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1、保险基术语中英对照【 A 】Abandonment 见委付 / Actual Total Loss 见实际全损 / All Risks 见一切险 Annuities Insurance 见年金保险 / Applicant 见投保人 / Application 见投保单 Automatic Premium Loan 见自动垫交保险费贷款 / Approved 见承保 安装工程一切险(Erection All Risks Insurance)【 B 】Beneficiary 见受益人 / Binder, Binding Slip 见暂保单 / 保险(Insurance)保险法(Law of Ins

2、urance)/ 保险基金(Insurance Fond)/ 保险公司(Insurance Company)保险保障基金(Insurance Protection Fond)/ 保险合同(Insurance Contract)/ 保险单(Policy)保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)/ 保险条款(Insurance Clauses)/ 保险标的(Insurance Subject)保险金额(Insured Amount)/ 保险价值(Insured Value)/ 保险期限(Insurance Period)保险费(Insurance Premium)/ 保险费率(Pre

3、mium Rate)/ 保险人(Insurer)保险代理人(Insurance Agent)/ 保险经纪人(Insurance Broker)/ 被保险人(Insured)保险公估人(Insurance Assessor)/ 补偿原则(Principle of Compensation)不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance)【 C 】Cash Loss 见现金赔款 / Cash Value 见现金价值 / Co-insurance 见共同保险 Constructive Total Loss 见推定全损 / 纯粹危险(Pure Risk)/ 偿付能力(Solvency)重复保险(Mu

4、ltiple Insurance)/ 重置价值保险(Reinstatement Value Insurance)承保(Approved,To Cover)/ 财产保险(Property Insurance)产品质量保证保险(Product Quality Bond Insurance) 产品责任保险(Product Liability Insurance)【 D 】Dividend System 见红利制度 / Dual Valuation Clause 见双重价值条款 大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)/ 代位求偿权(Subrogation Right)定值保险(Value

5、d Insurance)/ 第一损失保险(First Loss Insurance)盗窃保险(theft insurance)/ 定期寿险(Term Insurance)定期生存保险(Pure Endowments)【 E 】Endowment Assurance 见生死两全保险 / Endorsement 见批单 Extraneous Risks 见附加险 / Erection All Risks Insurance 见安装工程一切险Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance 见超率赔款再保险 / Extra Charges 见额外费用Excess of Loss Re

6、insurance 见超额赔款再保险【 F 】Facultative Reinsurance 见临时再保险 / Fidelity Bond 见忠诚保证保险 Fire Insurance 见火灾保险 / First Loss Insurance 见第一损失保险 Free from Particular Average 见平安险 / Freight Insurance 见运费保险 飞机保险(Aircraft insurance)/ 复效(Reinstate)【 G 】Grace Period 见宽限期 / Group Life Accident Insurance 见团体人身意外伤害保险Group

7、 Life Insurance 见团体人身保险 / 过失责任(fault liability)公众责任保险(Public Liability Insurance)【 H 】Hazard 见危险因素 / Health Insurance 见疾病保险 / Hull Insurance 见船舶保险)【 I 】Increased Value Clause见“增值条款” / Increased Value Insurance见“增值保险”Inherent Vice见“内在缺陷” / Insurance Amount见“保险金额” / Insured见“被保险人”Insurance Certificate

8、见“保险凭证” / Insurance Clauses见“保险条款”Insurance Fund见“保险基金” / Insurance Period见“保险期限”【 J 】Joint Life Insurance见“联合人寿保险” / 近因(Proximate Cause)/ 救助费用(Salvage Charge)家庭财产保险(Property Insurance for Home)【 L 】利润损失险(Profit Loss Insurance)/ 劳工保险和雇主责任保险(Workers Compensation and Employer Liability Insurance)【 M 】

9、Marine Insurance见“海上保险” / Multiple Insurance见“重复保险”【 N 】Natural Premium见“自然纯保费”【 O 】Outstanding Loss Reserve见“未决赔款准备金”【 P 】Peril见“危险事故” / Personal Pension Annuities见“退休年金保险” / Pure Risk见“纯粹危险”Personal Insurance见“人身保险” / 平均余命(Life Expectancy)Property Insurance for Enterprise见“企业财产保险”Property Insuranc

10、e for Home见“家庭财产保险”Protection and Indemnity Insurance见“保障与赔偿责任保险”Pure Endowments见“定期生存保险” / 平安险(Free from Particular Average)【 R 】Reinstatement Value Insurance见“重置价值保险” / Reinsurance见“再保险”Risk Management见“危险管理” / Risk Unit见“危险单位” / 人寿保险(Life Insurance)人身意外伤害保险(Life Accident Insurance)/ 人寿保险精算师(Life

11、Insurance Actuary)人寿保险责任准备金(Life Insurance Reserve)【 S 】双重价值条款(Dual Valuation Clause) / 损失率(Loss Ratio)/ 索赔(Claim)施救费用(Sue and Labor Expenses)/ 生死两全保险(Endowment Assurance)生命表(Life Table)【 T 】Term Insurance见“定期寿险” /退保(To Cancel) / 投保单(Application)投保人(Applicant)/ 退休年金保险(Personal Pension Annuities)团体人身

12、保险(Group Life Insurance)/团体人身意外伤害保险(Group Life Accident Insurance)【 U 】Unearned Premium Reserve见“未到期责任准备金” / Unvalued Insurance见“不定值保险”Utmost Good Faith见“最大诚信”【 V 】Valued Insurance见“定值保险”【 W 】Waiver and Estelle见“弃权与禁止反言” / Whole Life Insurance见“终身寿险”【 X 】信用保险(Credit Insurance) / 现金价值(Cash Value)/ 现金

13、赔款(Cash Loss)【 Y 】一切险(all risks)【 Z 】增值条款(increased value clause) / 增值保险(Increased Value Insurance) / 主险(main risks) 自然纯保费(Natural Premium)/ 自动垫交保险费贷款(Automatic Premium Loan)自杀条款(Suicide Clauses)保险专业词汇insure保险;投保;保证;/ insurance保险;保险费;保险金额; insurance company保险公司;/ underwriters保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人; ins

14、urer保险人;/ insurance broker保险经纪人;/ insurance underwriter 保险承保人; insurance applicant投保人;/ insurant, the insured被保险人,受保人; to cover (effect, arrange, take out) insurance 投保;/ insurance business保险企业;insurance coverage; risks covered 保险范围 / insurance slip投保单; insured amount保险金额; / insurance against risk保险

15、; / insurance clause保险条款; insurance instruction投保通知;/ insurance conditions保险条件/ risk险别;PICC (Peoples Insurance Company of China)中国人民保险公司;risk insured, risk covered承保险项;/ to provide the insurance 为.提供保险;leaflet说明书;/ fine print 细则;/ insurance expense保险费;/ premium rate保险费率;premium保险费;/ insurance rate保险费率表;/ insurance proceeds保险金(保险收入);insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA) 平安险(单独海损不赔);insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks, insurance against all r

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