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1、Manages and resolves conflicts, grievances, confrontations, or disagreements in a constructive manner to minimize negative personal impact. 管理和分解冲突、委屈、对质以及政治。用建设性的方式将个人消极情绪减少到最低。Contracting/Procurement Knowledge of various types of contracts, techniques for contracting or procurement, and contract n

2、egotiation and administration. Creative Thinking 创新能力Uses imagination to develop new insights into situations and applies innovative solutions to problems; designs new methods where established methods and procedures are inapplicable or are unavailable. 利用想象力在职位中显示出新的见解,并应用革新性的方案去解决问题。旧的方法和程序不适用没有收益

3、,构思新的模式。Customer Service 服务意识Works with clients and customers (that is, any individuals who use or receive the services or products that your work unit produces, including the general public, individuals who work in the agency, other agencies, or organizations outside the Government) to assess their

4、 needs, provide information or assistance, resolve their problems, or satisfy their expectations; knows about available products and services; is committed to providing quality products and services. 为客户和消费者服务,评估他们的需求、提供信息或协助,解决他们的问题,满足他们的期望;了解有效产品和服务;忠于产品质量和服务。Decision Making 决策能力Makes sound, well-

5、informed, and objective decisions; perceives the impact and implications of decisions; commits to action, even in uncertain situations, to accomplish organizational goals; causes change. 制定合理的、全面的、客观的决策;察觉决策的效果和暗示;甚至在不明确的形势下付诸行动,完成组织的目标;促成变革。Economics and Accounting 经济核算能力Knowledge of economic and a

6、ccounting principles and practices, tax law and practices, the financial markets, banking, and the analysis and reporting of financial data. 经济核算理论和实践,税法和实践,金融市场,银行业和金融资料的分析和报告的知识。Education and Training Knowledge of teaching, training, research, making presentations, lecturing, testing, and other in

7、structional methods. 教学、培训、研究、制定Engineering and Technology 工程技术能力Knowledge of engineering concepts, principles, and practices, and of equipment, tools, mechanical devices, and their uses to produce motion, light, power, technology, and other applications. External Awareness 外部感知能力Identifies and unde

8、rstands economic, political, and social trends that affect the organization. 辨别理解影响组织结构的经济、政治、社会趋势。Financial Management 财务管理能力Prepares, justifies, and/or administers the budget for program areas; plans, administers, and monitors expenditures to ensure cost-effective support of programs and policies;

9、 assesses financial condition of an organization. 准备,证明或管理项目预算;计划、执行、监控支出以确保项目的支持和方针的有效花费。Flexibility 适应能力Is open to change and new information; adapts behavior or work methods in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles; effectively deals with ambiguity. 接受改变和新的信息;制

10、定行为和工作方式去适应新的信息,条件的改变和意外的状况;有效的处理不清晰的事情Information Management 信息管理能力Identifies a need for and knows where or how to gather information; organizes and maintains information or information management systems. 识别需求,理解如何或哪里收集信息;组织和维护信息或信息管理系统Influencing/Negotiating 影响能力Persuades others to accept recomme

11、ndations, cooperate, or change their behavior; works with others towards an agreement; negotiates to find mutually acceptable solutions. 说服他人接受建议,合作和改变他们的行为;朝着一至方向工作;通过谈判寻求相互接受的解决方案。Integrity/Honesty Contributes to maintaining the integrity of the organization; displays high standards of ethical con

12、duct and understands the impact of violating these standards on an organization, self, and others; is trustworthy. Interpersonal Skills 人际关系能力Shows understanding, friendliness, courtesy, tact, empathy, concern, and politeness to others; develops and maintains effective relationships with others; may

13、 include effectively dealing with individuals who are difficult, hostile, or distressed; relates well to people from varied backgrounds and different situations; is sensitive to cultural diversity, race, gender, disabilities, and other individual differences. 对他人表现理解、友善、谦恭、机智、关注、礼貌;发展和维护高校的人际关系;甚至包括

14、与那些难以相处、敌对的、悲伤的个人有效的交际;结交各种背景和不同层次的人;对于文化差、种族、性别、能力以及个体差别的差异感觉敏锐。Leadership 领导能力Influences, motivates, and challenges others; adapts leadership styles to a variety of situations. 影响、激励、挑战他人;对于不同的层次改变领导风格。Learning 学习能力Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills; u

15、ses training, feedback, or other opportunities for self-learning and development. 运用有效的学习技巧去获得和应用新的知识和技能;利用培训、反馈和其他机会学习和发展。Legal, Government and Jurisprudence 熟悉政府、法律规定Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, legal practices and documents, government regulations, executive order

