n a web pageC. buy a cheap computer D. play games( )28. If you go to Lecture area, you may have a cha nge to lear n En glish at .A.9:00 9:45 on Oct. 1 B.10:30 18:30 on Oct .1C.19:15 20:00 on Oct .5 D.18:30 20:30 on Oct. 7( )29. Mr Chen i

12、s a kin d-hearted man. If he wants to help poor childre n, he should go to A. Classroom area B. Computer area C. Lecture area D. Charity area“DOn the first day of my sixth grade, I saw one little girl called Amy on the school bus.Lauren, who sat beside me , ” or they will make fun of you ”Amy had ma

13、ny physical differences lots of reasons for other kids to make fun of her. Her eyes weren t straight. Her glasses were too big. And she had really ugly teeth.Every day as we drove to and from school, kids would insult Amy, “ God, what a strange face! Stop looking atI had to be in silenee. After all,

14、 I didn t want them to treat me in the same way.But while I was insulting her, my heart ached for the girl. I could see that her was so ashamed(感至U羞耻 的)and alone. Then I wan ted to sta nd up her. I just did n t know how to stop my schoolmates un til thfeoiig ht o class skati ng party.Our whole class

15、 there. Amy was there, too. Amy didn t know how to skate, but I could see how much shewan ted to have fun like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her buy the hand .She just smiled, and was very excit ing.The n ext morning there was much n ews about Amy and me together .But n obody laug

16、hed at her or me. And they didn t for the rest of the year. I never heard from Amy again after the school year. But I changed her life for the better. ( )30. What grade was the writer in whe n he first met Amy? ( )31. What did Amy look like?C. wake up D. talk withB. Amy left the school.D. Amy s life

17、 cha nged for the worse( )32. The un derl ined wordin sult has the similar mea ning toA. laugh at B. look after( )33. What happe ned after the party?A. Kids bega n to talk with Amy.C.Kids no Ion ger laughed at Amy.A teacher was worried that her stude nts might not know about Jesus Christ. She wan te

18、d to make sure theyun derstood that the birth of Jesus happe ned for real. She asked her class, “ Where is Jesus today?Steven put up his hand and said, “ He is in H天堂e)n ”Mary was called on and answered, “ He is in my heart. ”Little Joh nny shouted loudly, I kno w, I know! Hes in my bathroom! ”The w

19、hole class got very quiet, looked at the teacher, and waited for a response (反应)The teacher was really at a loss for a few very long sec on ds. At last, she asked little Joh nny how he knew this. Little Joh nny said, every morning, my father gets up, knocks on the bathroom door, and shouts, Good Lor

20、d ( 上帝啊),are you still in there?( )34. What did the teacher thi nk of Jesus Christ?A.She thought he was a real pers on.B.She thought he came from the Heave n.C.She did nt know who he was.D.She did nt know where he was born.( )35. Little Joh nny shouted loudly because A.the teacher could hear nothing

21、B.he was afraid that Jesus could leave tooC.stude nts ofte n shouted in classD.he wan ted to an swer the questi on very much( )36. The un derl ined (戈U线) part in the story means A. the teacher was angry B. the teacher did nt know what to sayC. the teacher was asleep D. the teacher was talki ng to he

22、rself( )37. Who was really in the bathroom at little Joh nnys home in the morning?A. Jesus Christ. B. Little Joh nnys father.C. Little Joh nny. D. Nobody.DThe undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secret there. Scuba div ing is a new sport t

23、oday. It can take you into a won derful un dersea world.You will find many stra nge ani mals in the sea. Some are as large as a school bus. Many sea an imals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.During the day, there is eno ugh light. Here, un der the sea, everyth ing is blue and gre

24、e n.When fish swim n earby, you can catch them with your han ds. When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. However, you cant dive too deep. And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. Its cold, an

25、d its dark, too. The deeper it is, the less sun light there is. At about 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is very dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side.Besides (除了 ) the cold and the dark ness, deep-sea ani mals face a third dan ger other

26、ani mals.Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some animals eat meat. This means these sea animals have two big jobs. They need to find animals as food, and they have to try not to become other animals meal.( ) 41. Why do people want to dive in the sea? Because .

27、A. they want to catch fish B. they want to find the secrets of the undersea worldC. the sea is deep D. there are all kinds of plants in the sea( ) 44. When you do scuba diving, you can .A. stay in deep water for a long timeB.dive very, very in deep water easilyD.dive freely without any da

28、ngers( ) 45. Which of the following is WRONG?A. One animal finds something to eat, and it may be eaten by others.B.At the depth of 3, 000 feet under the sea, many animals can find their way by hearing and feeling.C.The deeper the sea is, the darker and colder it is.D.At the depth of 3, 000 feet under the sea, all animals can find their way by seeing.四、单词拼写(共 5小题,计 5 分)根据首字母提示写出句中所缺单词。41.I will take my f examination next week, and then I will leave university.42.He got up early this morning so that he could c the early bus.43.There is too

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