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1、听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What will the woman do first tomorrow morning?ADrive the man downtown BGo to the office CAttend a meeting2How does the man feel about the womans proposal?AWorried BInterested CDisappointed3What are the people probably doing there?ATaking photos of butterfli

2、es BWatching airplanes CFlying kites4What are the two speakers talking about?AFamilies BTravelling CHoliday plans5Which has the woman decided to buy?AA postcard of the city BA postcard of the forest CA postcard of the lake第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项

3、,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6 段材料,回答第6 和第7 两个小题。6Why is the woman so happy?ABecause of the mans invitationBBecause of the cabinCBecause of the good weather7What is the womans plan for the weekend?ATo spend time with three friendsBTo invite the man to th

4、e islandCTo visit Tinas parents听第7 段材料,回答第8 和第9 两个小题。8What is the mans purpose in calling?ATo book a flight ticketBTo change the departure timeCTo confirm his departure date 9Why wont the man leave on June 13th?AHe doesnt like the number 13BThere isnt any seat availableCIt is too early for him听第8 段材

5、料,回答第10 至第12 三个小题。10What does the man say about the party?AThe organizer was interestingBToo many people attendedCThe food was very rich11When did the man probably get home last Sunday?AAround 11:30 pm BAround 10:00 pm CAround 2:00 pm12What does the man probably want to do now?AWatch a football game

6、 BGo for a drink CGet some sleep听第9 段材料,回答第13 至第16 四个小题。13How did the man get the cat?AHe bought him from a pet storeBHe got him from his neighbourCHe found him on the street14How old was the man when the cat saved his life?A36 B35 C4015Where did the mans wife find him?AIn the bedroom BIn the bathro

7、om CIn the dining room16What can we know from the conversation?AThe man has heart troubleBThe cat woke the man upCThe woman doesnt like pets听第10 段材料,回答第17 至第20 四个小题。17When did the store promise to deliver the items to the speaker?AWithin a week BIn about ten days CIn about three weeks18What color cu

8、rtains did the speaker receive?ALight blue BLight green CDark purple19Which item was damaged?AThe table lamp BThe carpet CThe cushions20What happened in the end to the speaker?AHer complaint was ignoredBThe store sent her the correct orderCThe store picked up the wrong items第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(

9、共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIts interesting that technology often works as a servant for us, yet frequently we become a servant to it.E-mail is a useful tool but many feel controlled by this new tool. The average business person is getting about 80 e-mails pe

10、r day and many feel that about 80% of the messages in their “Inbox” are of little or no value. So, I have four suggestions to help you to become better at “Erasing E-mail”.1.Get off the lists. The best way to deal with a problem is to never have it. If you are receiving a lot of unwanted e-mails, as

11、k to be removed from the various lists. This would include your inclusion in unwanted lists.2.“Unlisted address”. Just as you keep an “unlisted” telephone number that you share only with those whom you want to have direct access to, you might want to get a separate e-mail address only for the import

12、ant communications you wish to receive.3.Check it once or twice per day. Many I speak with are becoming chained to their email server, monitoring incoming email continuously. Maybe this is because e-mail creates its own sense of urgency, but most of thecommunications are not all that urgent. I respo

13、nd to them a couple of times per day.4.Deal with it. As you open each e-mail, do one of the following:a. If it requires a quick response, respond to it and delete it.b. If it requires a response but is not the best use of your time, try to find someone else to do it.c. If it is going to take any ser

14、ious amount of time to respond, schedule it for action in your Day Planner andthen download the message, save it, or print it out for future action.I personally receive about 250 e-mails per day and by practicing the suggestions above, I can handle thatvolume in about an hour, taking advantage of th

15、is fantastic tool but not being controlled by it to make sure Imdoing more important tasks in my day.21. For the important communications, the writer suggests that you _.A. have a direct access for themB. have several e-mail servers for themC. get a separate e-mail address for themD. get an unlisted

16、 phone number for them22. To avoid being chained by the coming e-mails, what you can do is to _.A. respond urgent ones onlyB. reply to all of them at the same timeC. handle them a couple of times dailyD. keep replying to e-mails all day long23. To deal with an e-mail you get, you can do the followin

17、g EXCEPT _.A. responding right away if its urgentB. downloading every e-mail before you replyC. scheduling it for later reply if it takes much timeD. asking someone else to reply to it if its not at your convenienceBFor almost two months Dominic York, a 23-year-old hairdresser, wandered about hospit

18、als at night, wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor. Yesterday he proudly claimed in court that despite his complete lack of medical experience or qualifications, he had saved several peoples lives. He had even been allowed to assist a surgeon during an emergency operation on a patient

19、 who was about to die on something she had swallowed.“I watched one of those TV dramas about a hospital and suddenly I felt like playing one of the roles myself. So I put on a white jacket and a stethoscope(听诊器) and walked around one of the biggest hospitals in London. At first I just watched. Once

20、you learn how doctors talk to patients, nurses and other doctors, its easy to take peoplein,” he said. One of the patients he treated was Laura Kennan. She had been knocked down by a car and fainted. When she came into hospital, York was standing over her.“He looked very professional. He told me his

21、 name was Doctor Simon. Then he gave me some sort of injection,” she said. And then he suddenly cleared off when a nurse asked who he was. She didnt think there was anything wrong. “I would never have realized he was a fake if a policewoman hadnt showed me his photograph a week later. When the polic

22、ewoman told me who he really was, I could hardly believe my ears. Judge Raymond Adams told York that he was “shocked and horrified” that he got away with his cheating for so long, and then sentenced him to eighteen months in a special prison for criminals with mental disorders. “I can only hope that

23、 his will not lead to further problem. After all, you will have considerable opportunity to study the behavior of the psychiatrists(精神科医生) who will look after you while you are there. If you try to persuade people that you yourself are a psychiatrist after you are set free, I shall make sure that yo

24、u are given a much longer sentence,” Judge Adams warned York.24. York was proud of the fact that _A. a surgeon let him watch an operation B. he could perform some duties of a doctorC. he had cheated doctors for so long D. people thought he could become a real doctor25York learned how to behave like

25、a doctor by _A. watching other doctors work B. talking to doctors and nursesC. getting some training and experience D. observing doctors while he was a patient26Why was Laura Kennan in hospital?A. She had swallowed something and almost died B. She had to have an emergency operationC. She had been in

26、jured in a road accident D. She had lost consciousness while driving27The judges remark implied that York would be more severely punished if he _A. pretended to be a psychiatrist B. tried to get away from prisonC. was proud of what he had done D. studied the behavior of the psychiatristCHow I Turned

27、 to Be OptimisticI began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house,and mymother said that we might soon be leaving for America.We were on the bus then.I was crying,and some people onthe bus were turning around to look at me.I remember that I could not bear

28、 the thought of never hearing again theradio programs for school children to which I listened every morning.I do not remember myself crying for this reason again.In fact,I think I cried very little when I was sayinggoodbye to my friends and relatives.When we were leaving I thought about all the plac

29、es I was going to seethestrange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures.The country I was leaving never to comeback was hardly in my head then.The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism,but the idea did not come to me at once.For the first two years in New

30、York I was really losthaving to study in three schools as a result of family moves.I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried,and things became even more complex forme. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad,and saw no end to “thehard times”My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home.Iwrote letters,filled out forms,translated at interviews with immigration officers,took my grandparents to the doctorand translated there,and even discussed telephone

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