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1、我们更需要的是要认识到养育孩子涉及到两个人的合作。有迹象表明,精神病学家、心理学家、社会工作者和家庭问题专家更加关注男人所扮演的角色,他们已觉得妇女不应该得到所有的赞誉也不应该承受所有的责备。我们已不再说妇女的职责就是呆在家里。反之,我们开始分析男人在家里的职责,并坚持认为他在家里确实有职责。而他们的职责与孩子的健康发展有很大关系。家庭是一个合作企业,因而很难为此制定规则,因为每个家庭需要用自己的方法来解决它自己的问题。 不管它披上什么样的外衣,过度的权力主义都会带来不愉快的结果,平等权利、平等责任的理想不仅与健全的民主政治有关,还与健康的家庭相关。难 句 解 析1. In a family

2、where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.【分析】多重复合句。In a family.extent 为状语,其中含有两个 where 引导的定语从句修饰 family,主语 notions of male superiority 放在句末,这样做是为了避免头重脚轻,使文章更流畅。

3、2. In such a home, the growing boy or girl learns to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the “battle of the sexes”.【分析】复合句。由两个并列关系的不定式共同作 learn 的宾语补足语,而这两个不定式中各自都有一个由than构成的比较结构,前一个

4、 than 引导倒装句,表示强调。其中 characterized by.sexes 是过去分词作后置定语,修饰 a world。3. There are signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credit nor all the blame.

5、在该句中前两个 that 引导的句子作 signs 的同位语,表示 signs 的内容,第三个 that 引导的从句作decide 的宾语。下面我们学习文中标红的高频词#高频词汇notion n. 概念,观念;意图,想法,(怪)念头【联想】有情绪 (emotion) ,意图 (notion) 是想通过自己的提议 (motion) 【词根】not(知道) ion(名词后缀)知道了有一定概念概念【搭配】have no notion of time 没有时间观念;have a sudden notion to leave 突然想离开【引申】同义idea n. 想法;概念belief n. 信念opi

6、nion n. 意见,看法thought n. 想法,见解view n. 看法,见解【阅读例句】White believes our notions of a more child-centred society should be challenged. 怀特认为,我们社会以孩子为中心的观点应该受到挑战。08.12 同义perspective* n. 想法,视角;景观;透视画法【联想】他很有悟性(perceptive),观点(perspective)独到【词根】per(贯穿) spect(看) ive 穿过看透视图【搭配】view an issue from a historical per

7、spective 用历史的观点看待问题;gain a perspective on the future 展望未来【阅读例句】Clearly, from the schools perspective, theres a lot of money to be saved. 很明显,站在学校角度,远程教育能节省不少钱。07.12cooperation n. 合作【词根】cooperat(e)(合作) + ion(名词后缀)【搭配】close cooperation between colleges 大学之间的紧密合作【活用例句】Your participation will contribute

8、 a lot to our future cooperation. 你们的参与将会极大地促进我们今后的合作。reverse vt. 撤销;使位置颠倒 vi. 反向,倒转 n. 对立面;反面 a. 反向的,相反的【联想】他创作了丰富多彩 (diverse) 与她相反的 (reverse) 诗歌(verse)【词根】re(=back) vers(turn 转) e 向后转移倒转【搭配】in reverse 反过来;与相反;reverse moral decline 扭转道德下降的局面;reverse a trend 彻底改变趋势【活用例句】She used to work for me, but

9、our situations are reversed now. 过去她为我工作,而现在我们的地位对调了。exchangen. 交换,交易;汇兑,兑换率 #09 vt. 调换,互换;交流【词根】ex change(变换)完全变换交换,互换【搭配】a fair exchange公平的交易;the rate of exchange汇率;exchange ideas with colleagues 与同事们交换意见【写作例句】Since China entered WTO, there has been a tremendous increase in foreign investments and

10、 cultural exchanges in the country.自从中国加入世贸组织以来,国内的外商投资出现了巨幅增长,对外文化交流活动也大大增加。partnership n. 合伙关系【词根】来自partner (伙伴) ship(关系)【活用例句】My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else.当我与别人建立了良好的合伙关系时,我的生意最兴旺发达。同根partner n. 配偶,搭档;伙伴,合伙人 vt. 做的搭档【搭配】be partnered for the da

11、nce 结成舞伴【听力例句】I think youd better find another partner. I love table tennis, but I dont think Im improving.我认为你最好另外找一个搭档。我喜欢乒乓球,但我认为我并没有进步。04.1credit n. 信任,荣誉【联想】她因编辑 (edit) 名书而得到主编的信任 (credit) 【词根】cred(相信) it 信任【搭配】be bare of credit 名誉不好,无信誉;be to sbs credit 为某人增光;get credit for. 因而得到好评;have the cr

12、edit of. 有的好名声【活用例句】If you pay your bills on time, your credit will be good. 如果你能按时支付账单,你的信誉将会维持得很好。analyze vt. 分析;细察,细查【词根】ana(分开) lyze(放)分开放分析【搭配】analyze the matches in detail 详细地分析了比赛;analyze problems 分析问题【阅读例句】When he came to analyze their embarrassing lapses (差错) in a scientific report, he was

