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1、89. Faced with a complicated situation, he tried to hold back his emotions.90. Im looking forward to seeing him again, for its ten years to the day since we last met.书面表达 (共15分)College life is very interesting, exciting and sometimes demanding. Everyday morning, we get up early and go to the playgro

2、und to do exercises. After that, most of us like to have breakfast in the cafeteria and then go to the classrooms to read our books. At 8:00 a.m. when the bell rings for the first class, we have already sat in the classrooms. Usually, we do not have as many lessons as we had in the senior high schoo

3、l. In the afternoon, we do not have any classes, but we have to spend much more time in the lab in doing various experiments. In the evening, some of us go to reading rooms; some of us go to the labs to continue to do their experiments. We are often kept busy until 11:00 p.m. everybody.College life

4、is also very interesting. In the weekends, we often have parties. We may dance and sing to relax ourselves. We also have some clubs, where we can share our interests with our friends or develop our hobbies. Sometimes, we organize the whole class to go climbing mountains or to have barbecues and some

5、times we go to visit some poor areas and help the students there.College life is quite different form that of the senior high school. It is more interesting and challengeable.2007年1-5 CBDCC 6-10 BABBA 11-15 ACABD 16-20 DBABD21-25 BDCDB 26-30 ACBAD 31-35 CDABD 36-40 BABCC41-45 DDBAB 46-50 DBCDC 51-55

6、 DBCAA 56-60 BCDAB61-65 CABBD 66-70 ADCAC 71-75 BDACD 76-80 BBADCA. 英译汉81. 他们用的是无线电波而不是声波,因为电波能穿透云雾。82. 因为战争频繁,其中许多的发明仅仅是对他们所熟悉的希腊武器的设计做些改进。83. 过去,许多人担心,因特网把我们同他人隔绝开来,使我们把太多的时间花在了电脑的虚拟世界里。84. 暑期和父亲在一起总是非常快乐。游泳、远足、划船、垂钓这些日子还不够从事所有的这些活动。85. 似乎总没有足够时间去做礼拜,这使我们一些朋友和亲戚感到不安。B. 汉译英(5315分)86. To his surpris

7、e, she criticized him instead of praising him.87. Dr. Chen went on operating on wounded soldiers throught the night.88. We propose that some changes (should) be made in plan.89. He is too careful not to have noticed it.90. Its hard to tell which of the two is older. They look about the same age.Part

8、 V 书面表达(共15分)参考例文Life is short. Generally speaking, humans can only live to 100 years at most. It is a very short time. An old saying goes “Art is long, but life is short”. We have only limited time to acquire unlimited knowledge.School life is still shorter. Usually we go to primary school at 6 and

9、 graduate from university at 22. This is the most precious period of our life-time, which belongs to everyone only once. If we idle away this period of time, well have no better days for study.We students are the future builders of our country. We (files come from ) must make the most of our school

10、days to form a positive worldview, develop our communicative skills, improve our health and get rich knowledge, so that we shall be of service to the society.2008年01-05 BCCBD 06-10 CDABC 11-15 ABBAB16-20 BCBDB(非英语专业) 21-25 ABCBA 26-30 BABCC 31-35 DCCAB 36-40 DABAD41-45 ACDCA 46-50 CDBAC 51-55 CDCBA

11、56-60 ADDCC非英语专业61-65 CDCBD 66-70 CBBCD 71-75 ACBBA 76-80 CBACD81、另一个也被列在这份举止不当的员工里的是萨莉,她总是认为工作是对她的一种严厉的惩罚。82、一些人建立自己的并不是为了卖东西,他们仅仅是想宣布他们的结婚计划,展示他们子女的照片或仅仅是为了与他人交流。83、然而很多人还没有意识到科学家们已经发现了一些有效的、非药物的方法来让人们摆脱他们的不良情绪。84、我们吃什么以及影响我们身体的方式大多取决于我们是什么样的人。85、首先,我们从父母那里继承来的基因将决定我们身体的新代机制会如何处理特定的食物。84、它的功能是提供一种

12、方法,该方法能够让交际双方避免出现一些令人尴尬的局面。85、同样的,使用诸如“早上好”或“很高兴见到你”之类的短语,或就健康以及天气问题交换一些看法在通常意义上来说并没有真正意义上的交流。86. be out of job not because ofbut because ofTom is out of job not because of his old age but because of his laziness.87. board wages not to mentionMary cant afford her board wages, not to mention the ente

