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1、10I am concerned about what I say because careless remarks (remark) are likely to hurt others feelings.选词填空(共10小题;depend on,apply for,owing to,by means of,team up with,get through,fed up with,regardless of,in terms of,keep up 1Mr. Brown sent an email to the manager, applying_for_a job in the company

2、.2In ancient times, many people depended_on horses for transportation.3I got_through the written papers but failed in the oral examination.4You can access to the bike by_means_of_scanning the QR code on it.5Owing_to the recent bad weather, the project is several weeks behind schedule.6In_terms_of qu

3、ality and service, the car is the best choice you can make.7In basketball games, if you want to succeed, you must learn to _team_up_with your teammates.8She is fed_up_with sharing a house with others; therefore, she is looking for her own flat.9Regardless_of the outcome, the players will be long rem

4、embered for their athletics spirit.10The surviving sailors managed to keep_up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat.补全或翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1当被问到他对教学工作的看法时,菲利普说他觉得很有趣并且很有意义。(连词分词)When_asked_for_his_views/opinions_about_his_teaching_job,_Philip said he found it very interesti

5、ng and rewarding.2初中时,我要是学习更刻苦一点就好了。(if only)If_only_I_had_studied_harder_at_junior_high_school.3有一位这么优秀的老师教我们英语,我们没费劲就学得很好。(with复合结构)With_such_an_excellent_teacher_teaching_us_English,_we had no trouble learning it well.4他生病了,那就是他这次考试不及格的原因。(why引导的表语从句)He was ill. That_is_why he failed to pass the

6、exam.5记忆总是和我们的情感联系在一起的。(associate)Memories_are_always_associated_with_our_feelings.二、阅读理解(满分25分)AI have seen Charlotte waiting for a bus many times.She is in her 80s.She is small and thin.She lives in a nursing home near my home.I have got to know her as I stop and give her a lift any time I see her

7、.Even if I am going in the opposite direction or I have just been out for a pint of milk, I still give her a lift.Charlotte looks elderly and weak but last time I gave her a lift she told me shed been on a helicopter ride, even showing photos to prove it! She had gone with her daughter and granddaug

8、hter and she looked as if she enjoyed the whole experience! I told her she was braver than I was! I also loved to do that in this technological age, and her family were considerate enough to print the photos out for Charlotte.I met her recently in Lisburn town center where we both live.She was sitti

9、ng on a bench with a few items of shopping.I asked her if I could give her a lift home, though she didnt recognize me, as I was out of context for her that is, I was not in my car.She explained she was going to visit the elderly in a nearby home.She thanked me for my offer but did not want to take m

10、e out of my way and was happy to take a bus as usual.I told her it was my pleasure and planned to meet her a few minutes later when I had picked up my shopping.Charlotte happily agreed.I picked her up and dropped her off at the home.She told me someone else usually brought her home.Charlotte might l

11、ook like a thin weak old lady in her 80s but I can see through that, shes young at heart, she can soar high into the sky and at the same time shes grounded enough to visit “the elderly” who may need a visit, company and a friendly face.When I grow up I want to be as young as Charlotte.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,

12、记叙了一位住在养老院里的名叫Charlotte的年过八旬的老妇人,虽然年纪很大,但是心态不老,敢坐直升机飞上天,也乐意偶尔去隔壁养老院送温暖。作者对Charlotte很是钦佩。21Why does the author mention the helicopter ride in Para.2?ATo show Charlottes passion for life.BTo praise Charlottes considerate family.CTo explain Charlottes interest in aircrafts.DTo prove Charlottes good phy

13、sical condition.解析:选A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“shes young at heart, she can soar high into the sky”可知,作者提及此事是为了突显Charlotte对生活的热爱。22What can we learn from Para.3?ACharlotte recognized me the moment she saw me.BThat day Charlotte took a bus to the nearby home.CIt was a habit for Charlotte to visit the elderly in

14、 the nearby home.DLater I drove over to pick Charlotte up and brought her back.选C细节理解题。由本段最后一句“She told me someone else usually brought her home.”可知,她去这家养老院看望老人并不是一时兴起,而是时常为之。23Which of the following is the best title for the passage?ATips on How to Grow OldBHappiness and Fun in the Old AgeCFriendsh

15、ip Formed on Car RidesDA Young Lady Called Charlotte选D标题归纳题。由最后一段的“When I grow up I want to be as young as Charlotte.”,以及倒数第二段的“shes young at heart”可知,“young”是作者想要反复强调的概念。另外,这篇文章中的Charlotte这个人物非常鲜明,是作者想要塑造的美好形象。故选D项。BThe Crowne Plaza Hotel in Copenhagen is offering a free meal to any guest who is ab

