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1、周学时:2 总学时:32 *2 学分: 4先修课程:英语写作,英语语法授课对象:英语(师范)专业本科三年级(5+6学期)三、课程简介本课程作为一门选修课程,向具备英语写作基础的学生介绍现代英语修辞学的研究内容、方法和主要修辞手段的运用;教学内容涉和词法、句法和段篇的修辞特色、组织安排和表达手段。教学目的是让学生了解英语语言较深层次的表达特点和规律,辨别英汉修辞技巧的异同,能够利用修辞知识分析英语读物,提高欣赏水平和语言修养,并恰当地使用修辞手段,提高语言交际效果。本课程对于高年级的英语语言文学专业的学生是不可或缺的学习领域和环节,它集理论性和实践性为一身,具备较高的实用价值,对于提升学生的专业


3、方法,英语修辞活动的层次;第二方面为不同句法的修辞特色,短篇组织安排,文章写作和修改;第三方面为一些专题研究内容以和常用修辞格。周次教学内容学习要点授课形式课后作业第一学期1-3Unit 1: Goals for studying rhetoric (1)Course planReasons for learning rhetoricRelation btw rhetoric & writing/grammarDefinition of rhetoricSuggestions on learning rhetoric讲课、讨论阅读课本,补充例子,完成章后和布置的作业。4-7Unit 2: Th

4、e three artistic criteria (1)Contents of modern rhetoricArtistic criteria: Logos, Pathos, EthosDeduction & Induction & SyllogismFallacies of Logos, Pathos, Ethos阅读课本,补充例子,完成章后和指定的作业。8-10Unit 3: The three levels of rhetorical operations(A): Selecting words and phrasesCommunicative rhetoric5 principle

5、s for choosing wordsSynchronic & Diachronic approachesSuggestions on ones command of vocabulary11-13 The three levels of rhetorical operations (B): Seeking sentence varietyImportance of seeking sentence varietyWays of varying sentencesVarying sentence lengthVarying sentence beginningsVarying sentenc

6、e structuresUse of loose & periodic sentences; paralleled sentences; cumulative sentences; anticlimactic sentences; rhetorical questions; elliptical sentences; inverted sentences; emphatic sentences, etc.阅读课本,补充例子,完成章后和指定的作业,操练写作。14Unit 5: The three levels of rhetorical operations (C): Writing a par

7、agraphComparison btw paragraph & essay: definition, feature, organizationRequirements for writing a paragraph & an essay阅读课本,完成章后和指定的作业,操练写作。15Unit 11: Unity and CoherenceDiscussion on assignmentUnity: definition; ways of creating unityCoherence: ways of creating coherence16Revision全学期课程内容要点讲课、讨论、答疑

8、第二学期1-2Unit 13: The Three Inartistic CriteriaComment on finalRevision of the previous units Organization of paragraphs & essays and arrangements of contents (induction & deduction)Functions of supporting sentences & paragraphs3 inartistic criteria: facts, examples, testimony3-4Unit 6: Meaning of wor

9、ds: A multifaceted notionGeneral idea of dictionImportance of word choiceCharacteristics of English vocabularyGeneral idea of word meaning: lexical & grammatical meaning3 categories of word meaning: referential & social & affective meaning5-6Unit 7: Denotation and ConnotationReasons for studying den

10、otation & connotationDefinition of denotation &Suggestions on how to know and use the denotation accuratelyAspects of connotation: negative & positive, etc.Suggestions on how to know about and use words connotatively7-8Unit 8: Generalization and SpecificationUsefulness of generalization & specificat

11、ionDefinitions of generalization &General & specific termsAdvantages of writing generally & specificallySome common practices of generalizationApproaches to writing specifically9-10Unit 9: Economy and ClarityImportance of economy2 criteria of economyRelationship btw clarity and & economyCauses of wo

12、rdinessApproaches to clarity11-12Unit 10: Accuracy and VaguenessImportance & Definition of accuracySuggestions on how to achieve accuracyInfluence on accuracy from grammarNature of vaguenessOccasions of using vaguenessSome rhetorical devices of vagueness: pun, hyperbole, understatement, euphemism13-