16、s, agency rules, government organization and functions, and the democratic political process. 法律、合法规定、法院程序、法律实践和文档、政府规则、执行秩序、代理规则,政府组织形式及职责,民主政治推进。Managing Human Resources 人力资源管理能力Plans, distributes, coordinates, and monitors work assignments of others; evaluates work performance and provides feedba

17、ck to others on their performance; ensures that staff are appropriately selected, utilized, and developed, and that they are treated in a fair and equitable manner. 计划、分类、匹配并监控他人的工作;评估绩效,提供反馈他们的工作成绩;确保员工恰当的选拔、运用和发展,运用公证、公平的方式。Mathematical Reasoning 数字推理Solves practical problems by choosing appropria

18、tely from a variety of mathematical and statistical techniques. 通过对多种精确的统计技巧恰当选择来解决实际问题。Memory记忆力Recalls information that has been presented previously.恢复已经出现的信息。 Mental Visualization 形象思维力Sees things in the mind by mentally organizing and processing symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, or other info

19、rmation (for example, sees a building from a blueprint, or sees the flow of work activities from reading a work plan). 在脑中反映的事物通过智力组织和形象、图片、图表、物品和其他信息的处理。Oral Communication 口头信息传达能力Expresses information (for example, ideas or facts) to individuals or groups effectively, taking into account the audie

20、nce and nature of the information (for example, technical, sensitive, controversial); makes clear and convincing oral presentations; listens to others, attends to nonverbal cues, and responds appropriately. 与个人或组织高校的传递信息(例如:想法和现实);重视听众和信息种类(例如:技术的、感觉的、争论的);形成清晰令人心悦诚服的口头表达;聆听他人,关注非语言的暗示并作适当的反应。Organi

21、zational Awareness 组织意识力Knows the organizations mission and functions, and how its social, political, and technological systems work and operates effectively within them; this includes the programs, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the organization. 了解团体的任务和职责,了解他的社会、政治、科技体系如何工作和如何有效的

22、操作;这个包括纲要、方针、程序、规则和机构贵、规章制度。Perceptual Speed 灵敏感知力Quickly and accurately sees detail in words, numbers, pictures, and graphs. 快速准确看到消息、数字、图片和表格的细节。Planning and Evaluating 计划执行力Organizes work, sets priorities, and determines resource requirements; determines short- or long-term goals and strategies t

23、o achieve them; coordinates with other organizations or parts of the organization to accomplish goals; monitors progress and evaluates outcomes. 组织工作,制定优先权,确定资源需求,制定长期或短期的目标和战略去完成,与其他的组织或部门配合完成目标,监控进度和评估成果。Problem Solving 解决能力Identifies problems; determines accuracy and relevance of information; use

24、s sound judgment to generate and evaluate alternatives, and to make recommendations. 识别问题;鉴别信息的精确度和中肯度;运用合理的判断去产生和评估可供选择办法,然后进行建议。Public Safety and Security 公共安全与防御力Knowledge of the military, weaponry, and intelligence operations; public safety and security operations; occupational health and safety

25、; investigation and inspection techniques; or rules, regulations, precautions, and prevention techniques for the protection of people, data, and property.Reading 理解力Understands and interprets written material, including technical material, rules, regulations, instructions, reports, charts, graphs, o

26、r tables; applies what is learned from written material to specific situations. 理解书面资料,包括技术资料、标准、规则、用法说明、报告、图表;应用这些从书面资料中所学到的知识到特殊的情况中。Reasoning 推理力Identifies rules, principles, or relationships that explain facts, data, or other information; analyzes information and makes correct inferences or draw

27、s accurate conclusions. 识别解释事实、资料、信息的标准、原理或关系;分析信息和获得确定的推理或提出精确的论据。Self-Esteem 自我评价力Believes in own self-worth; maintains a positive view of staff and displays a professional image. 相信自己的价值;树立公司一个正确的观点和展示专业设想Self-Management 自我管理能力Sets well-defined and realistic personal goals; displays a high level

28、of initiative, effort, and commitment towards completing assignments in a timely manner; works with minimal supervision; is motivated to achieve; demonstrates responsible behavior. 设立明确的、现实的个人目标;以恰当的方式展示高度的主动、努力和义务去完成工作;对最小限度的监督起作用;有目的性的完成;对行为有责任感。Strategic Thinking 战略思维能力Formulates effective strate

29、gies consistent with the business and competitive strategy of the organization in a global economy. Examines policy issues and strategic planning with a long-term perspective. Determines objectives and sets priorities; anticipates potential threats or opportunities. 阐明与商业相关的有效战略和全球经济中组织的竞争战略。用长远的眼光去评估政策观点和战略计划。制定目标设置优先级;预见潜在的危机和机会。Stress Tolerance 压力忍受力Deals calmly and effectively with high stress situations (for example, tight deadlines, hostile individuals, emergency situations, dangerou

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