13、rtainment.88. once stop singingShe stopped singing once heard the footsteps.89. It is said thatIt is said that Mr. Lee has been to Australia for many times.90. Practice makes perfect.You have to practice a lot if you want to learn foreign languages well, just as the idioms goes “Practice makes perfe

14、ct”.Part V WritingMy favorite sport is basketball. It is a team sport usually involving two teams with five players each. It is also commonly played three-on-three, two-on-two, or one-on-one. Since it is a team sport, the two key factors of winning are concentration and cooperation.Basketball is goo

15、d exercise providing me with a variety of benefits. Below are the ones I get out of it. Basketball, as a team sport, also trains me to cooperate with others. In addition, playing basketball enables me to relieve stress and boost energy levels. On the whole, basketball is fun and exciting to play.Eve

16、ry Sunday I will play basketball with my friends. And we always enjoy the game.2009年01-05、BDBAA 06-10、DCBDD 11-15、DBBCA 16-20、CBDBD21-25、CABCD 26-30、BDCBA 31-35、DBDAC 36-40、DBCCA41-45、DACBB 46-50、BABDA 51-55、ABCCB 56-60、BDBDC61-65、BADCB 66-70、ADCDB 71-75、BCABC 76-80、DDACB81、传宗接代、维系家族血统纯正往往极为重要,不能由浪漫

17、和偶遇支配。82、研究人员发现,学习成绩与工作能力几乎没有关系。有些品质,比如“稳定而可靠”、“实际而有条不紊”则更加重要。83、我们在书中遇到的人们之所以使我们感到快乐,原因就是他们或者很像我们真爱的朋友,或者代表了新类型的人,而且是我们乐于结识的。84、然而,改革者们担心提高饮酒的合法年龄收效甚微,除非同时实施教育计划来帮助年轻人培养对饮酒持“负责的态度”,并且教育他们抵制同龄人劝酒的压力。85、由于每个州每天都持续发生死亡事故,有些美国人甚至开始赞誉自1919年开始、实行了长达13年的全国禁酒令,即胡佛总统称之为“高尚的实验”的禁酒令。86. The appearance of the

18、Internet has changed the way people live, work and think.87. For a student who wants to get a job, a masters degree/whether he has a masters degree does make a difference.88. What we dont always recognize is that what seems to be useless may, in the long run, prove (to be) beneficial.89. It is cruci

19、al that developed countries and developing countries promote mutual understanding and respect through more communication.90. In order to get ahead in their students. Students need to equip themselves with independent study skills instead of relying on their teachers for everything.2010年省专转本英语参考答案Pas

20、sage 11. C 细节题,当的时候,你需要树立积极的自我形象,这一点在第一段的最后一句话提到,if you find that believing in yourself is a challenge, it is time you build a positive self-image and learn to love yourself. 选项C中的are unconfident about yourself = believing yourself is a challenge.阅读理解的细节题,大多这样命制,对原文的话改换一个说法。2. B 细节题,答案在第二段中可以找到,第二段第

21、一句话是对self-image下了个定义,然后开始讲到我们往往自己对自己的image和别人对自己的image的判断是不一样的,通常对自己持negative的判断,所以也就是B中所说的are probably untrue。3. D 细节题,按照文章的理解,你应该如何改变自己的self-image,第三题答案在第三段,可见题目是按照顺序来进行的,第3段就是3句话,讲的要去改变自己过去那种思考方式,要去看到自己积极成功的一面。4. C 主旨题,本文的主要谈了什么,文章的第一段和最后一段都谈到get rid of negative image,to build a positive image。也就

22、是D所说的改变你的思考方式。5. B 推理题,本文的潜在读者是哪个群体,文章中没有强调教育,能具有独立思维方式的也就是成年人了。Passage 26. A 细节题,根据文章例子中所讲的positive action 有助于什么?答案可在第1段和第2段中找到,positive actions=文中提到的honorable actions,BCD所提及的容均未在第1,2段中出现,排除法,只有A,而self-respect确实在第一段的第一句话就提到过。7. B 细节题,作者认为对没有收费的东西,保持沉默不告诉收银员相当于?第5段开始的部分就围绕这一点展开论述,用了 deep down inside

