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1、2.00Distribution LIST 分发记录Copy No.Holders Name & Role 持有者和角色Issue Date 分发日期12Project Manager3Team members4Customer Representative5OthersCatalog目 录1 1 Introduction 简介7.1 1.1Purpose 目的.2 1.2Scope 范围.3 1.3References 参考资料2 2Resource Summary资源概述3 3Project specific software Processes 项目特定的软件过程84 4 Project

2、 Scope项目范围5 5 Deliverables交付件.4 5.1 Customer Deliverables给客户的交付件.5 5.2 Internal Deliverables内部交付件6 6 Organization and Responsibilities组织和职责7 7 Estimated Size /Effort/schedule规模/工作量/进度的估计10.6 7.1Estimated size估计的规模.7 7.2Estimated effort估计的工作量.8 7.3Estimated schedule估计的进度118 8 Project resource require

3、d 项目所需资源.9 8.1Equipment Requirement 设备需求.10 8.2Software tools 软件工具.11 8.3Documents 文档资料12.12 8.4Customer Supplied Products 需要客户提供的产品.13 8.5Staffing 人员需求.14 8.6Travel 差旅9 9 Project Schedule 项目进度1310 10 Work Products工作产品11 11 Outsourced Task外包任务14.15 11.1 Subcontractor Profile子承包商资料.16 11.2 Scope of t

4、he Outsourced task 外包任务的范围.17 11.3 Milestone, Receivables & Deliverables 里程碑、交付件12 12 Acceptance Criteria验收标准13 13 Quality Plan 质量计划15.18 13.1 Process Deviation 过程偏差.19 13.2 Quality Goal质量目标.20 13.3 Plan to achieve the Quality Targets & Contingency达到质量目标的计划及应急措施16.1 13.3.1 Plan to achieve the Qualit

5、y Targets达成质量目标的计划.2 13.3.2Contingency Plan应急计划17.21 13.4 Quality Assurance Activities 质量保证活动.22 13.5 Quality Control Activities 质量控制活动1814 14 Defect Prevention 缺陷预防 .23 14.1 Defect Prevention Plan 缺陷预防计划15 15 Project Control 项目控制19.24 15.1 Project Reports 项目报告.25 15.2 Project Team Meeting 项目组会议16 1

6、6 Reuse Component Management 重用构件管理20.26 16.1 Existing components 现有构件.27 16.2 New components 新增构件17 17 Configuration Management 配置管理18 18 Criteria for updating Project plan 项目计划的修订19 19 Assumptions 假定2120 20Dependencies 依赖关系21 21 Issues问题2222 22 Customer involvement客户的参与23 23 Risk Management风险管理24

7、24 Training 培训Table of contents for the table表目录Table 1 XX 表1 XX6Table of contents for the figure图目录Figure 1 XX 图 1 XXKeywords 关键词:Abstract 摘 要:List of abbreviations 缩略语清单:Acronym术语Definition定义SOWStatement Of Work 工作任务书QAQuality Assurance Engineer QARATRisk Analysis Tool风险分析工具1 Introduction 简介1.1 Pu

8、rpose 目的This section should state the purpose of the document. It could also specify the intended audience. 这部分要描述文档的目的,应该指明读者。1.2 Scope 范围 Describe the scope of the this Project Plan . Identify the various items this document addresses. This document addresses本文档解决以下问题:The project planning activiti

9、es to be done and its objective项目的计划完成的活动及其目标The quality plan adopted for the project项目采用的质量计划Deliverables of the project项目的交付件Roles and responsibilities of people involved所有相关的角色和职责Schedule of the project项目进度Configuration Management for the project项目的配置管理Risk Management for the project项目的风险管理1.3 Re

10、ferences 参考资料Doc ID参考资料编号Name of the referred document 参考资料名称1 Resource Summary资源概述Total Estimated Effort (in person days)估计的总工作量Proposal Cost (if available)建议成本(如果可以提出)Proposed Project Start Date建议项目起始时间Development Completion Date开发结束时间Support Completion Date (if applicable)支持结束时间(如果有)Remarks, if a

11、ny.说明1 Project specific software Processes 项目特定的软件过程The project shall conform to the Life Cycle Model and the Processes defined in the Process Handbook, 项目应该与生命周期模型和过程手册中定义的过程保持一致。2 Project Scope项目范围 The projects purpose, scope, goals, and objectives. 项目的目的、范围、目标。3 Deliverables交付件3.1 Customer Delive