16、le to produce electricity for the hotel on an exercise bike linked to a generator (发电机)The idea is to get people fit and reduce their carbon footprint.Guests will have to produce at least 10 watt hours of electricity roughly 15 minutes of cycling for someone of average fitness.Guests staying in the

17、hotel will be given meal tickets worth $36 once they have produced 10 watt hours of electricity.The bicycles will have smartphones attached to the handlebars measuring how much power is being generated for the hotel.The plan, a worldfirst, will start on April 19 and run for a year.Only guests stayin

18、g at the hotel will be able to take part.Frederikke Toemmergaard, hotel spokeswoman, said, “Many of our visitors are business people who enjoy going to the gym.There might be people who will cycle just to get a free meal, but generally I dont think people will take advantage of our programme.”Copenh

19、agen has a longstanding cycling tradition and 36% of locals cycle to work each day, one of the highest percentages in the world, according to the website environmental website recently voted Copenhagen the worlds best city for cyclists.“Because Copenhagen is strongly connected

20、with cycling, we felt the bicycle would work well as a symbol of the hotels green profile (形象)”If successful, the electric bicycle meal programme will be spread to all Crowne Plaza hotels in the UK, the hotel said in a statement.本文是一篇说明文,介绍了皇冠假日酒店的低碳环保项目:为在宾馆居住并通过骑自行车给宾馆提供电能的顾客提供免费餐。24What is the ma

21、in purpose of the free meal programme?ATo promote the hotels green concept.BTo make the city known to the world.CTo attract people to the hotel restaurant.DTo get guests to stay longer at the hotel.根据第一段的第二句“The idea is to get people fit and reduce their carbon footprint.”可知,该项目旨在让人们健康生活,减少碳的排放量;据此可

22、以判断,该项目的目的是推广酒店的绿色环保观念,故A项正确。25How can a participant get a free meal?ABy becoming a professional cyclist.BBy cycling to produce some electricity.CBy linking a smartphone to a bicycle.DBy monitoring his or her carbon footprint.选B细节理解题。根据第一段的第三句“Guests will have to produce at least 10 watt hours of el

23、ectricity roughly 15 minutes of cycling for someone of average fitness.”可知,只有骑大约15分钟至少产生10瓦特电的顾客才可以获得免费餐,故B项正确。26Who are most likely to enter for the programme?AThe poor local people.BThe environment activists.CHealthconscious hotel guests.DVisitors fond of Copenhagen food.选C推理判断题。根据第二段的第二句“Only gue

24、sts staying at the hotel will be able to take part.”并结合第一段的“get people fit”可知,只有骑自行车发电的顾客才能参加该项目;据此可知,有健康意识的住在酒店内的顾客最可能参加该项目,故C项正确。27According to Paragraph 3, Copenhagen has one of the worlds _.Abest chain hotelsBgreenest natural environmentsClongest bike pathsDhighest rates of people cycling to wor

25、k选D细节理解题。根据第三段的“Copenhagen has a longstanding cycling tradition and 36% of locals cycle to work each day, one of the highest percentages in the world”可知,哥本哈根是世界上骑自行车上班的人数占总人数比重最高的国家,故D项正确。CDigital technology email and smartphones especially has vastly improved workers ability to be productive outsid

26、e of a traditional office.Even so, most whitecollar work still happens in an office.One reason is that, according to findings of a new survey (调查) of office workers conducted by Wakefield Research for the IT company Citrix, most bosses are doubtful about remote working.Half of the workers say their

27、boss doesnt accept it, and only 35 percent say its tolerated.Skeptical bosses will likely have their doubts reinforced (加深) by the same survey, which shows that 43 percent of workers say theyve watched TV or a movie while “working” remotely, while 35 percent have done housework, and 28 percent have

28、cooked dinner.It is true, however, that working at home makes people much more efficient (高效的), because it allows workers to take care of annoying housework while still getting their jobs done.Its much faster, for example, to shop for groceries at a quarter to three than to stand in line during the

29、afterwork rush.The fact that such practices remain officially unaccepted reflects how far we havent come as a society from the days when we expected every fulltime worker to be supported by a fulltime homemaker.More broadly the Wakefield survey suggests that employers may be missing a lowcost way to give workers something of value.Sixtyfour percent of those survey participants who havent worked remotely would rather give up some bo

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