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1、答案是B1. When does the library close? AAt 5:45 p.m. BAt 5:50 a.m. CAt 5:50 p.m.2. Whats wrong with the womans pen? A. Its lost. B. Its broken. C. Its old.3. What are the two speakers talking about? A. The coming exam. B. The results of their exam. C. The former swimming exam.4. How many letters will t

2、he woman get? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.5. What are the speakers discussing? A. A concert. B. A sports game. C. A movie. 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the probable relationship between th

3、e two speakers? A. Driver and policeman. B. Taxi driver and passenger. C. Driving instructor and learner.7. What should the woman do first? AStart the car. BPut the seat belt on. CLook around听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. When is Jenny going to Nanjing? ANext Tuesday. B. Next Friday. C. Next Thursday.9. When d

4、oes Jennys plane leave? A. At 8:00. B. At 7:45. C. At 8:15.10. Where is the man going for his holiday? A. Wuhan. B. Shenzhen. C. Guangzhou.11. Where are they talking? A. In a book store. B. In a clothing store. C. In a shoe shop.12. What color would the man like? A. Dark green. B. Dark grey. C. Gree

5、n. 13. What is the suit made of ? A. Silk. B. Wool. C. Cloth.听第 9段材料,回答第 14至第 16题。 14. Who is Green? A. The womans student. B. The mans teacher. C. The woman 15. What does the woman think of the talk? A. Interesting. B. Important. C. Humorous.16. What will they talk about next? AGreen Lake College.

6、BIndian literature. C. Cultural differences.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17. What day is it today? AFriday. BSaturday. CSunday.18. How will the weather be this Sunday? AWindy and cloudy. BCloudy and rainy. CFine and cloudy.19. What will the highest temperature be on Tuesday? A22 B23 C24.20. Where is the text

7、probably taken from AA radio program. BA TV weather report. CA newspaper.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A After fighting cancer for 13 years, my grandfather became ill enough to be admitted to hospital. One morning, he was having trouble bre

8、athing, but continued to silently hold my hand. I kept forgetting his special request that grandpa wanted me to fetch a New Year card that my late grandmother had given him on their last anniversary together. He used the card as a bookmark in his Bible.I just knew that I had to fetch his much-loved

9、and much-requested gift. Leaving my grandpa at his bedside, I rushed home. Jumping back into my car with the card in my hand, was depressed when the car wouldnt start. I quickly ran to the nearest bus stop. As I waited there, out of breath, I looked in my purse only to find a $20 note and 50 cents i

10、n change. A short while later, a bus appeared. I quickly got on and offered the driver the $20 note To my amazement, he told me that he had no change and that I had to get off and wait for the next bus. I was horrified. A few minutes later, another bus came.Hey, where do you want to go? asked anothe

11、r driver . I told him the hospital and about my lack of change. Although he was going to completely different destination, he shouted, Hop aboard- - -lets see what we can do. In exchange for my $20 note, he offered me two fives and a ten. Next, he picked up his phone and made a call. Just as we pass

12、ed the corner, I could see the previous bus that I had tried to board waiting for me, at the next stop. My kind driver told me, to hop out and catch the, bus in front. After less than 20 minutes, I was back at the hospital. By then, grandpa was pale and blue. When I handed him the card, he laughed a

13、nd cried. As he looked at it, I knew I had done the right thing in getting it for him. It was like telling grandma that he was coming. 21. Grandfather valued the New Year card because_. A. it was a gift from his wife in memory of their marriage B. he often used it as a bookmark in his Bible C. he pl

14、anned to send the card to his loved wife D. there were requirements from his wife on the card22. We can infer from the passage that the second driver_. A. would go by the hospital B. knew how important the card was to a patient C. was a person willing to help chose in need D. would specially send th

15、e author to the hospital23. The passage is mainly about_. A. the relationship between grandparents B. the kindness from bus drivers C. the last moment in grandpas lifeD. the action to satisfy grandpas requestB The 16th Annual Our Own Words Teen Poetry & Fiction Writing ContestAttention, teen writers

16、!Win cash, get published.Entries will be accepted between March 8th and April 21st, Awards ceremony at Lagerquist Hall , Pacific Lutheran University on December 27th, Winning poems and stories will be published as written. Contest winners will read their work at the awards ceremony at Lagerquist Hal

17、l, Pacific Lutheran University on December 27th, Your poems and stories will be judged on the basis of originality, style, general presentation, grammar and spelling. All entries will belong to Pierce Country Library System and will not be returned. Winners names may appear in newspapers and on the

18、Librarys Website. You may enter both the short story and poetry categories, but you can only offer one entry per category.24. To enter the contest, you should A. hand in a poem B . be a teenage student from Pierce County C. turn in published works D. pay some entry fees25. Your poem or story will be

19、 judged on_. A. how many words there are B. when you hand it in C. whether it is first written by yourself D. what topic it is about.26. What information can we get from the passage? A. There will be 18 teenagers to be awarded in all. B. Your work will be published in newspapers. C. Your work will b

20、e returned to you if you fail. D. Winners will be awarded prizes in more than half a year.27. The passage can be classified as_. A. a contest announcement B. an official report C. an art show review D. an exhibition explanationC One evening, a man was on his way home when he saw a woman come by, hau

21、ling a cart full of flowers. The smell of her flowers perfumed the air with sweetness so easily that it seemed to lift his spirits. He had never experienced such wonder from the flowers of his own garden. How much must I pay for your wonderful flowers? he asked. Take what you wish for. What return m

22、ust I make for them? he asked again. Your gratitude is enough. She said. So he filled his arms with flowers and hurried joyfully home. His wife and children also liked the remarkable flowers, for they, too, discovered that the sight of them was a delight and the smell of them refreshed the soul. In

23、order not to lose his treasure. the man planted the flowers in his garden. Sunlight and water kept them amazingly beautiful and they still performed their powerful magic. When his children came to play in the yard, the man cautioned them against carelessness and wild play in case they damage the flo

24、wers. But the flowers remained hardy and strong as long as there are enough sun and moisture to nourish them. As the family grew and more children came to play in the garden, the man was even more concerned about his remarkable flowers. He even built a high wall to protect them with the utmost care.

25、 Unfortunately, this began to cause consternation among the family members. If the children caused their father stress, he would refuse them access to the flowers. Later, he set up rules as to who could enter the garden and what they must do while they were there. He also established offices to dete

26、rmine accessibility. Eventually, it became necessary to have lawyers to defend, judges to weigh, guards to safeguard. The mans family, however, saw less and less of the flowers and experienced less and less of their magical power. In the meantime, many of them went out in search of the flower lady.

27、Well, she was still out there, still giving away her amazing flowers.28. The family found that the smell of the flowers could_. A. remove their spirits B. make them energetic C. bring them what they want D. make them smell sweet29. In order to protect the flowers, the man_. A. asked the policemen to

28、 help him take care of the garden B. built a high building to keep the children away from the garden C. set up offices to decide, who can get close to the flowers D. employed lawyers, judges and guards to protect the flowers30. What can we learn from the underlined sentence? A. The man began to prev

29、ent the, family members coming into his garden. B. The man asked the family members to enjoy his flowers but no one wanted to. C. What the man did made the family members less interested in flowers. D. What the man did made the family members panic.31. What lesson can we get from the fathers behavio

30、r? A. To give is more fruitful than to get. B. Shared beauty is real beauty. C. A problem shared is a problem halved.D. Many hands make light work.D When an ice cube melts, it creates a puddle (水坑). When an ice sheet (冰盖)melts, it raises sea levels. It sounds simple, but scientists have debated for decades whether both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets actually were shrinkin

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