13、15Unit 12/15): The Literal Use and Figurative UseDefinition of literal & figurative meaningFunction of figurative useSome common figures of speech: simile, metaphor, personification, analogy, paradox, parody, etc.六、修读要求(满足对应课程标准的第3条)对学生的基本要求是“理解”和“创新”。即要求学生在理解教学内容的基础上,积极思考,拓展思维,避免使用课堂或教师已经使用过的例子,而是自


15、和拓展阅读:英语修辞与写作,黄任编著,上海外语教育出版社,1996年10月第一版;英语修辞大全,冯翠华著,外语教学与研究出版社,1995年12月第一版;实用英语修辞,吕煦著,清华大学出版社,2004年第一版。部分英文报纸、著名英文演讲、和著名文学作品。思考题:Unit 1:What is the difference btw writing and rhetoric? Give some examples.What is the difference btw rhetoric and grammar? Give some examples. Can you tell the differenc

16、e btw a correct and an effective sentence?Explain what rhetoric is as you understand it.How important, do you think, is it to learn rhetoric?Have you noticed any similar idioms that exist in both Chinese and English cultures? Give 1 or 2 examples (beyond the class examples).Find more examples to sho

17、w the differences btw Chinese and English in expression. (One or two about cultural differences, one or two about language expressions)Unit 2Which of deduction and induction is the approach of reasoning from a general idea to facts or from a set of facts to a particular idea? Explain each with examp

18、les.Do you find learning something about the patterns of syllogism helpful to you? Why?Think out more cases (beyond the class examples) indicating “Pathos” in practice.Think out more cases (beyond the class examples) indicating “Ethos” in practice.Unit 3Do you think it very important to pay attentio

19、n to word choice in ones writing?What is your advice for a command of English vocabulary?Find 1 or 2 pairs of synonyms and illustrate their meanings (with Chinese version if necessary) in both similar and different contexts and make theoretical comments.Find a short, common, preferably monosyllabic,

20、 English word and make sentences to show its multiplicity of meanings and functions and flexibility in usage (with Chinese version if necessary).Unit 4Comment on the sayings: “Variety breeds vividness” / “The joy of life is variety” in the sense of sentence variety. / What is the rhetorical purpose

21、of having sentence variety?What are the ways you know to achieve sentence variety? Choose one to explain in more detail with necessary examples.How is the loose sentence different from the periodic sentence? Is the cumulative sentence similar to the periodic sentence or to the loose sentence?What rh

22、etoric effects can an anticlimax sentence / a rhetorical question / the rhetoric device of repetition achieve? Explain with examples.Unit 5 & Unit 11Are a paragraph and an essay similar or different in some ways? How similar or different? How do you understand the statement that each paragraph or es

23、say must have a clear central thought?What should a writer bear in mind to achieve unity?How important is coherence in writing? How can coherence be achieved?Which of the four basic types of writing is used most frequently in your life?Unit 13What is the difference between artistic criteria and inar

24、tistic criteria as you understand?Do you find learning the three inartistic criteria useful to your writing or speaking?What do we need to pay attention to when using facts? Can you name as many aspects of facts as you can?Can you think of a topic for which you need to use examples for explanation?

25、What is the difference between examples and illustrations?What kinds of testimony are regarded as valid and reliable? Can you think of any other case of reluctant testimony?Which kind of testimony would you be most likely to use in your future graduation thesis writing? How can you properly use it?U

26、nit 6Cite some example sentences to show the three basic levels of word meaning (referential, social, affective meaning). Provide necessary explanation.What other things, apart from the 5 principles, should we pay attention to in the choice of words?What kind of words should you choose if you want t

27、o write in an informal, easygoing way?Unit 7How do you understand “shades of meaning”?Can you tell the difference btw denotation and connotation?How important do you think it is to understand connotation?Find examples (beyond class) of newly coined words or of words with new meanings. Explain their

28、denotation and connotation (if any).Unit 8What are the ways do you think to achieve specified / generalized writing?How can a writer summarize a large body of facts within a limited space? Explain when you have to write this way.Which do you find more difficult to do, to write generally or specifically?Unit 9How important is economy? Explain with ex

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