12、rables给客户的交付件 List down all the external deliverables i.e. deliverables to the customer as per the SOW/Allocated Requirements. 罗列所有对外的交付件,如在工作任务书或分配需求中要求的交付件3.2 Internal Deliverables内部交付件 List down all the Internal Deliverables, i.e. deliverables which are not necessary a delivered to the customer,

13、but produced during the project life cycle 罗列所有的内部交付件,如不必要给客户,但是在生命周期内产生的。4 Organization and Responsibilities组织和职责The table below identifies the roles and the name involved in the project. 下表定义了项目组涉及到的角色和名称。The Project Manager before the start of the review will identify reviewers for all documents

14、and code. 在review之前PM需指定所有文档和代码的reviewers。For the responsibility of these roles, please refer to the Org. Manual of Huawei.这些角色的职责,请参考华为的组织手册The below table shall be revisited at least at the end of every Phase/Stage.在每个阶段结束时要检查下表的内容。The changes to the team organization in-between the phase will be

15、communicated to all concerned by the Project Manager through mail and later updated in the Project Plan at every phase.在阶段之间如果对项目组的结构进行了改变,由PM通过mail通知所有相关人员,并在以后每个阶段的项目计划中更新。Sl. No.Role角色Name姓名Reporting To向谁报告Backup resource备份资源Customer Representative客户代表NAPDT R&D RepresentativePDT开发代表Project Manage

16、rPMMetrics Coordinator 度量协调员Test Coordinator 测试协调员Risk Officer 风险管理员Project Consultant(s)项目顾问9Configuration Librarian配置管理员Team Members项目组成员Change Control Board变更控制委员会(CCB)D RepresentativePDT开发代表PMQA.Technical Reviewers, if available技术reviewersAffected groups相关小组1 Estimated Size /Effort/schedule规模/工作

17、量/进度的估计1.1 Estimated size估计的规模No. of estimationEstimated size in KLOC(NBNC)Initial estimationRe-estimation1Re-estimation2Re-estimation31.1 Estimated effort估计的工作量 TaskDistribution(%)PPL项目计划SRS需求规格STP系统测试计划UM用户手册HLD概要设计ITP集成测试计划LLD详细设计UTP单元测试计划CODE编码UT单元测试IT集成测试ST系统测试TRG培训PM项目管理QA质量保证CM配置管理IGC组间协调TOTA

18、L合计1.1 Estimated schedule估计的进度 PhaseStart DateEnd DatePLANSRSHLDLLDCODINGUTITST1 Project resource required 项目所需资源1.1 Equipment Requirement 设备需求 List down the hardware requirements for the project e.g. specific hardware platform, test equipment, which is considered as critical computer resource etc.,

19、 罗列项目开发需要的硬件资源,如特殊的硬件平台、测试设备等。标准的办公硬件不必在这里列。Sl.No.Qty.数量起始日期结束日期Remarks说明1.1 Software tools 软件工具 List down the software required for the project e.g. Linux, Clearcase license, etc., 列出项目需要的软件或软件license,例如Linux、Clearcase license等。标准的办公软件不必在这里列。Description描述Remarks说明 Mention the software details, incl

20、uding versions etc., 软件描述,包括版本等1.1 Documents 文档资料 List down the documents, books, and papers to be purchased for the project罗列项目需要的文档资料、书籍、论文等Start dateEst. Cost估计成本1.1 Customer Supplied Products 需要客户提供的产品 List down any existing customer supplied products required for the development, integration or

21、 testing of the project罗列开发、集成、测试中需要用户提供的产品End date1.1 Staffing 人员需求 List down the human resource requirement with required skills for the project 罗列项目需要的人力资源及技能要求Designation资源名称Number人数Required skill技能要求Remark1.1 Travel 差旅Travel Description差旅描述Number次数Expected Date预计时间 List down the software hardware requirements for the project e.g. computer etc. 罗列项目开发需要的软硬件资源,如计算机等Qty.数量1 Project Schedule 项目进度Major milestones of the project is listed below:将项目的主要里程碑列在下表中:Phase阶段Estimate Start date 估计开始日期Estimate finish date估计结束日期Responsibility责任人 SRS Phase软件需求阶段yyyy-mm

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