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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?Read and write1LetsLets chantW Wh he er re e i is s t th he e p po os st t o of ff fi ic ce e?N Ne ex xt t t to o t th he e h ho os sp pi it ta al l.W Wh he er re e i is s t th he e h ho os sp pi it ta al l?N Ne ex xt t t to o t th he e c ci in ne em ma a.W Wh he er re e i

2、 is s t th he e c ci in ne em ma a?N Ne ex xt t t to o t th he e b bo oo ok ks st to or re e.W Wh he er re e i is s t th he e b bo oo ok ks st to or re e?G Go o s st tr ra ai ig gh ht t a ah he ea ad d.2 345 G G P S P S (G Global lobal P Positioning ositioning S System)ystem)全球定全球定位系统位系统6 You are in

3、 a car.Which of these You are in a car.Which of these can help you find a place?can help you find a place?starsmapGPScompass78What is Robins new feature?A.He can find food.B.He can find the way.Tip:Skimming 略读课文 9How many places did they pass by(经过)?Underline(在.下面划线)them in the text.Tip:Scanning跳读课文

4、 Two10Which word under the fourth picture means“奏效,起作用”?Tip:Intensive reading精读课文 works111.Read and draw the route on your paper.2.According to the route,fill in the blanks on P9.TIP:Detailed reading细读课文12Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant.They and go straight t

5、urn left at the bookstore.They and thenturn right again.turn right13 Crosswalk NO entryTurn rightNo bikes No left turn One way Good to know141.1.Make a map and discuss Make a map and discuss with your partnerwith your partner,then then write down your route.write down your route.2.2.Complete a reading Complete a reading prehension.15

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