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1、lpeals of laughter rang through the auditorium :dt:rim观众席. The missing cattle 牛,畜生ktl are discovered in the annual roundup. randp 综述,摘要;搜捕,围捕The cowboy worked all night to gather the cattle that had straggled behind the rest of the herd. h:d 兽群,牧群,放牧人He was suspected of having ulteriorltri(r)隐秘的不可告人

2、的 motives for making his generous offer, but in fact his offer was from the bottom of his heart.The old Chippendale tipndeil齐本德尔式家具 chair was sold at a good price at the auction. :kn 拍卖,竞卖The old man is famous for super calligraphy. klrfi美术字书法Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic af

3、ter her accident.Please get some cucumbers kju:kmbz in the vegetable section; Ill make pickles. pklz 腌菜,处于麻烦的境地Her grandfather is 90 years old, and every mealtime she has to prepare gruelgru:l 燕麦粥for him by boiling oatmeal tmi:l in water.She hustled hsl催促,乱推off her children to school and started wor

4、king.Every year the army and the navy hold maneuvers mnu:vz谋虑,策略for practice.She maneuvered腾挪her car into a narrow parking space with ease.He was in a terrible plight plat 困境,誓约, trapped 陷入困境trpt at the back of the cave.I came to the meeting to scoff skf嘲笑,愚弄,but the speaker persuaded劝说使相信prswed me.

5、She was stunned stn使昏厥,使目瞪口呆 by the news of her mothers death.A vulture秃鹰,贪婪的人 vlt(r) usually lives on the fleshfl of dead animals.After his store burned, the storekeeper became a bankrupt.破产者It suddenly began to shower, and we took refuge refju:d 避难in the cavern. kvrn 大山洞Chrysanthemumkrsnmm菊花 usual

6、ly blooms blu:m in fall and shows great varieties in the size and color of its flower.The inhabitants of the port are occupied mainly with fishery.港口的居民主要从事渔业。In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture in pieces.She tried to ingratiate ngreiet讨好谄媚herself with the teacher by offering some

7、 precious gifts.The reason why we lost the war was not just because of a shortage of munitions.弹药军火军需品 mjunnz。The wretched不幸可怜的,讨厌的 slavessleivz prostratedprstretid 使匍匐,使拜倒 themselves before their master. slevri Slavery农奴制The campfire kmpfa(r)篝火 smoldered smld熏烧,慢燃,文火 for several hours after the bla

8、zeblez火焰died down.The hail hel 冰雹beat a loud刺眼的招摇的tatoo纹身,痕迹 on the windowpanewndpen 玻璃窗.In a democratic demkrtk system it is the people that wield wi:ld 使用运用施加支配the power.In his letter he alludedlu:did 提及,暗指me to a matter which I had completely forgotten.A chisel tzl凿子 and a hammer are indispensabl

9、e 不可缺少的tools for a sculptor. sklpt(r) 雕刻家Mal crickets krikit 蟋蟀板球make a chirping t:p鸟鸣虫鸣 noise by rubbing their front wings together.As we stepped into the bush, birds flittedflitid轻快掠过 from tree to tree.It was rather high-handed 高压的横暴的ha hndd to punish the child for the accident.The child lagged be

10、hind others because he was very tired.You naughty boy! I told you not to play on the road.We used to hear the rattle rtl咯咯当当声 of the milk bottles in the early morning.Soot is caused by incomplete burning and makes smoke dark.The Ohio River is one of the tributaries trbjteri:z 支流of the Mississippi Ri

11、ver.The workmen mended the road, but a heavy storm undid their work.松开解开毁坏The children began to undo the string round the parcel p:sl to see what was in it.The rider belabored blebd 责骂,毒打his tired horse with a stick.After dinner they walked around the circumferenceskmfrns 四周周围,胸围 of the lake.In case

12、 of failure of direct descendants, the throne devolves移交转交 dvlvzupon the nearest prince.Dont fret fret 烦躁烦恼too much, everything will be all right.The wild geese gi:s 大雁复数 honked h:kt 鸣叫按喇叭high in the autumn sky.The government decided to levy 征兵,征税levia tax on tobacco, it had been free from tax.The n

13、ew rule overrides推翻无视践踏 vrad all the previous ones.The scattered sktd 分散的稀疏的soldiers were rallied in the vale vel谷,沟 for the next attack.Many people sprawled伸开四肢,蔓延拓展 spr:ld on the beach in their bathing suits. be bathe沐浴The old man trudgedtrd跋涉 through the deep snow back towards home.The soldiers l

14、ay in ambushmb 埋伏,伏击点, waiting for the signalsgnl to open fire.The major ambushed his troops in the woods on both sides of the road.主要把部队埋伏在道路两边的树林里。He is always bragging br自夸吹嘘about what he can do with a car.Be sure that you cleanse klenz 净化,清洁 the wound before bandaging it.The professor will deliv

