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1、2. Where was the man born?A. In America. B. In Canada. C. In England.3. Which season is it now?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.4. When will the man get on a plane?A. At 8:00. B. At 8:15. C. At 8:30.5. Where does the woman want to go?A. Spain. B. Sweden. C. Switzerland.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中

2、所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What cant Janie understand?A. Her homework. B. Her history test. C. Her English paper.7. Who will the man help?A. His father. B. His sister. C. The woman.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Who read to the gir

3、ls?A. The woman. B. Only the man. C. The man and his wife.9. When did the girls start reading well?A. At five. B. At six. C. At seven.10. What does the man think the womans son should do now?A. Read a lot.B. Do whatever he likes.C. Learn from the mans daughters.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Whats wrong with

4、the man?A. He has got a cold again.B. He gets tired easily in winter.C. He has been seriously ill for a week.12. What may the man begin to try?A. Riding a bike.B. Going to the gym.C. Climbing the stairs. 13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Co-workers. B. Husband and wife.C.

5、 Doctor and patient.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What does the man want the woman to do?A. Help him with his research paper.B. Go on a business trip with him.C. Write a report for him.15. When would the man like the woman to be finished?A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Next Monday.16. Where will the woman go on T

6、hursday afternoon?A. To the library. B. To a meeting room. C. To a caf.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where is Las Vegas?A. In the desert. B. Near a forest. C. Close to New York.18. What is Las Vegas famous for?A. Swimming pools. B. Fashion. C. Card games.19. Which is popular with kids?A. Museums. B. Restaur

7、ants. C. Music clubs.20. What is the purpose of this introduction to Las Vegas?A. To teach visitors about playing cards.B. To get families to bring their children.C. To suggest different activities for visitors.二 单项选择 (5分)21、I dont like the way _ you speak to her. A. that B. which C. in that D. Wher

8、e22、We made up our _ to drive the enemy out of our homeland once they dared to land on this areaA. minds B. mind C. idea D. ideas 23、It is reported that the police have been sent to the forest _ the missing girl. A. in need of B. in search ofC. in charge of D. in danger of24、The army organized teams

9、 to dig out those _ were trapped and to bury the dead.A. that B. which C. who D. whom25、The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances_they saw in the Children Palace.A. what B. that C. which D. When三完形填空(20分)It was three in the afternoon. I was putting my baby to sleep _26_ the phon

10、e rang. It was a little girl asking for the Goldstein family. “_27_,” I said, “youve got the wrong number.”_28_ the phone didnt stop ringing. Each time it was the voice of a little girl. She was _29_ one call after another, each time asking for the Goldstein family. My baby wouldnt stop crying. I st

11、arted to become _30_. I left the phone off the hook(挂钩) for about an hour, _31_ that this would make her lose _32_. But hardly I put the phone back on the hook when she _33_ again. I started to cry. After about the tenth call I told her that if she called one more time I would call the _34_.At 6:30

12、pm, the phone rang for about the 25th time. I picked it up, but remained_35_, and I could hear the same voice of a girl. What kind of _36_ would allow her to do this all the afternoon! I _37_ to speak to her mother. To my _38_, she called her mother to the phone. I told the mother what her little gi

13、rl had been doing to me all the _39_. The mother assured(向保证) me that this was the _40_ phone call her daughter had made that day. “My daughters teacher gave all the girls in the class the phone number of their new teaching assistant. The entire class of 30 girls was told to call the new assistant t

14、o _41_ what time their class would be. The teacher must have given them the wrong number by mistake!”Until about 9:00 pm, the phone _42_ rang from time to time. Each time, it was a little girl wanting to know what time the class was! Some girls, even after hearing they had the wrong _43_, would anyw

15、ay ask if I knew the time! I would just _44_. It had turned into a joke now! I would never have thought that an entire _45_ of girls, all with the same voice, was calling me!26. A. while B. when C. until D. since27. A. Well B. Sorry C. Fine D. Pardon28. A. Then B. So C. But D. And29. A. making B. an

16、swering C. receiving D. sending30. A. hopeful B. interested C. excited D. angry31. A. obvious B. afraid C. certain D. hesitate32. A. hope B. balance C. confidence D. face33. A. slept B. called C. cried D. knocked34. A. school B. directors C. neighbors D. police35. A. happy B. noisy C. silent D. seri

17、ous36. A. operators B. parents C. teachers D. children37. A. refused B. stopped C. liked D. asked38. A. surprise B. disappointment C. joy D. satisfaction39. A. day B. night C. afternoon D. morning40. A. first B. last C. second D. third41. A. make B. have C. find D. see42. A. still B. regularly C. si

18、milarly D. just43. A. result B. information C. address D. number44. A. cry B. laugh C. complain D. argue45. A. group B. school C. family D. Class四阅读理解(40分) The months are familiar to everyone. Nearly any small child can rattle off the twelve months of the year. But how and why did the names come int

19、o being? Every months name tells a story. January is named after Janus, a Roman god described as having two faces, one looking forward and one looking back. As the god of doors, he had to watch out for friends and enemies coming from either direction. February is a form of februare, which was a Roma

20、n festival. On that day, people begged the gods for healthy children and enough crops in the next year. March is named after Mars, whom many people have read about as the god of wars. Few people realize that at first Mars was the god of springtime. Fighters would “take the winter off” from fighting,

21、 resting while the weather was too bad for the battle. In the spring-around what we now think of as March battles would start again. From this time line, Mars soon became more well known as the god of wars than of springtime. April is a mystery. Experts argue a lot about the origin of it. May is als

22、o named after a goddess, Maika. She was the goddess of plants, because plants often begin to have flowers in May. Not every month kept the same name over the years. The first name for July was Quintilis, “the fifth month”. August was at first called Sextilis, “the sixth month”. Likewise, September,

23、October, November, and December were the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth months. How did July and August get their new names? July was named after Julius Caesar, the first emperor of Rome, after he was killed in 66 BC. August was named after Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesars nephew.46. The underline

24、d phrase “rattle off” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”.A. shake until something drops offB. say something quickly from memoryC. get rid ofD. feel unhappy47. The writers main purpose in writing the passage is to _.A. explain how the months got their namesB. show why there are twelve months and not j

25、ust ten monthsC. show how important human activities are in deciding the names of the monthsD. suggest the new names for the twelve months48. According to the passage, Janus needed both of his faces because _.A. he was the caretaker of fighters in the battleB. he was the god of the beginning of the

26、yearC. he had to look in both directions as the god of doorsD. he had more days in his month than in the other months49. According to the passage, which of the following months is named after a festival?A. February. B. March. C. April. D. May. B Maliyuwa, a nearby village. They lived with the mans b

27、ig familyhis parents his brothers, their wives and children. The family kept an elephant, in which the young woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar. Three months later the woman went back to her parents home, having quarrelled with her husband. Soon the elephant

28、refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heartbroken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house. It went to the womans home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved (感动) by the act of the animal that she

29、returned to her husbands home.50. The writer wrote the story in order to . A. show that elephants are very clever B. tell how a woman trained a wild animal C. show that women care more for animals than men do D. tell how an animal reunited a husband and wife51. The woman left her new home . A. to vi

30、sit her own parents in Maliyuwa B. to see if the elephant would follow her C. because she was angry with her husband D. because she was tired of the large family 52. After the young woman left her husbands home, the elephant . A. returned to the forest B. was sad because it missed her C. went to look for a new home D. was sick because nobody fed it 53. The young wife went back to her husband because . A. she knew he had sent the animal to her B. the elephant had come

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