23、 we would know ourselves as a type of thief. 8. A 词汇语义题,这种题目20题中也就会出现1-2题,考查语境下来的单词,短语或句子的理解。在第5段中,用了对比法,先讲如果不告诉收银员意味着什么,如果告诉收银员意味着什么,中间用了in contrast 来连接,形成对比,bringto,也就是答案A telling the truth to the clerks attention。9. C 细节题,还是对第5段的容进行提问,如果告诉收银员,我们会有什么感觉,倒数第2句话说到 we feel honorable and our respect is

24、 increased.10. D 主旨题,问文章的标题应该是哪个,也就是问文章主题,happiness和honorable 是文章中出现频率比较高的词,也就是标题happiness through honorable。Passage 311. C 细节题,为什么说芝麻街是世界上最长的街道?这个在第1段就有直接的解释that is because 引导出来。12. A 细节题,有些教育家对此持批评的态度,为什么?第2段的第3句although some educators object to certain elements in the program,所表达的意思跟A差不多,object t

25、o certain elements = dont think it fit for children in every respect. 题目中的object to 反对,这个短语需要重点关注比较重要。13. D 细节题,对原因提问,第3段的第1句就讲了为什么受儿童欢迎,A和B都有提及。14. C 细节题,问妈妈们为什么喜欢这个节目,第4段的第4句强调了一个famous adult star,与C选项一致。15. B 对最高级提问,这是一个必考点,文章中读到most之类的句子要关注,不考是不正常的。题目中的the most 对应着文章最后一段的,倒数第2句the best。Passage 4

26、16. D细节题,本文描述的是生活中常见的一个群体-房地产推销员,他们为推销掉房产往往巧舌如簧,不惜用词,吸引你购买。答案就在第1段的倒数第1句和倒数第2句he will accept that。17.A 细节题,答案在于第2段最后一句话的理解 far better turn them down than risk missing the right one.。18. D 细节题,房地产推销员描述具体容所用的形容词,要discount the adjectives,表明了作者的观点 safe to ignore,本题的理解稍有难度。19. C 细节题,Trade Description Act

27、 应用围,在第4段提及,any trade trying to sell something。20. D 词汇语义题,对第4段一个短语的理解,从for instance中所举出的例子可以看出,房产推销员的用词并未有所收敛。答案选D,推销员竭尽其能口吐莲花地来推销。Vocabulary and Structure 21. 词汇辨析题,答案选D。本题为常考点,在平时的复习早应该熟练掌握,从选项的设计来看,A与D为一类,B和C为一类。科学家们将不得不想出新的办法来提高世界围的粮食供给,从而解决有些地区的饥饿问题。题干中的famine也是应该掌握的单词“饥饿”。1. come up for 没有此短语

28、,只有come up to2. come down with 得(传染性的病), 感染It sounds like youre coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature.听起来好象你感染到流行感冒了,让我量量你的体温。3. come down to 可归结为If you come down to the old price, we can place an order of a large quantity.贵方若能降到老价格,我们就向您大量订货。4. come up with 提出,想出,提供The scientists a

29、re trying to come up with a solution to the problem. 科学家正力求找到解决这个问题的办法。22. 短语辨析题,答案选A。本题在高考题和英语四级试卷中都曾出现过,四个选项都有all在里面,易混淆。题意:我想租个房子,现代化,舒适,最重要的是周围要安静安全。1. all in all adj. 全部地(一切的,首要,最重要的,总的说来)All in all, it was a great success. 总之,是很成功的。2. above all 首先,尤其是What a child should do, above all, is to do

30、 well in his studies.小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。3. after all adv. 毕竟,到底,究竟Ill have to go to my aunts funeral she was my own flesh and blood after all.我得参加我姑姑的葬礼她是我的亲人哪。The old methods proved best after all. 采用老方法结果反而是某事物最好。4. over all 无此固定短语23. 短语辨析题,答案选C。为了将腐败曝光,他们决定成立个特别小组来调查公司的帐目。题干中的expose曝光,corruption 腐败和accounts帐目,都是值得注意的考点。1. search for 寻找The company is casting its net wide in its search for a new sales director.公司撒开大网到处物色新的销售主任。2. work out v. 可以解决,设计出,作出,计算出,消耗完I believe that you can wor

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