15、er a discourse dsk:s 论述,正式交谈on the poeticpetk style of John Keats.In World War II the general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole.fkshl避弹坑,掩体The inflammation nflmen 炎症,燃烧of his knee made it difficult for him to walk.The huge stone is so heavy that we cannot move it without a lever.In ari

16、thmetic we use the Arabic rbk notation (1,2,3, and so on) or sometimes the Roman notation (I, II, III, and so on)A large ransom rnsm赎金 was asked for the safe return of the child.He sopped spt浸透湿透 a piece of bread in milk; it was too crisp krsp 干冷的易碎的to eat.His cheek tingledtild刺痛 from the slap slp s

17、he had given him.A large percentage of the budget is for armaments.:mmnts 军备,武器装备On Sunday she gets up late in the morning and has a brunch brnt 早午餐around 10:30.His coffin kfn 棺材 was laid to rest in a deep grave.The mother envisionednvn想象预见 her little girl as a prima pri:m第一的ballerina.blri:n 芭蕾舞女演员T

18、he gangster who had taken part in the robbery was arrested by the police.The ink had faded so that many words were illegible. ledbl难以辨认的,字迹模糊的The rebellion 造反rbeljn was started by some malcontents不满意的人 who had been dissatisfied with the policy.We will take a rest in the pavilion until the game start

19、s.The prisoners escaped out of the jail under the shroud of night. rad 覆盖物,寿衣The room soon filled with the water spurting sp:t 喷出from the broken pipe.He put varnish v:n 清漆,虚饰,外表on the tabletop桌面 tebltp to protect it, but somebody has scratched it.Many old balladsbldz民歌民谣 are sung to new words.The bu

20、tt bt烟蒂,一端 of pipe stuck out 突出from the wall where the sink sk 洗涤槽had been removed.The goat butted 用头撞the boy and knocked him down.You will have to call the consul knsl领事,公使 before your passport is expired.ikspaid Memories of happier days were enshrined珍藏铭记迷藏vtnran in the old mans heart.He gobbledgb

21、ld 狼吞虎咽地吃the ice cream so fast that he got a headache.We had to listen to a long haranguehrv高谈阔论 about our own shortcomings.He spent the whole afternoon mowing m 割the grass in the back yard.In the Middle Ages, many people used to go as pilgrims plrmz 香客朝圣者to Jerusalem dru:slm 耶路撒冷and to other holy p

22、laces in Europe.The formers sheared d剪羊毛the wool from the sheep.He strangled her to death by a cordk:d 绳子 put around her neck.The kernelk:nl 核心要点谷粒 of the walnutw:lnt胡桃木 is eaten by itself or used in cakes or cookies.Beaversbi:vz海狸 are noted for their skill sl in building dams across streams.The cav

23、alrykvlri 骑兵队装甲队 is many superiors in mobilitymblti流动性机动性 to the infantry. nfntri 步兵部队The floor creakedkri:k 发出格叽格叽声 as he stepped on a loose board.b:d甲板The fir f: 冷杉枞木remains green all year and its needles are distributed散布,分开 evenly around the branch.During the heavy storm, airplanes should be kep

24、t in the hangar 飞机库.h(r) The kernel 核心of the argument is who discovered the islands first.What seems to be a cold often turns out to be the beginning of measles.mi:zlz 麻疹With a huge puff pf一阵 the balloon blu:n气球热气球 was blown 吹响炸开up and then suddenly burst.Sleetsli:t 雨夹雪冰雹 forms when rain falls throu

25、gh a layer of cold air.A woman, after marriage, usually drops her surname and takes that of her husband.Woman often wears wigswiz假发,头套 over their real hair for beauty of fashion.Bleached发白的,漂白的 bones lay on the hot sands of the desert. Bleacher漂白剂Chariotstri:ts 战车 were used in ancient times for figh

26、ting, racing, and in processions.prsenz 队伍行列He has been crippled since he broke his leg. Now he cant walk without a pair of crutches.krtiz 拐杖,支持物She flirted fl:tid 调情with many men but loved only one.They were very pleased to see some gulls 鸥鸟lz flying in the sky, full of hope that they would soon ge

27、t ashore.:(r) 上岸登陆When I bought a new car, a kit of tools came with it.The hungry children did not leave a morselof food on their plates m:sl 小块,碎屑,少量 The strange mechanical device dvas is the prototype prttap 原型,蓝本 of modern cars.They set a snaresne(r) 陷阱诱惑 for rabbits on the hill, but unfortunatel

28、y a wild cat was caught by it.When you squeeze the trigger, a round or rounds of弹药军火 ammunition are fired. skwi:z 挤,榨,压迫When the burglar tripped the wire it triggered an alarm.The weir wr坝堰 across the river stops or controls the flow of the river above it.The students have access to the library only in the afternoon.Last year we

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