13、surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings. 当他分析这些人的尴尬差错并将其写成一份科学报告时,他惊奇地发现几乎所有的差错都可以归入几类。03.6Irrelevant a. 不相关的【搭配】be irrelevant to 与不相关【引申】同根irrelevantly ad. 不恰当地,不合适地irrelevance n. 不重要,不相关irrelevancy n. 不恰当,离题;不相干的事物relevant a. 相关的【写作例句】Statistics show that the number of

14、graduates who take jobs irrelevant to their majors has been rising dramatically.数据显示,大学毕业生在从事与自己专业无关的工作的人数急剧上升。cooperative a. 有合作意向的,乐意合作的;合作的 n. 合作社,合作商店(等)【词根】co(一起)operat(操作)ive(的)一起来操作合作的【阅读例句】The classroom offers opportunities for children to replace angry, violent behaviors with cooperative, p

15、eaceful ones. 课堂给孩子们提供机会,用和平协作的行为来取代愤怒的暴力行为。consequence* n. 结果【联想】排名结果 (consequence)是分次序(sequence)的【词根】con(一起) sequ(跟随) ence 跟随其后结果【搭配】as a consequence 因而,结果;face the consequences of ones action 自食其果;in consequence 因此,结果;in consequence of. 的结果,因为的缘故【活用例句】She was found guilty, and lost her job in con

16、sequence (of it). 她被发现有罪,因而失去了工作。下面我们学习文中标黑的常用词#常用词汇role* n. 角色,任务【搭配】play an important role in. 在中起重要作用;play the role of sb (在剧中)扮演某人的角色【引申】同义part n. 角色mission n. 任务,使命【活用例句】It is important to maintain their leading role in world affairs. 保持他们在国际事务中的领导作用是很重要的。turn* v. 转动,扭转;(使)转向;(使)变化 n. 转动;(轮流的)顺

17、序,轮班【搭配】by turns 轮流地,交替地;take turns 依次,轮流;turn around 转变,(使)转好;turn away 回绝,把打发走;turn back (使)折回,(使)往回走;turn down (ones proposal) 拒绝(某人的求婚), 调低;turn in(weapons and ammunition) 交还,上交(枪支弹药);turn off (the light, oven) 关掉(灯,烤箱);turn on(the computer) 接通,打开(计算机);turn out(to be his cousin) 结果是(是他的堂弟),证明是;t

18、urn over (to police) 将移交(警方), 翻过来,翻倒;turn to (a friend)求助于(朋友), 查阅;turn up 开大,出现,来到【听力例句】He turned a failing newspaper into a success. 他使一家濒临倒闭的报社起死回生。equal* a. (to)相等的;平等的;胜任的#09 n. 同等的人,相等的数量 vt. 等于;比得上【搭配】be equal to 等于;other things being equal 作条件状语 在其他条件都相同的情况下【阅读例句】Communications technologies

19、are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. 在信息传达的真实性方面,各种通讯技术间差别极大。06.6 parallel n. 可相比拟的事物;平行线(面);纬线 a. 平行的;类似的;并列的 vt. 与相似,比得上【词根】para(半) llel平行面分成两半平行面【搭配】a parallel investigation同时进行的调查;in parallel with sth;sb与某物;人同时【阅读例句】While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, t

20、hey cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so. 无论我们多么喜欢,两者也不能同时运用,还是需要综合运用两者达到一个完美结果。07.6insist* vt. 坚持,坚决主张 vi. 坚持,强调【词根】in(里边) sist(站立)一直站在里边坚持【搭配】insist on the right to keep the baby 坚持抚养婴儿的权利【引申】同根insistence n. 坚持insistent a. 坚决的,坚持的|persist vi. 坚持,持续【活用例句】She insists

21、on discussing some details in another conference just when I was about to sign on the contract. 我正要在合同上签字时,她却坚持要再召开一次会议讨论一些细节问题。enterprise n. 事业,计划;事业心,进取心;企业(或事业)单位,公司【联想】enter(进)prise(奖赏)奖赏有进取心的人进取心【阅读例句】Rather, they see Frito-Lay as spreading the benefits of free enterprise across the world. 相反,他

22、们认为Frito-Lay是在把自由企业的利益传遍全球。 05.12Text 2 American Family ValuesAmericans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. The result is that the needs of each individual take priority in the life of the family. In contrast to that of many other cultu

23、res, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically, nor is it to bring honor to the family name. This is partly because the United States is not an aristocratic society. Family name and honor are less important than

24、in aristocratic societies, since equality of opportunity regardless of birth is considered a basic American value. Moreover, there is less emphasis on the family as an economic unit because the American family is rarely self-supporting. Relatively few families maintain self-supporting family farms or businesses for more than one generation. A farmers son, for example, is very likely to go on to colleg

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